Alix Ziff

Postdoctoral Scholar - Teaching Fellow
Alix Ziff


Alix Ziff is a Post-Doctoral Teaching Fellow in the Political Science and International Relations Department. Her substantive research focuses on the role recipient government agency plays in the distribution of subnational foreign aid to either exacerbate or mitigate inequity. As a teacher-scholar, Alix also conducts pedagogical research looking at transfer pipelines and the integration of unrepresented student populations in undergraduate research. She also works with USC’s Office of Equity and Engagement to serve and support Dornsife’s students, faculty, and staff.


  • Ph.D. Political Science & International Relations, University of Southern California, 2024
  • M.A. International Political Economy & Methods/ Research Tools, University of Southern California, 2020
  • M.A. African Studies, Stanford University, 2017
  • BA Political Science & International Relations, Univ Calif San Diego, 2015
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