Christoph Haselwandter

Professor of Physics and Astronomy and Quantitative and Computational Biology
Christoph Haselwandter
Email Office SSC 213B Office Phone (213) 740-1115


Christoph A. Haselwandter studied physics and mathematics at Imperial College London and at the University of Cambridge, and obtained his doctorate from Imperial College London on the physics of semiconductor surfaces. Subsequently, Dr. Haselwandter held appointments at MIT (as an Erwin Schrödinger Fellow) and at Caltech, before joining the University of Southern California, where he is part of the Department of Physics and Astronomy and the Department of Quantitative and Computational Biology. Doctor Haselwandter’s research concerns the theoretical physics of emergent functional structures in biology, with a particular focus on cell membranes. His many awards and honors for research, teaching, and service include the Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship in Physics, the Armstrong Medal & Prize, the CAREER Award of the US National Science Foundation, the Outstanding Referee Award of the American Physical Society, the Tessella Prize for Software, the Tyndall Prize, and the Valerie Myerscough Prize.

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