Yana Ryjova, MA


A bioecological approach to understanding stress and communication in couples


Romantic relationships and well-being: How relationship factors influence mental health and communication

Alexis (Lexy) Beale, MA


Rejection sensitivity: Links to romantic relationship behavior



Hannah Rasmussen, Ph.D., 2023

Dissertation Title: Aggression in close relationships and responses to stress

Current position: Psychologist, VA Puget Sound Health Care System, Seattle Division, Primary Care and Women’s Health

Yehsong Kim, Ph.D., 2023

Dissertation Title: Links between discrimination and sleep difficulties:  Romantic relationships as risk and resilience factors

Current position: Post-doctoral Fellow, Stanford University, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

Geoffrey Corner, Ph.D., 2021

Dissertation Title: Relationships and meaning:  Examining the roles of personal meaning and meaning-making processes in couples dealing with important life events

Current position: Psychologist, VA Puget Sound Health Care System, Seattle Division, Mental Health Clinic/Couple & Family Program

Sohyun Han, Ph.D., 2020

Dissertation Title: Young adult dating couple interactions in daily life:  Links to family aggression and physiological processes

Current position: Psychologist, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, Psychiatry Department

Kelly F. M. Kazmierski, Ph.D., 2019

Dissertation Title: Effects of childhood adversity on physiology and health in emerging adulthood

Current position: University of California, Irvine

Adela Timmons, Ph.D., 2018

Dissertation Title: Ambulatory assessment methods for capturing naturalistic couple interactions in daily life

Current position: Assistant Professor, Psychology Department, University of Texas, Austin

Ilana Kellerman Moss, Ph.D., 2017

Dissertation Title: Using observed peer discussions to understand adolescent depressive symptoms and interpersonal interactions

Current position: Psychologist, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition

Larissa Del Piero, Ph.D., 2016

Dissertation Title:  Biological and behavioral correlates of emotional flexibility and associations with exposure to family aggression

Current position: Director, VA Puget Sound Healthcare System Center for Polytrauma Care; Clinical Program Manager, VISN 20 Polytrauma System of Care; Assistant Professor, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Washington School of Medicine

Aubrey Rodriguez, Ph.D., 2016

Dissertation Title: Parental military service and adolescent mental and behavioral health:

Current position:  Staff Psychologist at Southern Arizona VA Health Care System; head of the PTSD Residential Rehabilitation and Treatment Program (RRTP).

Esti Iturralde, Ph.D., 2015

Dissertation Title: Not just talk: Observed communication in adolescent friendship and its implications for health risk behavior

Current position: Mental Health Services Researcher at Kaiser Permanente Division of Research

Lauren Spies Shapiro, Ph.D., 2014

Dissertation Title: Risky behaviors, interpersonal conflict, and their relation to fluctuation in adolescents’ diurnal HPA rhythms

Current Position: USC, Director, Psychology Services Center

Katrina Vickerman, Ph.D., 2010

Dissertation Title: Spouse aggression, mental and physical health: A longitudinal examination

Current position: Research Scientist at Optum (formerly Alere Wellbeing), Center for Wellbeing

Sarah Duman Serrano, Ph.D., 2010

Dissertation Title: Parental attunement and its relation to marital conflict and youth outcomes

Current Position: Staff Psychologist, VA Greater Los Angeles, Sepulveda Ambulatory Care Center; GLA Local Evidence Based Psychotherapy Coordinator; Health Science Clinical Instructor, UCLA Department of Psychiatry

Deborah Chien, Ph.D., 2006 

Undergrad: University of Michigan

Dissertation Title: Linkages between marital aggression and sibling conflict: Moderating roles of marital conflict resolution and children’s attitudes condoning aggression

Angéle Fauchier, Ph.D., 2006 

Dissertation Title: Marital conflict and parenting: Moderating effects of ethnicity and parent sex

Current Position: Assistant Professor at University of Colorado Denver – Anschultz Medical Campus, where she also works at the Child Trauma Program at the Kempe Cente

Michelle Ramos, Ph.D., 2006

Dissertation Title: Daily marital conflict and children’s daily mood and behavior: The moderating roles of marital violence exposure and children’s psychological distress

Current Position: Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, California State University, Fullerton

Martha Rios, Ph.D., 2005

Dissertation Title: Hostile family environments and children’s perceptions of social support

Current Position: Private practice, Los Angeles

Laura Proctor, Ph.D., 2004

Dissertation Title: Children’s and parents’ exposure to community violence: Links with neighborhood disadvantage and parenting

Current Position: Research Assistant Professor, San Diego State University

Catherine Haudek Delsol, Ph.D., 2003

Dissertation Title: Emotion regulation as a mediator between family-of-origin aggression and marital aggression

Current Position: Occupational Psychologist, Medical Services Division-Personnel Department, Psychology Section, City of Los Angeles

Anna Marie Medina, Ph.D., 2002

Undergrad: Stanford University

Dissertation Title: The influence of family context on intrachild variables: Examining linkages among interparental conflict, supportive parent-child relationships, and children’s appraisals, coping and attention regulation

