Elizabeth Logan

Elizabeth Logan was honored to begin working towards her Ph D in the fall of 2007 and is currently researching her dissertation on the social and cultural history of gardening at the turn of the twentieth century in the United States. Elizabeth’s dissertation committee members are William Deverell (Chair), Richard Fox, and William Handley.
Elizabeth’s major and minor fields are United States and modern European history, respectively. Her area of specialization is legal history.
While at USC, Elizabeth has had the pleasure of serving as a teaching assistant for the United States History survey course, the European History survey course covering the French Revolution to the 1990s and a course on the history of madness. She also served as a research assistant at the Huntington Library and Gardens in San Marino, cataloging materials on western United States history.
Elizabeth welcomes questions on USC’s history program in general and her research.
- J.D. UC – Los Angeles, 5/2003
- B.A. Stanford Univ, 6/1999
Summary Statement of Research Interests
I am interested in legal history, gender and race studies, and environmental history, focusing on the western United States.
Research Keywords
Legal history; gender and race studies; environmental history; history of the American West.
Research Specialties
Legal history; gender and race studies; environmental history; history of the American West.