Donal Manahan

Professor of Biological Sciences
Donal Manahan
Email Office AHF 210 Office Phone (213) 740-5793

Research & Practice Areas

GENERAL THEME — Environmental physiology and metabolism of animals.

SPECIFIC AREAS — Biology of early stages of marine animal development (larval forms); Strategies of biochemical adaptation to global environmental change; Biology of extreme environments (Antarctica; deep-sea hydrothermal vents); Biotechnological applications directed towards enhancing “Blue Food” yield and production (marine aquaculture).


Donal T. Manahan, Ph.D., holds the rank of Full Professor of Biological Sciences at The University of Southern California (USC) in Los Angeles. His research and teaching expertise is in organism-environment interactions, involving studies that span from some of the warmest to the coldest places on Earth. Specifically, he studies animal physiology and development, and biochemical strategies that link genotype to phenotype.

Education and Training:  His Bachelor’s degree in zoology is from Trinity College Dublin (The University of Dublin); his Ph.D. is from The University of Wales (Bangor, UK), where he studied the environmental physiology of animals. He was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of California (Irvine campus) in physiology and developmental biology. He also studied developmental and molecular biology at The California Institute of Technology (Pasadena, California).

Professional Service:  While a member of the faculty at USC, he has held various academic administrative positions, including: Chair of the Department of Biological Sciences; Director of the Wrigley Institute for Environmental Studies; Dean of Research in the USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts & Sciences; Vice Dean for Students; University Marshal.

His National-level service includes:  Division Director, Biological Sciences, U.S. National Science Foundation; Chair of the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Polar Research Board; Advisory committees and review panels to help set priorities in science, research, and education.

Honors and Awards (selected):  Elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science; Appointed (lifetime) National Associate of the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; Appointed Honorary University Fellow, Bangor University, Wales, U.K.; Honored Lifetime Member Award, U.S. National Shellfisheries Association; Geographic feature in Antarctica named “Manahan Peak” in recognition of contributions to research and education.

Citizenship:  Donal T. Manahan is an Irish-born American Citizen.


  • Ph.D. Physiology & Marine Biology, Bangor University (Wales, United Kingdom)
  • B.S. Zoology, Trinity College, The University of Dublin, Ireland
  • Research Keywords

    Organism-environment interactions; Developmental physiology; Biochemical strategies of adaptation.

    Research Specialties

    GENERAL THEME — Environmental physiology and metabolism of animals.

    SPECIFIC AREAS — Biology of early stages of marine animal development (larval forms); Strategies of biochemical adaptation to global environmental change; Biology of extreme environments (Antarctica; deep-sea hydrothermal vents); Biotechnological applications directed towards enhancing “Blue Food” yield and production (marine aquaculture).

    Detailed Statement of Research Interests

    Most animal species have a larval stage of development that is intermediate between the egg and the adult stages. For marine animals, the general question we address is how organisms interact with their environment. To address this complex question, we are studying genotype-environment-phenotype relationships. More specifically, we study how environmental change impacts the metabolic physiology of animal development and how genetic variation regulates growth and survival. These areas of study also include biotechnological applications directed towards enhancing "Blue Food" yield and production (marine aquaculture).

    Examples of some publications on these topics are:

    Griffith, A.W., N. Li, and D.T. Manahan. 2025. Ecological physiology of recovery from experimental phenology of algal food deprivation in larvae of a sea urchin (Lytechinus pictus). Marine Biology, 172: 51

    Li, N., A.W. Griffith, and D.T. Manahan. 2024. Integrative biological analyses of responses to food deprivation reveal resilience mechanisms in sea urchin larvae. Molecular Ecology (June 2024, Issue 12) e17120

    Manahan, D. T. 2023. Marine heatwaves impact mortality of triploid Pacific oysters. Global Change Biology. DOI:10.1111/gcb.16980

    Li, N., F.T.C Pan, A.W. Griffith, M.B. DellaTorre, and D.T. Manahan. 2023. Integration of physiological and gene expression analyses to reveal biomarkers for protein dynamic mechanisms regulating higher growth and survival among larval oyster families (Crassostrea gigas). Aquaculture, 577, DOI: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2023.739918

    DellaTorre, M.B. and D.T. Manahan, 2023. Increasing temperature results in higher allocation of energy to protein synthesis in sea urchin larvae (Lytechinus pictus). The Biological Bulletin, Vol. 244: 35-50 DOI: 10.1086/723369

