Claudia Moatti

Research & Practice Areas
Roman History, Roman Administration, Human Mobility, Legal concept of libertas, Ancient Political thought
Center, Institute & Lab Affiliations
- UMR 8210 – ANHIMA, Associate member
- Association Internationale d’Epigraphie Grecque et Latine, Professional association
- British Epigraphy Society, Association
- EA 1571 (Centre de recherche historique de l’université Paris 8 :histoire des pouvoirs, savoirs et sociétés),, Member
- Pôle Méditerranée, Université de Paris 8, Coordinator
- H.D.R. History, Paris 1, 12/1996
- Ph.D. History, University of Paris, 3/1987
Tenure Track Appointments
- Full Professor, University of Southern California, 08/15/2004 –
- Professeur, University of Paris 8, 09/01/1998 –
- Maître de Conférences, University of Paris 1, 09/01/1989 – 08/31/1998
Summary Statement of Research Interests
Professor Moatti studies the Roman State through two approaches: one concerns the construction of the concept of respublica, and the other the administrative capacity of the state to control people and territories. For this last issue, she first focused on the developments of its archives and on its rationalization at the end of the Republic; then, she has worked on the control of human mobility in the roman Empire. This work is a part of a comparative program she has been directing for 4 years, in Europe, on the Control of Human Mobility in the Mediterranean from Ancient Times to Early Modern Times.
Her current project examines three categories of mouvement and mobility: communication, human mobility and translation in order to understand the political, cultural and social effects of mouvement on Roman society. She is also writing a book on Roman politics and cosmopolitanism.
Research Specialties
Roman History, Roman Administration, Human Mobility, Legal concept of libertas, Ancient Political thought
Conference Presentations
- Mobility, Citizenship and the Cosmopolitisation of the Roman Empire Talk/Oral Presentation, St John ‘s College, Invited, Oxford, 05/2008 –
- Mobility and Controls in the Roman World Lansdowne Lectures, University of Victoria, Invited, Victoria, BC, 02/2008 –
- Traders in the Roman Empire , Immigration in Ancient TimesChair and discussing, ESSHC, Invited, Lisbon, Portugal, 02/2008 –
- Critical Approaches to the Mediterranean Studies , La Méditerranée en mouvementTalk/Oral Presentation, Université de Paris 8, Pôle Méditerranée, Invited, Université de Paris 8, 11/03/2011 – 11/05/2011
- La Référence au passé chez Castoriadis , La Référence au passé (Reference to the Past)Lecture/Seminar, Université de Paris 8, Invited, INHA, Paris, 06/11/2011
- La Mémoire perdue , Conference in Commemoration of Claude NicoletTalk/Oral Presentation, INHA, Invited, INHA, Paris, 05/28/2011
- Remarques sur le comparatisme de G.Lloyd , Autour de G.Lloyd. Approches du comparatismeRoundtable/Panel, Invited, Paris, France, 06/16/2010
- Pour une approche intellectuelle du Politique , Autour du PolitiqueTalk/Oral Presentation, Invited, Paris, france, 05/04/2010
- La mobilité négociée dans l’Antiquité tardive : le cas des marchands étrangers , I relazioni InternazionaleTalk/Oral Presentation, Invited, Spoleto, Italy, 04/08/2010 – 04/12/2010
- The Frontier in Ancient Rome , La frontièreTalk/Oral Presentation, Invited, Les Treilles, France, 02/24/2010 – 03/04/2010
- Mistaken Identities in the Roman Empire , Law and IdentityTalk/Oral Presentation, School of Law, Invited, USC, 10/21/2009
- Migrations and controls in Ancient Italy. Some reflections , Italian Migrations from Ancient to Early Modern TimesTalk/Oral Presentation, Oxford, Edmund College, Invited, Oxford, 05/15/2009 – 05/16/2009
- Alain Badiou and the Jewish question , French Philosophy and the Jewish QuestionTalk/Oral Presentation, Center of Jewish Studies, UCLA, Invited, UCLA, 12/07/2008
- Emigration and Citizenship , Immigration in Ancient TimesTalk/Oral Presentation, ESSHC, Invited, Lisbon, Portugal, 02/2008 – 03/2008
- Human Mobility in the Roman Empire , City-Empire-Christendom: Contexts of Power and Identity from Antiquity to the Middle Ages, Talk/Oral Presentation, UCLA, Château de la Bretêche, Invited, La Bretêche, France, 06/17/2007 – 06/21/2007
- “About rememoration” , Les éclats du passé. Mémoire et remémorationDiscussing , Università di Palermo, Italy, Palerme, Italy, 05/30/2007 – 06/03/2007
- Conservare rem publicam , The Dream of ScipioTalk/Oral Presentation, Maison française d’Oxford, Invited, Oxford, England, 05/16/2007 – 05/18/2007
