Crustal Seismic Anisotropy
- Okaya, D., S.S. Vel, S.E. Johnson, W.J. Song, 2018, Modification of crustal seismic anisotropy by geological structures (“structural geometric anisotropy”), Geosphere, 15, doi:10.1130/GES01655.1.
- Novitsky, C.G., W.S. Holbrook, B.J. Carr, S. Pasquet, D. Okaya, and B.A. Flinchum, 2018, Mapping inherited fractures in the Critical Zone using seismic anisotropy from circular surveys, Geophys. Res. Letts., 45, doi:10.1002/2017GL075976.
- Okaya, D., N.I. Christensen, Z. Ross, and F. Wu., 2016, Terrane-controlled crustal shear wave splitting in Taiwan, Geophys. Res. Letts., 43 doi:10.1002/2015GL066446.
- Christensen, N.I., and D. Okaya, 2007, Compressional and shear wave velocities in South Island NZ rocks and their application to the interpretation of seismological models of the New Zealand crust, in Okaya, D., Stern, T., and Davey, F., A continental plate boundary: tectonics of South Island, New Zealand, AGU Geophysical Monograph 175, 125-158.
- Okaya, D., W. Rabbel., T. Beilecke, and J. Hasenclever, 2004, P-wave material anisotropy of a tecton-metamorphic terrane: An active-source seismic experiment at the KTB super-deep drill hole, southeast Germany, Geophys. Res. Letts., 31, L24703, doi: 10.1029/2004GL020855.
- Okaya, D., and T. McEvilly, 2003, Elastic wave propagation in anisotropic crustal material possessing arbitrary internal tilt, Geophys. J. Int., 153, 344-358.
- Okaya, D., and N. Christensen, 2002, Anisotropic Effects of Non-Axial Seismic Wave Propagation in Foliated Crustal Rocks, Geophys. Res. Letts., 10.1029/ 2001GL014285.
- Godfrey, N.J., N.I. Christensen, and D.A. Okaya, 2002, The effect of crustal anisotropy on reflector depth and velocity determination from wide-angle seismic data: a synthetic example based on South Island, New Zealand, Tectonophysics, 355, 145-161.
- Godfrey, N.J., N.I. Christensen, and D.A. Okaya, 2000, Anisotropy of schists: contributions of crustal anisotropy to active-source seismic experiments and shear-wave splitting observations, J. Geophys. Res., 105, 27991-28007.
- Okaya, D.A., N. Christensen, D. Stanley, and T. Stern, 1995, Crustal anistropy in the vicinity of the Alpine Fault zone, South Island, New Zealand, New Zeal. Jour. Geol. & Geophys., 38, 579-583.