Robert Dekle

Professor of Economics
Robert Dekle
Email Office KAP 324E Office Phone (213) 740-3528

Research & Practice Areas

International Finance, Open Economy and Development, The Economies of Japan and East Asia


  • Ph.D. Economics, Yale University, 1/1988
  • B.A. Economics, University of California, Berkeley, 1/1981
  • Tenure Track Appointments

    • Professor of Economics, University of Southern California, 04/01/2004 –
    • Associate Professor of Economics, University of Southern California, 07/01/2000 – 03/01/2004
    • Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Southern California, 09/01/1998 – 06/01/2000
    • Shimomura Fellow, The Japan Development Bank, Tokyo, 01/01/1999
    • Staff Economist, Japan, Korea, and Indonesia, Asia and Pacific Department, International Monetary Fund, 09/01/1995 – 08/01/1998
    • Visiting Scholar, Federal Reserve Board of Governors, 01/01/1994 – 01/01/1995
    • Visiting Scholar, Department of Economics, University of Indonesia, 01/01/1994
    • Visiting Scholar, Department of Economics, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, 01/01/1993
    • Consultant, U.S.-Japan Foundation, 01/01/1993
    • Consultant, East Asian Miracle Project, World Bank, 01/01/1992 – 01/01/1993
    • Visiting Scholar, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 01/01/1989
    • Assistant Professor of Economics and International Relations, Boston University, 01/01/1988 – 01/01/1994
    • Post-Doctoral Fellow, Harvard University, Center for International Affairs, 01/01/1987 – 01/01/1988
    • Visiting Scholar, Institute for Fiscal and Monetary Policy, Japanese Ministry of Finance, 01/01/1985 – 01/01/1986
  • Summary Statement of Research Interests

    Professor Dekle studies international finance, open-economy and development, macroeconomics and the economies of Japan and East Asia.

    Research Keywords


    Research Specialties

    International Finance, Open Economy and Development, The Economies of Japan and East Asia

  • Book

    • Dekle, R. (2005). Understanding Japanese Saving: Does Population Aging Matter?. Routledge-Curzon.

    Book Chapters

    • Dekle, R., Fukao, K. (2011). The Japan-U.S. Exchange Rate, Productivity, and the Competitiveness of Japanese Industries”. Japan’s Bubble, Deflation, and Long-term Stagnatio MIT Press.
    • Dekle, R., Fukao, K. (2009). Japan’s Bubble, Deflation, and Long-term Stagnation. MIT Press.
    • Dekle, R. (2004). Exchange Rate Passthrough to Export Prices. (Vol. 6) Exchange Rate Regimes in East Asia/Routledge.

    Journal Article

    • Dekle, R., Vandenbroucke, G. (2012). A Quantitative Analysis of China’s Structural Transformation. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. (January 2012)
    • Dekle, R., Vandenbroucke, G. (2010). Whither Chinese Growth?. Review of Development Economics.
    • Dekle, R., Chakraborty, S. (2009). Global Imbalances, Productivity Differentials, and Financial Integration. IMF Staff Papers.
    • Dekle, R., Chakraborty, S. (2009). Can International Productivity Differences Explain U.S. Current Account Deficits?. Review of International Economics.
    • Dekle, R., Eaton, J., Kortum, S. (2009). Global Rebalancing with Gravity: Measuring the Burden of Adjustment. IMF Staff Papers. (2009)
    • Dekle, R. (2007). A Reexamination of the Exchange Rate Disconnect Puzzle. American Economic Review.
    • Dekle, R. (2007). Exchange Rate Fluctuations, Financing Constraints, Hedging, and Exports: Evidence from Firm Level Data. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions, and Money.
    • Dekle, R. (2007). Unbalanced Trade. American Economic Review.
    • Dekle, R. (2006). The Thai Currency Crisis: Financing Constraints, High Fixed Costs, and Corporate Governance. Asian Economic Papers, MIT Press.
    • Dekle, R. (2005). Exchange Rate Exposure and Foreign Market Competition: Evidence from Japanese Firms. Journal of Business/University of Chicago. Vol. NA
    • Dekle, R. (2004). Financing Consumption in an Aging Japan: The Role of Foreign Capital Inflows and Immigration. Journal of Japanese and International Economies/Elsevier. Vol. 15
    • Internet Based Teaching, Recorded and on College Website, 2009-2010
    • Haynes Foundation Faculty Fellowship, 2000/03-2001
    • Fulbright Award, Fellowship to Japan, 1985
  • Editorships and Editorial Boards

    • Chief Editor, Japan and the Word Economy, 2005 –
    • Associate Editor, Economics Bulletin, 01/01/2003 –
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