- Introduction: the concept of Freedom of Movement , Freedom of Movement from Ancient to Modern TimesTalk/Oral Presentation, Several French Institutions, Invited, Paris, Collège de France and Ecole Normale Supérieure, 03/21/2007 – 03/25/2007
- Right to leave in Roman Times , Freedom of Movement from Ancient to Modern TimesTalk/Oral Presentation, Several French Institutions, Invited, Paris, Collège de France and Ecole Normale Supérieure, 03/21/2007 – 03/25/2007
- From Roman to Modern Empire , Imperial models in the Early Modern WorldDiscussing and Presiding a session, UCLA, Clark, Invited, Los Angeles, ClarkLibrary, 11/03/2006 – 11/04/2006
Other Presentations
- Introduction :Le germe et le kratos, Presentation of Castoriadis, on Thucydides, Paris, France, 2010-2011
- Law and Economy, Seminar , Paris, France, 2009-2010
- L’Europe et ses mythes, Seminar , EHESS, Paris, 2009-2010
- Law and History, Seminar , Saint Denis, France, 2009-2010
- Identité et Cosmopolitsation dans l’Empire romain , Invited lecture, Rome, Italy, 2009-2010
- Law, Religion, Identity in Rome, invited lecture, Chicago, 2009-2010
- Mobility in the Roman Empire, Invited lecture, San Francisco, USA, 2009-2010
- Droit et Mobilité à Rome, Invited lecture, University of Nanterre, france, 2008-2009
- Mobility and identities in the Roman empire, Invited lecture, Exter, UK, 2008-2009
- Citizenship and emigration, Invited lecture, Oxford, UK, 2007-2008
- Plurality in Roman Law , Workshop Center of Law USC, USC, Los Angeles, 2007-2008
- The concept of respublica, Workshop of Historians in Paris 8, Paris, University of Paris 8, 2006-2007
- LAW 599: Law and Slavery from Ancient to Modern Times Co-taught with Professor Ariela Gross (Gould School of Law)., Fall 2010
- Seminar (Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris): Mobility in the Roman World The course aimed at presenting the new historiography on the topic and at developing some themes on Migration in the Roman World, especially on its control., Spring 2008
- Moatti, C., Riot-Sarcey, M., Mineo, I. (2009). La république dans tous ses états. Histoire intellectuelle d’un concept et d’une pratique. Paris, France: Editions PAYOT-RIVAGES.
- Moatti, C. (2009). Le monde de l’itinérance en Méditerranée, de l’antiquité à l’époque moderne. Procédures de contrôle et documents d’identification, ed.C.Moatti et W.Kaiser. Bordeaux, France: Le monde de l’itinérance en Méditerranée, de l’antiquité à l’époque moderne. Procédures de contrôle et documents d’identification/Ausonius.
- Moatti, C. (2008). – Histoire des guerres puniques, introduction et direction. Paris, France: Histoire des guerres puniques, introduction et direction/Gallimard.
- Moatti, C., Kaiser, W. (2007). Gens de passage en Méditerranée, de l’Antiquité à l’époque moderne. Paris, France: Maisonneuve et Larose.
- Moatti, C.The concept of Republic in ancient times. Le Seuil.
- Moatti, C. (2004). La mobilité des personnes en Méditerranée, de l’Antiquité à l’époque moderne. Procédures de contrôle et documents d’identification. Rome: Ecole française de Rome.
- Moatti, C. (1997). La Raison de Rome. Naissance de l’esprit critique à la fin de la République (IIe-ier siècles avant notr ère). Le Seuil.
- Moatti, C. (1993). Archives et partage de la terre dans le monde romain. Rome: Ecole française de Rome.
- Moatti, C. (1993). In Search of Ancient Rome (English translation of A la recherche de la Rome Antique). New York: H.Abrams.
Book Chapters
- Moatti, C. (2011). le germe et le kratos, in Castoriadis, Thucydide, la force et le droit. Castoriadis, Thucydide. La force et le droit pp. 5-25. Paris, Le Seuil.
- Moatti, C. (2010). Mobility and Identity : the cosmopolitization of the identities in the Roman Empire, in C. Rapp éd., City-Empire-Christendom: Contexts of Power and Identity from Antiquity to the Middle Ages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Moatti, C., Kaiser, W. (2009). Mobilità umana e circolazione culturale nel Méditerraneo dall’età classica all’età moderna, inStoria d’Italia. Migrazioni. pp. p.5-20. Italy: Einaudi.
- Moatti, C. (2009). « Le traitement des absents à Rome à la fin de la république et au début du principat », in Moatti, Kaiser, Pébarthe éd., Le monde de l’itinérance en méditerranée, de l’Antiquité à l’époque moderne, Editions Ausonius, Bordeaux, 2009, p.321-353. pp. 321-353. Bordeaux: Editions Ausonius.
- Moatti, C., Riot-Sarcey, M. (2009). Introduction, in La République dans tous ses états. Paris: payot-rivages.
- Moatti, C. (2007). Reconnaissance et identification des personnes dans la Rome antique »in L’identification des personnes. Génèse d’un travail d’Etat, éd. G.Noiriel,. pp. p.27-55 (notes p.228-39). Paris: Editions Belin.
