Charles Russell-Schlesinger

Biographical Sketch
Charlie Russell-Schlesinger is a graduate student currently working on a dissertation that examines Heliodorus’ Aethiopika and issues of race, ethnicity, and culture. He completed his undergraduate degree at Bowdoin College in Brunswick, ME. After earning his BA in classics, he spent a year in the postbaccalaureate program at the University of Pennsylvania. He then went on to complete an MA at the University of Georgia in Athens, GA. His master’s thesis there focused on Lucian’s use of Homeric intertext in the Vera Historia.
- BA Bowdoin College, 5/2008
- MA University Of Georgia
Summary Statement of Research Interests
• Charlie’s research interests include the ancient Greek novel, the literature of the Second Sophistic, ancient ethnography, and Greek epic poetry. He is especially interested in the way individual and group identities are defined and explored in literature.