Carolyn Malone

Professor Emerita of Art History
Email Office Taper 355 Office Phone (213) 740-4569

Research & Practice Areas

Medieval Art and Archaeology


  • Ph.D. Art History, UC Berkeley, 1/1973
  • Ph.D. Medieval Studies, UC Berkeley, 1/1973
  • M.A. History of Art, UC Berkeley, 1/1968
  • B.A. History of Art, University of Kansas, 1966
  • Tenure Track Appointments

    • Professor and Chair of Art History, USC, 2009 – 2012
    • Assistant/Associate Professor of Art History, University of Southern California, 01/01/1981 – 2008
    • Assistant Professor, Department of Art Archaeology, Princeton University, 01/01/1975 – 01/01/1981
    • Assistant Professor, Department of Art, Vassar College, 01/01/1974 – 01/01/1975
    • Assistant Professor, Department of Art, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 01/01/1974
    • Visiting Lecturer, Visual and Environmental Studies, Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts, Harvard Univeristy, 01/01/1973
    • Visiting Lecturer, Department of Art History, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 01/01/1972
  • Summary Statement of Research Interests

    Carolyn Malone, Professor of Art History and History, takes an interdisciplinary approach to studying French Romanesque and English Gothic architecture and sculpture. Her book, Facade as Spectacle: Ritual and Ideology at Wells Cathedral (2004), interprets the Gothic façade of Wells as part of political discourse and liturgical innovation in England around 1220. She has also published two books on the pre-Romanesque church of Saint-Bénigne built between 1001 and 1018 in Dijon: Saint-Bénigne et sa rotonde: archéologie d’une église bourguignonne de l’an mil (2008) and Saint-Bénigne de Dijon en l’an mil, “totius Galliae basilicis mirabiliorem”: Interprétation politique, liturgique et théologique (2009). She has also edited with Clark Maines, Consuetudines et Regulae: Sources for Monastic Life in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period (2014). Her forthcoming book (2019), Twelfth-Century Sculptural Finds at Canterbury Cathedral and the Cult of Thomas Becket, reconstructs finds from the restoration of the Perpendicular Cloister as architectural screens that were built around the time of Becket’s canonization (1173) to manage pilgrimage to his tomb and the murder site. No attention has been paid previously to architectural accommodations for the documented throngs of pilgrims during the half century before Becket’s body was moved from the crypt to a shrine in the Trinity Chapel. Reconstruction of these screens not only provides new evidence about early pilgrimage in a monastic site but also establishes an unusual sculptural program and a previously unknown building phase at Canterbury Cathedral. Professor Malone is currently working on a Digital Archives Project documenting her 1970s excavations of Saint-Bénigne in Dijon.

    Research Specialties

    Medieval Art and Archaeology

  • Book

    • Malone, C. M. (2019). Twelfth-Century Sculptural Finds at Canterbury Cathedral and the Cult of Thomas Becket. Oxford: Oxbow Books.
    • Malone, C. M., Maines, C. (2014). Constitutiones et Regulae: Customs and Rules as Sources for Monastic and Regular Life in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period,. (Vol. 10) Brepols: Turnhout: Disciplina monastica ..
    • Malone, C. M. (2009). Saint-Bénigne de Dijon en l’an mil, “totius Gallie basilicis mirabilior”: interprétation politique, liturgique et théologique. (Vol. 5) Brepols series : Disciplina monastica (Brepols, Turnhout, Belgium,..
    • Malone, C. M. (2008). Saint-Bénigne et sa rotonde : archéologie d’une église bourguignonne de l’an mil). (Editions universitaires, Dijon, 2008.
    • Malone, C. M. (2004). Façade as Spectacle: Ritual and Ideology at Wells Cathedral. (Vol. 102) Brill: Leiden & Boston: Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions.

    Book Chapters

    • Malone, C. M. (2016). Architecture as Evidence for Liturgical Performance. Understanding Medieval Liturgy: Essays in Interpre London: Routledge:.
    • Malone, C. M. (2016). Les implications sensorielles de l’architecture et de la liturgie au Moyen Âge. pp. 429-57. Editions du Cerf .
    • web site, photographic documentation for 2008 book on Saint-Bénigne de Dijon.,
    • USC Phi Kappa Phi Faculty Recognition Award, Saint-Bénigne de Dijon en l’an mil, “totius Gallie basilicis mirabilior”: interprétation politique, liturgique et théologique : Disciplina monastica 5, eds. Susan Boynton and Isabelle Cochelin (Turnhout : Brepols, 2009)., Spring 2010
    • Albert and Elaine Borchard Foundation grant , Spring 2007
    • American Association of University Women (AAUW) Postdoctoral Research Leave Fellowship, 2002-2003
    • American Council of Learned Societies Fellowship Recipient, 2002-2003
    • Courtlandt-Elliott Prize, Medieval Academy of America , 1982-1983
  • Review Panels

    • National Endowment for the Humanities, Archaeology, 2012-2013
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