    Pan, F.T.C., D.T. Manahan, and D.Hedgecock, 2023. Within-family variation in larval viability and growth is controlled by different genes: a case study with Crassostrea gigas. Marine Ecology Progress Series, Vol. 704: 149-153 DOI: 10.3354/meps14243

    DellaTorre, M.B., F.T.C. Pan, A.W. Griffith, N. Li, and D.T. Manahan, 2022. Thermal sensitivities of respiration and protein synthesis differ among larval families of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas. Journal of Experimental Biology, jeb.244518 []

    Pan, F.T.C., S.L. Applebaum, and D.T. Manahan, 2021. Differing thermal sensitivities of physiological processes alter ATP allocation. Journal of Experimental Biology, jeb.233379 []


  • Conference Presentations

    • The Metabolic Pace of Development: Environmental Challenges from the Beginning (D.T. Manahan) , 28th International Conference for Developmental Biology of Sea Urchins and Marine InvertebratesTalk/Oral Presentation, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA, 2023 –
    • 2022. (1) Cost-of-Living for larvae in a changing ocean: Insights from integrating genetic and physiological analyses (D.T. Manahan, F.T.C. Pan, M.B. DellaTorre, A.W. Griffith, N. Li, and D. Hedgecock) , The 45th Annual Larval Fish Conference & 13th International Larval Biology SymposiumTalk/Oral Presentation, 2022 –
    • 2022. (2) Maternal investment does not explain starvation resilience in marine larvae (A.W. Griffith, N. Li, and D.T. Manahan) , The 45th Annual Larval Fish Conference & 13th International Larval Biology SymposiumTalk/Oral Presentation, 2022 –
    • 2022. (3) Biochemical strategies to manage food availability during the “best and worst of times” (N. Li, A.W. Griffith, F.T. C. Pan, M.B. DellaTorre, and D.T. Manahan) , The 45th Annual Larval Fish Conference & 13th International Larval Biology SymposiumTalk/Oral Presentation, 2022 –
    • 2022. (4) Within family variation in growth and survival is controlled by different genes (F.T. C. Pan, D.T. Manahan, and D. Hedgecock) , The 45th Annual Larval Fish Conference & 13th International Larval Biology SymposiumTalk/Oral Presentation, 2022 –
    • 2022. (5) Physiological responses to a warming ocean: Phenotypic contrasts among larval families (M.B. DellaTorre, F.T. C. Pan, N. Li, A.W. Griffith, and D.T. Manahan) , International Larval Biology Symposium and Larval Fish Conference Poster, 2022 –
    • 2022. Power, problems, and predictions of omic-based analysis for physiological processes (N. Li, F.T.C. Pan, A.W. Griffith, and D.T. Manahan) , American Physiological Society (conference theme): From Organisms to Omics in an Uncertain WorldPoster, 2022 –
    • 2020. Shifts in allocation of metabolic energy highlight biochemical bases of resilience to environmental change (F. T. C. Pan, S. L. Applebaum, and D. T. Manahan) , Ocean Sciences 2020 Annual MeetingTalk/Oral Presentation, Invited, 2020 –
    • 2020. Temperature differentially affects feeding, metabolism, and biosynthesis in larval forms (J. Wang, M. B. DellaTorre, and D. T. Manahan) , Ocean Sciences 2020 Annual MeetingPoster, Invited, 2020 –
    • 2019. Decoupled physiological responses to increased temperature: implications for adaptation potential to ocean change (M. DellaTorre, J. Wang, and D.T. Manahan) , 100th Annual Meeting of the Western Society of NaturalistsTalk/Oral Presentation, 2019 –
    • 2019. Physiological processes underlying food conversion efficiency during growth of sea urchin larvae (Wang, J. and D. T. Manahan) , 100th Annual Meeting of the Western Society of NaturalistsTalk/Oral Presentation, 2019 –
    • 2018. Advancements in quantifying energy costs for organisms to respond to ocean change (C.A. Frieder, S.L. Applebaum, T-C. F. Pan, and D.T. Manahan) , Ocean Sciences 2018 Annual MeetingTalk/Oral Presentation, 2018 –
