Britta Bothe

At a time when the world is growing “smaller” due to the global economy, communication technology and other developments, speaking more than one language and feeling comfortable in more than one culture have become indispensable skills. I am a firm believer in supplying my students with what they need to be competitive on the job market and in helping them along on their journey into the uncharted territory of a foreign culture and language. I am trying to make this experience as interesting, stimulating and thought-provoking as possible. Innovative and diverse teaching tools, up-to-date information and creativity are key to a successful and enjoyable classroom environment – I strive to provide just that! I was born in Germany, received my B.A. from the University of Hamburg and then decided to move oversees. I “landed at the Californian shore,” earned an M.A. from USC and transferred to UCLA for my Ph.D. Over the past several years, I taught German Studies courses, graduate/undergraduate classes in culture and civilization, translation, linguistics, literature, business German as well as first and second year German classes at Arizona State, San Diego State, Loyola Marymount and several other universities. My research interests focus on 20th century literature in particular (East German) women writers, feminist theory and second language acquisition.
- Ph.D. German Literature, University of California, Los Angeles
- M.A. German Literature, University of Southern California
Research, Teaching, Practice, and Clinical Appointments
- Associate Professor (Teaching), University of Southern California, Spring 2011
- Language Coordinator, University of Southern California, 2006-08-2013-08
- Lecturer , University of Southern California, 2003-08-2010-12
Visiting and Temporary Appointments
- Visiting Assistant Professor of German and Acting Director of the Language Center , Loyola Marymount, 2007-2008
- Visiting Professor, California State University, Chico, 1998-1999
- Visiting Professor, California State University, San Diego, 1995 – 1998
- Visiting Professor, Arizona State University, Tempe, 1994-1995
Research Keywords
German Literature of the 19th and 20th century –
Women’s Literature ( in particular East German writer Irmtraud Morgner) and Feminist Theory. -
Conference Presentations
- WORDPLAY – Digital and Non-Digital Games in the Beginning Language Classroom , ACTFL ConferencePoster, New Orleans, 2018-2019
- Animated & Animating – Animated video projects in the (German) 101 classroom , ACTFL, November 19, 2016Poster, Boston, 2016-2017
- Digital Mapping in the German Studies Classroom , ACTFL, November 21, 2015Poster, San Diego, 2015-2016
- “mLearning” , USC Teaching with Technology, May 6th, 2013Talk/Oral Presentation, CST, USC, 2012-2013
Other Presentations
- Digital Mapping Project in German Studies Exile Course, Mapping @USC, Showcasing Digital Scholarship at USC Series, October 9th, 2014, USC, 2015-2016
- “From Day 1 – Engage Beginning Language Learners!” , Center for Excellence of Teaching (CET) Workshop for Foreign Language Teachers, USC, 2014-2015
- Animation-Project in German 101, CET-Language Workshop, April 4th, 2014, USC, 2013-2014
- Intercultural Learning, CET-Language Director Meeting, February 28th, 2014, USC, 2013-2014
- Designed and conducted study on German heritage speakers in the greater Los Angeles area.
Institutional Review Board (IRB) application for study “German heritage speakers in L.A. County.” Approval: February 22, 2019
- Designed and conducted study on German heritage speakers in the greater Los Angeles area.
- Bothe, B. (2010). Vom “Halbmenschen” zum “Ganzmenschen.” Zu Liebe, Arbeit und Androgynie in Irmtraud Morgners Salman-Romanen. Stuttgart: Hans-Dieter Heinz – Akademischer Verlag. Stuttgarter Arbeiten zur Germanistik.
Book Chapters
- Bothe, B. (2021). German: The Invisible Language Minority. The historical, political, and linguistic dimensions of the German language landscape in multilingual La-La Land. Mutlilingual La La Land New York: Routledge.
Book Review
- Bothe, B. (1999). “Einander Verstehen: Ein deutsches literarisches Lesebuch. Women in German Newsletter.
Essay Translation
- Nye, S., Bothe (Translator), B. (2018). Von Electric Café zu Techno Pop. Versuch einer Kritik eingefahrener Rezeptionsmuster. (Uwe Schütte, Ed.). Leverkusen. C.W. Leske Verlag.
- German Studies Website, Created entire webpage for USC German Studies in 2011 to ensure visibility of program after closure of department
Wrote all content for page, shot and edited video footage/testimonials, designed the layout, provided all graphics and photography and created, digital map featuring German Studies alumni, Facebook feature, student project showcase
, 2011-2012
- German Studies Website, Created entire webpage for USC German Studies in 2011 to ensure visibility of program after closure of department
- USC or School/Dept Award for Teaching, USC Basic Language Instruction Award, 2015, 2015-2016
Office Hours
- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday : 1-1:50 PM & by appt – THH 316
Professional Memberships
- ACTFL, 2012 –
- AATG, 1995 –
- MLA, 1995 –