Beatrice Mousli

Research & Practice Areas
Twentieth and Twenty-first Centuries French and Francophone literature,
intellectual history of the 20th century (in France and in the United States), history of publishing, life and history of literary magazines, from 1850 to present,
theory & practice of literary history,
theory & practice of life-writing.
Center, Institute & Lab Affiliations
- Littératures savoirs et arts (LISAA), Université de Marne-la-Vallée.,
- Modernist Little Reviews – Paris III- Sorbonne Nouvelle.,
- H.D.R. Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Paris III Sorbonne nouvelle, 12/2005
- Ph.D. 20th Century Literature, Paris IV Sorbonne, 12/1993
- M.S. Information Science, Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris, 10/1989
- M.A. Lettres Modernes, Paris IV Sorbonne, 6/1989
Research, Teaching, Practice, and Clinical Appointments
- Associate Professor (Teaching), USC, 2008-08-
- Full Time Lecturer, USC, 1999-01-2008-05
- Lecturer & undergraduate advisor, IES, 09/01/1996-10/25/1998
Other Employment
- Information ingenieur, Futuribles International, 02/01/1995 – 01/31/1997
Summary Statement of Research Interests
Béatrice Mousli received her doctorate from the University of Paris-IV Sorbonne in 1993. Her work has three main focuses:French and Francophone 20th and 21st century literatures, French colonial history and literary institutions and networks in France and in the United States, transatlantic literary exchanges, and. She has published many books among which Intentions, histoire d’une revue littéraire des années vingt (Ent’revues 1996), Les Editions du Sagittaire 1919-1979 (IMEC, 2003), Valery Larbaud (Flammarion, 1998, Grand Prix de la Biographie de l’Académie Française), Virginia Woolf (Ed. du Rocher, 2001), Max Jacob (Flammarion, 2005, Prix Anna de Noailles de l’Académie Française 2006) and Philippe Soupault(Flammarion, 2010). Her latest book is a biography of Susan Sontag (Flammarion, 2017), the first one published after the writer’s passing. She is now at work on a book-length study of ordinary times of colonisation in Algeria and France, in the first half of the 20th century, as well as preparing a new biography of Marguerite Yourcenar.
Research Keywords
Francophone literature, colonial and postcolonial history,
life writing,
biography studies,
history of the book,
literary history,
contemporary American literature (poetry, fiction).Research Specialties
Twentieth and Twenty-first Centuries French and Francophone literature,
intellectual history of the 20th century (in France and in the United States), history of publishing, life and history of literary magazines, from 1850 to present,
theory & practice of literary history,
theory & practice of life-writing. -
USC Funding
- Advancing Scholarship in the Humanities and Social Sciences research sabbatical . Marguerite Yourcenar: Research in M. Yourcenar’s archives in New England, in preparation of the writing of a biography, $30000, Fall 2018
- ASHSS. Susan Sontag, An American Intellectual: A biography of the critic, novelist, film-maker, playwright Susan Sontag, an attempt at defining her place in the American and European intellectual landscape of the twentieth century., $12900, 2011-2012
- Next Level Initiative. Lecture tour: Lectures on Philippe Soupault in Montpellier, Chaville, Marne-la-Vallée and Basel, $1000, 12/05/2010 – 12/14/2010
Conference Presentations
- Westwego: de l’influence de Philippe Soupault sur les poètes états-uniens , Centenary of the French Association of American Studies, May 24-26, 2007.Talk/Oral Presentation, Association Française des Etudes Américaines , Invited, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris, Spring 2007
- Ecrire–Editer, ou l’art du succès: les conseils de Pierre Mille et Fernand Divoire , Journée d’étude de la Revue d’Histoire Littéraire de la FranceTalk/Oral Presentation, Revue d’Histoire Littéraire de la France, Invited, Fondation Del Duca, Paris, December 1st, 2006., Fall 2006
- Pages from the Ashes: Publishing the Watts Writers Workshop , Fourth International Conference on the BookTalk/Oral Presentation, Emerson College, , Boston October 20–22, 2006. , Fall 2006
Other Presentations
- Philippe Soupault, une poétique du vingtième siècle, Lecture, Switzerland, 2010-2011
- Philippe Soupault, une biographie, Lecture, France, 2010-2011
- Publishing a Literary Biography in 2010: the example of Philippe Soupault, Lecture, France, 2010-2011
- A discussion with Raphaël Sorin: «Philippe Soupault à la poursuite de lui-même, de Chaville à Paris en passant par Tunis, Mexico, New-York, Berlin, Prague et Rio de Janeiro… », Talk, Chaville, France, 2010-2011
- Géographies Larbaldiennes, LISAA seminar, June 8, 2007, France, 2006-2007
- Mousli, B. (2017). Susan Sontag. Flammarion.
- Mousli, B. (2010). Westwego, by Philippe Soupault. Los Angeles: Mindmade Books.