    • 2018. Bioenergetics of protein metabolism under experimental environmental change (Pan, T-C. F., S.L. Applebaum, and D.T. Manahan) , American Physiological Society 2018 meeting – Comparative Physiology: Complexity & IntegrationTalk/Oral Presentation, 2018 –
    • 2018. Predicting adaptive responses to ocean change: Implications for aquaculture (D.T. Manahan) , National Shellfisheries Association, 110th Annual MeetingKeynote Lecture, Invited, 2018 –
    • 2018. Protein turnover: A biochemical basis for endogenous variation in growth and energy metabolism (S.L. Applebaum, T-C. F. Pan, D. Hedgecock, and D.T. Manahan) , American Physiological Society 2018 meeting – Comparative Physiology: Complexity & IntegrationTalk/Oral Presentation, 2018 –
    • 2017. (1) Predicting adaptive responses to the Anthropocene [invited plenary lecture]. (D.T. Manahan) , XIth International Larval Biology SymposiumTalk/Oral Presentation, Invited, 2017 –
    • 2017. (2) Physiological bases for genetic variation in growth: The necessity of functional validation of ‘-omic’ studies (S.L. Applebaum and D. T. Manahan) , XIth International Larval Biology SymposiumTalk/Oral Presentation, 2017 –
    • 2017. (3) Metabolic costs of environmental stressors in feeding larval forms (C.A. Frieder, S. L. Applebaum, T.-C. F.. Pan, and D.T. Manahan) , XIth International Larval Biology SymposiumTalk/Oral Presentation, 2017 –
    • 2017. (4) Metabolic energy tradeoffs in fast-growing phenotypes of bivalve larvae (T-C. F. Pan, C.A. Frieder, S.L. Applebaum, and D.T. Manahan) , XIth International Larval Biology SymposiumTalk/Oral Presentation, 2017 –
    • 2017. Biochemical bases for growth phenotype variation in marine larvae of different genotypes (Pan, T-C.F., S.L. Applebaum, and D.T. Manahan) , Integrative and Comparative Biology, Volume 57 (Issue Supplemental 1): E373.Talk/Oral Presentation, 2017 –
    • 2017. Differential temperature sensitivity of respiration rate, protein synthesis, and ion transport in bivalve larvae (S.L. Applebaum, Pan, T-C.F., and D.T. Manahan) , Integrative and Comparative Biology, Volume 57 (Issue Supplemental 1): E7Talk/Oral Presentation, 2017 –
    • 2017. Energy metabolism and shell formation in bivalve larvae under different environmental conditions (C.A. Frieder, S.L. Applebaum, T-C.F. Pan, D. Hedgecock, and D.T. Manahan) , Integrative and Comparative Biology, Volume 57 (Issue Supplemental 1): E265.Talk/Oral Presentation, 2017 –
    • 2016. Bioenergetic approaches to define resilience potential to compounding environmental stressors (D.T. Manahan, S.L. Applebaum, C.A. Frieder, T-C. F. Pan and D. Hedgecock) , Ocean Sciences 2016 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USATalk/Oral Presentation, 2016 –
    • 2016. Metabolic energy demand is not increased during initial shell formation of bivalves exposed to aragonite undersaturation (T-C. F. Pan, C.A. Frieder, S.L. Applebaum and D.T. Manahan) , Ocean Sciences 2016 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USAPoster, 2016 –
    • 2016. Ocean acidification causes increased calcium carbonate turnover during larval shell formation (C.A. Frieder, T-C. F. Pan, S.L. Applebaum and D.T. Manahan) , Ocean Sciences 2016 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USATalk/Oral Presentation, 2016 –
    • 2015. Characterization of coastal CO2 dynamics and physiological responses of larval Pacific oyster to experimental ocean acidification (C.A. Frieder, S.L. Applebaum, T-C. F. Pan, and D.T. Manahan) , National Shellfisheries Association, 107th Annual MeetingPoster, 2015 –
    • 2015. Genetic and physiological approaches to improved prediction of the potential for adaptation to environmental change (D.T. Manahan and D. Hedgecock) , National Shellfisheries Association, 107th Annual MeetingTalk/Oral Presentation, 2015 –
    • 2014. Controlling Nature & Nurture: Why experiments with wild type are insufficient for understanding adaptation to environmental change (Hedgecock, D. and D.T. Manahan) , Society of Integrative and Comparative BiologyTalk/Oral Presentation, Invited, Integrative and Comparative Biology Vol. 54, E87, 2014 –