Current Position: Associate Professor and Department Chair, Psychology, Gonzaga University

Pamella Oliver, Ph.D., 2001

Dissertation Title: Parental psychological distress and child temperament as moderators of the effects of daily job stress on parent-child interactions

Current Position: Associate Professor, California State University, Fullerton

Mark Laumakis, Ph.D., 2000

Dissertation Title: The effects of family environment variables on young children’s school behavior and peer interaction

Current Position: Lecturer, Department of Psychology, San Diego State

Holly Garcia O’Hearn, Ph.D., 1999

Dissertation Title: Daily patterns of anger and withdrawal in violent and nonviolent Couples

Current Position: Independent Practice, Thousand Oaks, CA

Norine Smiley, Ph.D., 1999

Dissertation Title: A behavioral-analytic model for assessing social competence in male batterers

Current Position: Independent Practice, Scottsdale, AZ

Elana B. Gordis, Ph.D., 1998

Dissertation Title: Observed dyadic marital and triadic family conflict and child internalizing and externalizing behavior problems

Current Position: Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Albany SUNY

Chandra Ghosh Ippen, Ph.D., 1998

Dissertation Title: Testing the feasibility and effectiveness of a multi-component program: Including parent-training, child competencies training, and tutoring

Current Position: Associate Research Director of the Child Trauma Research Program at the University of California, San Francisco and the Early Trauma Treatment Network

Louise Foo, Ph.D., 1996

Dissertation Title: Physical and psychological aggression in marriage: An analysis of risk factors

Current Position: Director of Clinical Services, Conard House, San Francisco

Diana Doumas, Ph.D., 1995

Dissertation Title: The relationship between daily marital interaction and interference processes and health behavior

Current Position: Professor and Chair of Counselor Education and Director for the Institute for the Study of Addiction at Boise State University

Elizabeth Halloran, Ph.D., 1994

Dissertation Title: The impact of marital conflict on children

Current Position: Assistant Professor, The Medical College of Ohio

Osnat Erel, Ph.D., 1993

Dissertation Title: Marital discord and background anger: Links with child behavior

Current Position: Lecturer, Hebrew University

Mary O’Brien, Ph.D. 1992

Dissertation: The influence of child coping and parent-child relationship factors on the association between marital conflict and child adjustment

Current Position: Director of Clinical Training, Research Scientist & Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Yale University

Cheryl-Jean Chan, Ph.D., 1991

Dissertation Title: The relationship between dual-earner couples’ daily work mood and their daily marital satisfaction and home affect

Bonnie Burman, Ph.D., 1989

Dissertation Title: The relationship between marital interaction patterns and marital conflict styles: An analysis of home observational data.

Current Position: Adjunct Fellow, Institute for Life-Span Development and Gerontology, The University of Akron

Lisa Gleberman, Ph.D., 1988

Dissertation Title: Family interaction in maritally violent families

Joseph A. Michelli, Ph.D., 1988

Dissertation Title: Observational bias in spouse observation integrating cognitive and behavioral approaches to marital distress

Current Position: Chief experience officer and founder of Lessons for Success

Lisa Krueger, Ph.D., 1988

Dissertation Title: Marital conflict and children’s cognitive and emotional processes.

Current Position: Clinical practice, Pasadena, CA

Patricia Baltazar, Ph.D., 1987

Dissertation Title: Valence of marital self-disclosure as related to relationship satisfaction

Current Position: Clinical practice, Hermosa Beach, CA

Linda Gorin-Sibner, Ph.D., 1986

Dissertation Title: Marital satisfaction as related to type A behavior in wives and husbands

Current Position: Clinical practice, Torrance, CA

Vivian Fernandez Credidio, Ph.D., 1985

Dissertation: Relative resources of spouses and the relationship to conflict tactic and marital satisfaction

Current Position: Independent Practice, Manhattan Beach

Monica Ramirez Basco, Ph.D. 1986

Dissertation Title: The conflict management styles of married couples displaying potentially problematic personality characteristics

Current Position: Review Officer for NIH for the Social Psychology, Personality and Interpersonal Processes Study Section (SPIP) as part of the Risk Prevention and Health Behavior IRG

Charles Weinstein, Ph.D., 1983

Dissertation Title: Therapist and client session behaviors and their relationship to client between session behaviors in marital and family therapy: A microlevel analysis

Current Position: Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Keck School of Medicine, USC; Private practice, Sherman Oaks, CA

David Hattem, Ph.D., 1983

Dissertation Title: The search for structure: A comparison of systems and social learning theory models of family interaction

Current Position: Faculty, UNC Forensic Psychiatry Program and Clinic; Director, Forensic Screener Program, Central Regional Hospital, NC; Internship Director, Central Regional Hospital, NC

Jana Kahn, Ph.D., 1982

Dissertation Title: Depression in the marital context

Current Position: Private Practice, Los Altos