Grace Lu

Professor of Physics & Astronomy, Electrical Engineering and Materials Science
Grace Lu
Email Office SSC 215B Office Phone (213) 821-4328


Professor Jia Grace Lu received her dual B.S. degrees in Physics and Electrical Engineering from Washington University in 1992. Under the support of NSF graduate research fellowship and ONR fellowship, she received her Ph.D. degree in Applied Physics from Harvard University in 1997. She did her postdoctoral study in Physics at the University of California, Berkeley under the President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship. Currently, she holds a joint appointment in the Department of Physics & Astronomy and the Department of Electrical Engineering. Her research focuses on nanoscale systems, including bottom-up and top-down fabrication of nano materials and devices; their structural and physical property characterizations; and their applications as the building blocks for electronic, optoelectronic and magnetoelectronic devices. She has been the recipient of the National Science Foundation Career Award in 2002 and the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers in 2004.


  • Ph.D. Applied Physics, Harvard University, 6/1997
  • M.S. Applied Physics, Harvard University, 6/1993
  • B.S. Electrical Engineering, Washington University, 5/1992
  • B.S. Physics, Washington University, 5/1992
    • President’s Postdoctoral Fellow, UC Berkeley, 1997-1998
  • Book Chapters

    • Fan, Z., Lu, J. G. (2011). Metal Oxide Nanowires: Fundamentals and Sensor Applications. Springer series “Integrated Microanalytical System New York: Wiley.
    • Lu, J. (2004). Single Electronics. pp. 283-312. Boston: Nanoscale Science and Technology; Kluwer Academic Publishers.

    Journal Article

    • Zhang, J. Z., Tse, P. L., Jalil, A. R., Kölzer, J., Rosenbach, D., Luysberg, M., Panaitov, G., Lu, J. G., Schäpers, T. (2021). Flux periodic oscillations and phase-coherent transport in GeTe nanowire-based Devices. Nature Communications. Vol. 12 (754)
    • Tse, P. L., Tian, F., Mugica-Sanchez, L., Rüger, O., Undisz, A., Moethrath, G., Ronning, C., Takahashi, S., Lu, J. G. (2020). Microwave AC resonance induced phase change in Sb2Te3 nanowires. Nano Letters. Vol. 20 (12), pp. 8668.
    • Chen, J., Smith, A., Montoya, E., Lu, J. G., Krivorotov, I. (2020). Spin–orbit torque nano-oscillator with giant magnetoresistance readout. Nature Communications Physics. Vol. 3 (187)
    • Chen, J., Lam, P. T., Krivorotov, I., Lu, J. G. (2020). Spin-momentum locking induced non-local voltage in topological insulator nanowire. Nanoscale. Vol. 12, pp. 22958.
    • Zhang, J., Jalil, A. R., Tse, P. L., Koelzer, J., Rosenbach, D., Luysberg, M., Panaitov, G., Lu, J. G., Schäpers, T. (2020). Proximity Effect Induced Superconductivity in Nb/Sb2Te3-nanoribbon/Nb junctions. Annalen der Physik. Vol. 532, pp. 2000273.
    • Bergmann, G., Thompson, R. S., Tse, P. L., Lu, J. G. (2020). Anisotropic current induced in topological surface states due to spin-polarized tunneling from a ferromagnet. J. Applied Physics. Vol. 127, pp. 073905.
    • Arango, Y., Huang, L., Asensio, M., Grützmacher, D., Lüth, H., Lu, J. G., Schäpers, T. (2016). Quantum Transport in Topological Surface States of Sb2Te3 Nanowires. Scientific Reports. Vol. 6, pp. 29493.
    • Huang, L., Lin, C., Röder, R., Tse, P., Ronning, C., Lu, J. G. (2015). Nature of AX Centers in Sb-doped CdTe Nanowires.
    • Bergmann, G., Thompson, R., Lu, J. G. (2015). Inertial spin alignment in a circular magnetic nanotube. Physics Lett. A. Vol. 379, pp. 2083-2086.
    • Zhang, M., Wille, M., Röder, R., Heedt, S., Huang, L., Geburt, S., Schäpers, T., Ronning, C., Lu, J. G. (2014). Amphoteric Nature of Sn in CdS Nanowires. Nano Lett.
    • Röder, R., Wille, M., Geburt, S., Zhang, M., Lu, J. G., Capasso, F., Ronning, C. (2013). Continuous Wave Nanowire Lasing. Nano Lett. Vol. 13, pp. 3602-3606.
    • Blömers, C., Lu, J. G., Huang, L., Lüth, H., Schäpers, T. (2012). Electronic Transport with Dielectric Confinement in Degenerate InN Nanowires. Nano Letts. Vol. 12 (6), pp. 2768–2772.
    • Li, D., Lu, J. G. (2010). Dependence of Photoconductance in Ga-doped ZnO Nanowires. Nano Letters.
    • Thompson, R. S., Li, D., Witte, C., Lu, J. G. (2009). Weak Localization and Electron-Electron Interactions in Indium Doped ZnO Nanowire. Nano Letters. Vol. 9, pp. 3991-3995.
    • Li, D., Thompson, R. S., Bergmann, G., Lu, J. G. (2008). Template-based Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of Cobalt Nanotube Arrays. Advanced materials. Vol. 20, pp. 4575–4578.
    • Liu, Z., Chang, P., Chang, C., Bergmann, G., Lu, J. G. (2008). Shape Anisotropy and Magnetization Modulation in Hexagonal Cobalt Nanowires. Advanced Func. Materials. Vol. 18, pp. 1-6.
    • Bergmann, G., Lu, J. G., Tao, Y., Thompson, R. (2008). Frustrated magnetization in Co nanowires: competition between crystal anisotropy and demagnetization energy. Phys. Rev. B. Vol. 77, pp. 054415.
    • Fan, Z., Lu, J. G. (2005). “Gate Refreshable Nanowire Chemical Sensors”,. Applied Physics Letters/American Institute of Physics. Vol. 86, pp. 123510.
    • Lu, J. G., Fan, Z., Wang, D., Chang, P., Tseng, W. (2004). ZnO Nanowire Field Effect Transistor Oxygen Sensing Property. Appl. Phys. Lett.. Vol. 85, pp. 5923-5925.
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