    • 2014. Genes, genomes and proteins: the challenge of making physiological predictions (Manahan, D.T., S.L. Applebaum, and T.-C.F. Pan) , Society of Integrative and Comparative BiologyTalk/Oral Presentation, Invited, Integrative and Comparative Biology Vol. 54, E131, 2014 –
    • 2014. Genetically determined shifts in metabolic energy allocation in response to ocean acidification (Applebaum, S. L., T.-C. F. Pan, D. Hedgecock, and D.T. Manahan) , Society of Integrative and Comparative BiologyTalk/Oral Presentation, Invited, Integrative and Comparative Biology Vol. 54, E7, 2014 –
    • 2014. Ocean acidification alters energy allocation in developing sea urchins (Pan, T.-C. F., S.L. Applebaum, R.J. Sawyer, and D.T. Manahan) , Society of Integrative and Comparative BiologyTalk/Oral Presentation, Invited, Integrative and Comparative Biology Vol. 54, E159, 2014 –
    • 2014. Genetically determined variation in metabolic allocation – potential for adaptation to environmental change (Applebaum, S. L., T.-C.F. Pan, B.A. Lentz, D. Hedgecock, and D.T. Manahan) , American Physiological Society: Comparative Approaches to Grand Challenges in PhysiologyPoster,, 2014 –
    • 2014. Molecular biological and genomic analysis of the developmental physiology of integumental transport (Manahan, D.T., S.L. Applebaum, and T.-C.F. Pan) , American Physiological Society: Comparative Approaches to Grand Challenges in PhysiologyTalk/Oral Presentation, Invited,, 2014 –
    • 2014. Reallocation of ATP in response to the stress of ocean acidification (Pan, T.-C.F, S.A. Applebaum, C.A. Frieder, and D.T. Manahan) , American Physiological Society: Comparative Approaches to Grand Challenges in PhysiologyPoster,, 2014 –
    • 2013. Amino acid transport as an index of growth potential in larvae of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas. (Pan, T.-C. F., S.L. Applebaum, and D.T. Manahan) , Society of Integrative and Comparative BiologyTalk/Oral Presentation, 2013 –
    • 2013. Developmental physiology: Predicting “Winners and Losers” to environmental change. (Manahan, D.T. and D. Hedgecock) , Society of Integrative and Comparative BiologyTalk/Oral Presentation, 2013 –
    • 2013. Differential energy allocation for protein synthesis is genetically determined during marine larval development. (Lee, J.W., S.L. Applebaum, and D.T. Manahan) , Society of Integrative and Comparative BiologyTalk/Oral Presentation, 2013 –
    • 2013. Global metabolite profiles as predictors of physiological traits in bivalve larvae with genetically-determined differential growth rates. (Applebaum, S.L., J.W. Lee and D.T. Manahan) , Society of Integrative and Comparative BiologyTalk/Oral Presentation, 2013 –
    • 2012. Well-fed but metabolically starving: implications of genotype for energy allocation in bivalve larvae, Crassostrea gigas. (Manahan, D.T., J.W. Lee, and S.L. Applebaum) , Journal of Shellfish Research, 31: 317Talk/Oral Presentation, 2012 –
    • 2011. Environmental and physiological genomics of larvae (D.T. Manahan) , Journal of Shellfish Research, 30: 530Keynote Lecture, National Shellfisheries Assoc., Invited, 2011 –
    • 2011. Genes underlying amino acid transport differences in echinoderms from contrasting polar and temperate environments (Applebaum, S.L., D.W. Ginsburg and D.T. Manahan) , Society of Integrative and Comparative BiologyTalk/Oral Presentation, 2011 –
    • 2011. Protein metabolism and genotype-dependent differential growth of bivalve larvae (Lee, J.W., E. Meyer and D.T. Manahan) , Society of Integrative and Comparative BiologyTalk/Oral Presentation, 2011 –
    • (Spring 2024) BISC 536. Advanced Seminar in Marine Biogeochemistry, T, 03:30pm – 05:20pm
    • (Fall 2024) CORE 103. The Process of Change in Science: Thematic Option Honors Pro, MW, 03:30pm – 04:50pm, SOSB37
  • Journal Article