- Moatti, C. (2007). La communication écrite à Rome et son rôle dans la société politique. pp. p.217-250. Rome: Rome et l’Etat moderne européen/Ecole française de Rome.
- Moatti, C. (2006). « Rome : Forum, Capitole, Palatin », in L. Lévêque, M. R. Del Arbor, L.Pop. Chr.Bartels éd., Journeys through European Landscapes,. pp. 199-203. Cost, European Corporation in Science and Technology.
- Moatti, C. (2005). La communication écrite. pp. p.17-23. Bordeaux, France: L’écriture publique du pouvoir/Ausonius.
Book Review
- Moatti, C. (2007). Review of W. Harris ed, Rethinking the Mediterranean. BMCR.
Encyclopedia Article
- Moatti, C. (2011). Mobility in the Roman World, in Encyclopaedy of Global Human Migrations. (Immanuel Ness, Ed.). Wiley-Blackwell: Encyclopaedy of Global Human Migration.
Journal Article
- Moatti, C. (2011). Historicité et altéronomie : un autre regard sur l’histoire, in Politica Antica, 1. Politica antica. (1), pp. 20.
- Moatti, C. (2011). Conservare rem publicam. Sur la continuité et la discontinuité des Etats, in Revue de Philosophie ancienne. Revue de Philosophie ancienne.
- Moatti, C. (2011). Occidere pro patria. Réflexions sur le paradoxe du patriotisme; in Anabases 2. Anabases. (2), pp. 137-147.
- Moatti, C. (2010). La terre de personne, in Medium, 2010. Medium. Vol. 2010
- Moatti, C. (2010). République et démocratie à Rome, dans Sciences Humaines. La Démocratie. Sciences humaines.
- Moatti, C. (2007). Introduction and article « De la pérégrination comme stratégie intellectuelle au IIe siècle de notre ère ». Mélanges de l’Ecole française de Rome, Italie, Méditerranée (MEFRIM). Vol. 2007 (2), pp. 12-24.
- Moatti, C. (2006). la fisiognomonia antica e la caratterizzazione dei nazioni. Storica/Viella. pp. p.7-26.
- Moatti, C. (2006). Translation,communication, mobility in the Roman Empire. Classical Antiquity/University of California Press. Vol. vol.25, pp. 1.
- Moatti, C. (2011). La mobilité négociée : le cas des marchands étrangers à la fin de l’Antiquité, in Le relazioni internazionali nella tarda antichità. pp. 159-188. Spoleto. Settimana di Spoleto.
- Moatti, C. (2009). Le traitement de l’absence dans la Rome antique, dans C.Moatti et W. Kaiser éd., Le monde de l’Itinérance, Procédures de contrôle et documents d’identification. In Moatti C.and Kaiser W. (Ed.), Bordeaux. Ed.Ausonius.
- Moatti, C., Kaiser, W., Pébarthe, C. (2009). Introduction, in Le monde de l’itinérance en Méditerranée de l’Antiquité à lépoque moderne. Procédures de contrôle et d’identification. Bordeaux. Ed. Ausonius.
- Moatti, C. (2007). Le contrôle des gens de passage à Rome aux trois premiers siècles de l’Empire, dans C.Moatti et W.Kaiser, Gens de passage en Méditerranée, de l’Antiquité à l’époque moderne.Procédures de contrôle et documents d’identification. In Moatti, Claudia (Ed.), pp. 79-116. Paris. Maisonneuve et Larose.
- Seminar in Mediterranean Studies, Classics, History, Fall 2010
- Slavery and Law in Ancient and Modern times, Classics and School of Law Law, Fall 2010
- Rome : the construction of a capital, Classics, summer course, Spring 2006
- Institut Universitaire de France, 09/01/1993 – 08/31/1998
- Member, Sterring committee of the Center of Law, History and Humanity, 2011-2012
- Member, Sterring Committe of the Center of Law, History and Culture, at the School of Law, USC, 2010-2011
- Member, Sterring Committee of the Center of Law, History and Culture, at the School of Law, USC., 2009-2010
Administative Appointment
- Director of the Mediterranean Center in the university of Paris 8 since 2009., 2010-2011
- Member, Sterring committee of the CLHC, School of Law, USC., 2010-2011
- Member, Steering committee of the Center of Law, History and Culture, Fall 2007
Conferences Organized
- Co-organizer, Le devenir de la pensée critique (The future of the Critical Theory), Université de Paris 8, 12/16/2009 – 12/18/2009
- Co-organizer, Freedom of Movement from Ancient to Modern Times, Paris, 03/21/2007 – 03/25/2007
Editorships and Editorial Boards
- Member of the Scientific Committee, Anacronismo e Irrupción, review of Political Theory in Buenos Aires, 2011-2012
- Member of the Editorial Board, Social and Education History (known by its Spanish acronym HSE), from Hipatia Press (Barcelona, Spain)., 2011-2012