Cornelius Gati

Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Quantitative and Computational Biology and Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Cornelius Gati
Pronouns He / Him / His Email Office MCB 351


  • Ph.D. Chemistry, DESY – German Synchrotron Light Source, 11/2015
  • M.S. Biology, Technical University of Munich, 10/2012
  • B.Sc. Biology, University of Tuebingen, 10/2010
    • PostDoc, Stanford University, 2017-2018
    • PostDoc, MRC – Laboratory of Molecular Biology, 2016-2017
  • Research Keywords

    Structural biology, Membrane protein biology, GPCR, Neurotransmitter transporters, Synapse, CryoEM, X-ray crystallography, Biophysics

  • Journal Article

    • Structure of human Frizzled5 by fiducial-assisted cryo-EM supports a heterodimeric mechanism of canonical Wnt signaling. ELIFE. Vol. 9
    • Structural basis of the activation of a metabotropic GABA receptor. NATURE. Vol. 584 (7820), pp. 298-+.
    • Toward G protein-coupled receptor structure-based drug design using X-ray lasers. IUCRJ. Vol. 6, pp. 1106-1119.
    • CryoEM Maps and Associated Data Submitted to the 2015/2016 EMDataBank Map Challenge. Zenodo. Vol. 1.1
    • XFEL structures of the human MT2 melatonin receptor reveal the basis of subtype selectivity. NATURE. Vol. 569 (7755), pp. 289-+.
    • Structural basis of ligand recognition at the human MT1 melatonin receptor. NATURE. Vol. 569 (7755), pp. 284-+.
    • Cryo-EM structure of the human neutral amino acid transporter ASCT2. NATURE STRUCTURAL & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY. Vol. 25 (6), pp. 515-+.
    • Structural biology of G protein-coupled receptors: new opportunities from XFELs and cryoEM. CURRENT OPINION IN STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY. Vol. 51, pp. 44-52.
    • The structural basis of proton driven zinc transport by ZntB. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. 8
    • Crystal structure of a multi-domain human smoothened receptor in complex with a super stabilizing ligand. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. 8
    • Atomic structure of granulin determined from native nanocrystalline granulovirus using an X-ray free-electron laser. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Vol. 114 (9), pp. 2247-2252.
    • Native phasing of x-ray free-electron laser data for a G protein-coupled receptor. SCIENCE ADVANCES. Vol. 2 (9)
    • Lipidic cubic phase injector is a viable crystal delivery system for time-resolved serial crystallography. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. 7
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