    • Griffith, A. W., Li, N., Manahan, D. T. (2025). Ecological physiology of recovery from experimental phenology of algal food deprivation in larvae of a sea urchin (Lytechinus pictus). Marine Biology
    • Li, N., Griffith, A. W., Manahan, D. T. (2024). Integrative biological analyses of responses to food deprivation reveal resilience mechanisms in sea urchin larvae. Molecular Ecology (June 2024, Issue 12) e17120.
    • DellaTorre, M. B., Manahan, D. T. (2023). Increasing temperature results in higher allocation of energy to protein synthesis in sea urchin larvae (Lytechinus pictus). The Biological Bulletin. Vol. 244, pp. 35-50.
    • Pan, F. T., Manahan, D. T., Hedgecock, D. (2023). Within-family variation in larval viability and growth is controlled by different genes: a case study with Crassostrea gigas. Marine Ecology Progress Series. Vol. 704, pp. 149-153.
    • Li, N., Griffith, A. W., DellaTorre, M. B., Manahan, D. T. (2023). Integration of physiological and gene expression analyses to reveal biomarkers for protein dynamic mechanisms regulating higher growth and survival among larval oyster families (Crassostrea gigas). Aquaculture, 577 DOI: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2023.739918.
    • Manahan, D. T. (2023). Marine heatwaves impact mortality of triploid Pacific oysters. Global Change Biology. Vol. DOI:10.1111/gcb.16980
    • DellaTorre, M. B., Pan, F. T., Griffith, A. W., Li, N., Manahan, D. T. (2022). Thermal sensitivities of respiration and protein synthesis differ among larval families of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas. Journal of Experimental Biology (JEB.244518).
    • Pan, F. T., Applebaum, S. L., Manahan, D. T. (2021). Differing thermal sensitivities of physiological processes alter ATP allocation. Journal of Experimental Bioilogy (JEB.233379).
    • Frieder, C. A., Applebaum, S. L., Pan, F. T., Manahan, D. T. (2018). Shifting balance of protein synthesis and degradation sets a threshold for larval growth under environmental stress. The Biological Bulletin. Vol. 234, pp. 45-57.
    • Pan, F. T., Applebaum, S. L., Frieder, C. A., Manahan, D. T. (2018). Biochemical bases of growth variation during development: A study of protein turnover in pedigreed families of bivalve larvae (Crassostrea gigas). Journal of Experimental Biology (JEB.171967).
    • Frieder, C. A., Applebaum, S. L., Pan, F. T., Hedgecock, D., Manahan, D. T. (2017). Metabolic cost of calcification in bivalve larvae under experimental ocean acidification. ICES Journal of Marine Science. Vol. 74, pp. 941-954. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsw213
    • Lee, J. W., Applebaum, S. L., Manahan, D. T. (2016). Metabolic cost of protein synthesis in larvae of the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) is fixed across genotype, phenotype, and environmental temperature. The Biological Bulletin. Vol. 230, pp. 175-187.
    • Pan, F. T., Applebaum, S. L., Lentz, B. A., Manahan, D. T. (2016). Predicting phenotypic variation in growth and metabolism of marine invertebrate larvae. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology.. Vol. 483, pp. 64-73.
    • Pan, F. T., Applebaum, S. L., Manahan, D. T. (2015). Experimental ocean acidification alters the allocation of metabolic energy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA. Vol. 112, pp. 4696-4701.
    • Nature, .. (2015). “Sea creatures adapt to acid” [Nature Research Highlight article of PNAS paper (citation above) by Pan, Applebaum, and Manahan. 2015]. Nature. Vol. 520, pp. 134.
    • Pan, F. T., Applebaum, S. L., Manahan, D. T. (2015). Genetically determined variation in developmental physiology of bivalve larvae (Crassostrea gigas). Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. Vol. 88, pp. 128-136.
    • Applebaum, S. L., Pan, F. T., Hedgecock, D., Manahan, D. T. (2014). Separating the Nature and Nurture of the allocation of energy in response to global change. Integrative and Comparative Biology. Vol. 54, pp. 284-295.
    • Applebaum, S. L., Ginsburg, D. W., Capron, C. S., Manahan, D. T. (2013). Expression of amino acid transport genes in developmental stages and adult tissues of Antarctic echinoderms. Polar Biology. Vol. 36, pp. 1257-1267.