- Mousli, B. (2010). Phlippe Soupault. Paris: Flammarion.
- Mousli, B., Roustang-Stoller, E. (2009). WOMEN, FEMINISM, AND FEMININITY IN THE 21ST CENTURY American and French Perspectives. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Mousli, B., Bennett, G. M., Tambrun, C. (2008). Beyond the Iconic: Contemporary Photographs of Paris 1971-2003. Los Angeles, California: Angel City Press.
- Mousli, B., Bennett, G. M. (2007). Los Angeles, a Different Look at a Different City. Los Angeles, California: Seismicity Editions.
- Mousli, B. (2005). Max Jacob. Paris, France: Flammarion.
- Mousli, B. (2005). A Review of Two Worlds: French and American Poetry in Translation. Los Angeles: Seismicity Editions.
- Mousli, B., Laurent, F. (2003). Les Editions du Sagittaire. Paris, France: Institut Mémoire de l’édition contemporaine, Imec.
- Mousli, B., Bennett, G. M. (2002). Charting the Here of There: French & American Poetry in Translation in Literary Magazines 1850-2002. New York: Granary Books.
- Mousli, B. (2001). Virginia Woolf. Monaco & Paris, France: Editions du Rocher.
- Mousli, B. (1998). Valery Larbaud. Paris, France: Flammarion.
Book Review
- Mousli, B. (2009). “Le Journal de Valery Larbaud au complet (1600 pages)”. La Quinzaine Littéraire. pp. 15-16.
Journal Article
- Mousli, B. (2012). Correspondance inédite (1934-1944) ; Lettres de Max Jacob à René Lacôte. Cahiers Max Jacob. (11/12), pp. 15-52.
- Mousli, B. (2011). “Une conversation brusquement interrompue: Claudel, Gide, Whitman”. Europe. pp. 16-21.
- Mousli, B. (2008). “Maxime Lévy apôtre ou martyr? Max Jacob, héros accidentel du Bon apôtre de Philippe Soupault”. Cahiers Max Jacob. (8), pp. 11-25.
- Mousli, B. (2008). “Ecrire la ville: Los Angeles dans les livres”. Urbanisme. (uly-August 2008)), pp. 64-71.
- Mousli, B. (2007). “Ecrivains-éditeurs: l’exception Sagittaire”. Revue d’Histoire Littéraire de la France. (October-December 2007), pp. 841-849.
- Mousli, B. (2007). “La revue ne prend plus d’abonnement”. La Revue des Revues. (February 2007), pp. 29-42..
- Mousli, B. (2005). “Mohamed Dib, une traduction américaine,”. Expressions Maghrébines/CICLIM. Vol. 145–155
Poetry Collection
- Mousli, B. (2011). Metamorphosis of Palm Trees. pp. 25. Los Angeles. Mindmade Books.
- Mousli, B. (2006). Philippe Soupault américaniste. Revues Modernistes Anglo-Américaines: lieux d’échanges, lieux d’exils/Ent’revues.
- reading, “Metamorphosis of Palm Trees.” Reading at Gallery Track 16, Santa Monica, Saturday August 27, 2006.
, Fall 2006
- publication, “Metamorphosis of a Palm Tree: Kaleidoscope of an Exile”, in The New Review of Literature, vol.5 n°2, pp. 72-78., Spring 2008
- reading, “I”d rather be writing.” Reading, Gallery Track 16, Santa Monica, Saturday August 23, 2008., Fall 2008
is a portrait in 69 mns of Los Angeles. A mix of texts and sounds (recording of ambient sounds by Martin Krieger, USC professor of Urban Studies), this project was done in collaboration with Guy Bennett, and aired on the French national Radio, France Culture. , 09/27/2009 - Reading, Reading at Vroman’s Bookstore of work in progress. , 01/28/2011
- reading, “Metamorphosis of Palm Trees.” Reading at Gallery Track 16, Santa Monica, Saturday August 27, 2006.
- Officier de l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques, French Minister of Education. [Officer in the order of the Academic Palms], 2018 –
- Knight of the order of the Academic Palms – French Ministry of Education, 2007 –
- Prix Anna de Noailles de l’Académie française, 2006 –
- Grand Prix de la biographie de l’Académie Française, 1998 –
Other Advisement or Time Devoted to Students
- Faculty advisor for the USC undergraduate French Club, 2007 – 2013
Professional Memberships
- Association of Writers and Writing Programs, 2009 – 2013
- Biographers International Organization, 2009 – 2013
- Société des Gens de Lettres, 2007 – 2013
- Association des Amis de Max Jacob, 2005 – 2013
- Modern Language Association, 1993 – 2013
- Association Internationale des Amis de Valery Larbaud, 1987 – 2013
- Society for the History of Autorship, Reading & Publishing, 2000 – 2011