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The Bold Journey

When we think of a visionary, we are quick to admire his or her capacity to see a new opportunity and affect great change in the world. But the effort involved — the rigorous process of turning dreams into reality — often goes unnoticed. That oversight pushes a critical piece of the story into the background — the part where ambition is channeled into action, where setbacks are combatted by resilience. Here is where the visionary deconstructs the abstract ideal and rebuilds it as a concrete strategy. This is among the most defining elements of a dynamic liberal arts mindset.

A photo of Dean Amber Miller

At USC Dornsife, we prepare tomorrow’s leaders to both imagine new possibilities and to excel in a journey that brings these to fruition. Whether it is a fresh perspective on global ecology that Professor Jan Amend inspires through his studies of the deep ocean floor, or the artistic innovation of literary talents such as Professor Aimee Bender, USC Dornsife is creating pipelines through which every member of our academic community can contribute to society in a visionary way.

I have the great pleasure of engaging with our talented faculty and students every day. And every day it becomes more clear to me that USC Dornsife has something unique to offer the world. We know that a vision cannot simply unfold — it must be earned. Our leading thinkers today make the bold journey to transcend the status quo and lead the way in developing knowledge that will inspire tomorrow’s solutions. I hope you will follow the evolution of these visionary ideas with me in the coming years.

Amber Miller
Dean of USC Dornsife
Anna H. Bing Dean’s Chair