    • Curole, J., Meyer, E., Manahan, D. T., Hedgecock, D. (2010). Unequal and genotype-dependent expression of mitochondrial genes in larvae of the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas). The Biological Bulletin. Vol. 218, pp. 122-131.
    • Meyer, E., Manahan, D. T. (2010). Gene expression profiling of genetically-determined growth variation in bivalve larvae (Crassostrea gigas). Journal of Experimental Biology. Vol. 213, pp. 749-758.
    • Pace, D. A., Maxson, R., Manahan, D. T. (2010). Ribosomal analysis of rapid rates of protein synthesis in the Antarctic sea urchin, Sterechinus neumayeri. The Biological Bulletin. Vol. 218, pp. 48-60.
    • Ginsburg, D. W., Manahan, D. T. (2009). Developmental physiology of Antarctic asteroids with different life-history modes. Marine Biology. Vol. 156, pp. 2391-2402.
    • Meyer, E., Manahan, D. T. (2009). Nutrient uptake by marine invertebrates: Cloning and functional analysis of amino acid transporter genes in developing sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus). The Biological Bulletin. Vol. 217, pp. 6–24.
    • Pace, D. A., Manahan, D. T. (2007). Efficiencies and costs of larval growth in different food environments (Asteroidea: Asterina miniata). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. Vol. 353, pp. 89-106.
    • Meyer, E., Green, A. J., Moore, M., Manahan, D. T. (2007). Food availability and physiological state of sea urchin larvae (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus). Marine Biology. Vol. 152, pp. 179-191.
    • Pace, D. A., Manahan, D. T. (2007). Cost of protein synthesis and energy allocation during development of Antarctic sea urchin embryos and larvae. The Biological Bulletin. Vol. 212, pp. 115-129.
    • Hedgecock, D., Lin, J., DeCola, S., Haudenschild, C. D., Meyer, E., Manahan, D. T., Bowen, B. (2007). Transcriptomic analysis of growth heterosis in larval Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas). Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. Vol. 104, pp. 2312-2318.
    • Moore, M., Manahan, D. T. (2007). Variation among females in egg lipid content and developmental success of echinoderms from McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. Polar Biology. Vol. 30, pp. 1245-1252.
    • Pace, D. A., Manahan, D. T. (2006). Fixed metabolic costs for highly variable rates of protein synthesis in sea urchin embryos and larvae. Journal of Experimental Biology. Vol. 209, pp. 158-170.
    • Pace, D. A., Marsh, A. G., Leong, P. K., Green, A. J., Hedgecock, D., Manahan, D. T. (2006). Physiological bases of genetically determined variation in growth of marine invertebrate larvae: A study of growth heterosis in the bivalve Crassostrea gigas. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. Vol. 335, pp. 188-209.
    • Moran, A. L., Manahan, D. T. (2004). Physiological recovery from prolonged starvation in larvae of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. Vol. 306, pp. 17-36.
    • Moran, A. L., Manahan, D. T. (2003). Energy metabolism during larval development of green and white abalone, Haliotis fulgens and H. sorenseni. Biological Bulletin. Vol. 204, pp. 270-277.
    • Marsh, A. G., Mullineaux, L. S., Young, C. M., Manahan, D. T. (2001). Larval dispersal potential of the tubeworm Riftia pachyptila at deep-sea hydrothermal vents. Nature. Vol. 411, pp. 77-80.
    • Marsh, A. G., Maxson, R., Manahan, D. T. (2001). High macromolecular synthesis with low metabolic cost in Antarctic sea urchin embryos. Science. Vol. 291, pp. 1950-1952.
    • Marsh, A. G., Leong, P. K., Manahan, D. T. (2000). Gene expression and enzyme activities of the sodium pump during sea urchin development: Implications for indices of physiological state. Biological Bulletin. Vol. 199, pp. 100-107.
    • Marsh, A. G., Leong, P. K., Manahan, D. T. (2000). Gene expression and enzyme activities of the sodium pump during sea urchin development: Implications for indices of physiological state. Biological Bulletin. Vol. 199, pp. 100-107.
    • Marsh, A. G., Leong, P., Manahan, D. T. (1999). Marsh, A.G., P.K.K. Leong and D.T. Manahan, 1999. Energy metabolism during embryonic development and larval growth of an Antarctic sea urchin. Journal of Experimental Biology, 202: 2041-2050. Journal of Experimental Biology. Vol. 202, pp. 2041-2050.
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