Janet Levin

Email levin@usc.edu
Research & Practice Areas
Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Psychology , Epistemology
- Ph.D. Philosophy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- B.A. University of Chicago
Summary Statement of Research Interests
Professor Levin’s research interests are dedicated to the study of epistemology, philosophy of the mind, and philosophy of psychology.
Research Specialties
Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Psychology , Epistemology
- Participant, Penn Neuroscience Bootcamp (August 1-11, 2010): I was among 35 participants in an introduction to the latest research in the neurosciences, designed to promote interdisciplinary collaboration.
Book Chapters
- Levin, J. M. (2014). Reclaiming the Armchair. Palgrave Handbook on Philosophical Methods pp. 448-477. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Levin, J. M. (2011). Representational Exhaustion. Festschrift for Ned Block Oxford.
- Levin, J. M. (2009). Thinking About ‘Phenomenal States’.
- Levin, J. M. (2006). What is a Phenomenal Concept?. New York: Phenomenal Concepts and Phenomenal Knowledge/Oxfor University Press.
Book Review
- Levin, J. M. (2009). Critical Notice of Experimental Philosophy. Analysis Reviews. pp. 761-769.
- Levin, J. M. (2007). Empathy and Agency, by Karsten StueNotre Dame Philosophical Reviewber. Notre Dame Philosophical Review.
Encyclopedia Article
- Levin, J. M. (2009). Qualia. Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy (on-line).
- Levin, J. M. (2009). Functionalism (substantial revision). Palo Alto, CA: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Journal Article
- Levin, J. M. (2013). Armchair Methodology and Epistemological Naturalism. Synthese/Springer. Vol. 190 (18), pp. 4117-4136.
- Levin, J. M. (2013). Do Conceivability Arguments Against Physicalism Beg the Question. Philosophical Topics.
- Levin, J. M. (2011). Imaginability, Possibility, and Imaginative Resistance. Canadian Journal of Philosophy. Vol. 41 (3)
- Levin, J. M. (2011). Reconstruing Modal Intuitions. Croatian Journal of Philosophy. Vol. Vol. XI (No 31)
- Levin, J. M. (2011). ‘Levy on Neuroscience, Psychology, and Moral Intuitions’. AJOB Neuroscience.
- Levin, J. M. (2010). Tye’s Ptolemaic Revolution. Analytic Philosophy (formerly Philosophical Books).
- Levin, J. M. (2008). Taking Type-B Materialism Seriously. Mind and Language/Blackwell. Vol. 23 (4)
- Levin, J. M. (2008). Assertion, Practical Reason, and Pragmatic Theories of Knowledge. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research/Basil Blackwell. Vol. NA
- Levin, J. M. (2008). Molyneux Meets Euthyphro: Does Cross-Modal Transfer Require Rational Transition?. Croatian Journal of Philosophy.
- Levin, J. M. (2007). Molyneux’s Question and the Individuation of Perceptual Concepts. Philosophical Studies/Kluwer Academic Press. Vol. NA
- Levin, J. M. (2007). Can Modal Intuitions be Evidence for Essentialist Claims?. Inquiry/Taylor & Francis. Vol. NA
- Levin, J. M. (2007). Nagel vs. Nagel on the Nature of Phenomenal Concepts. RATIO.
- Levin, J. M. (2006). Can Mental Images Provide Evidence for What is Possible?. Anthropology and Philosophy. Vol. 7 (1-2)
- on-line conference, Conference of consciousness (CO4): Comments on E. Schwitzgebel, ‘If Materialism is True, then the US is Probably Conscious’., 2012-2013
Editorships and Editorial Boards
- Co-editor, Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, 08/30/2005 –
Professional Memberships
- Hume Society, 2006 –
- Society for Philosophy and Psychology, 2005 –
- APA Pacific Division, Executive Committee, 2005 – 2008
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