May 22, 2017 to May 26, 2017

Organized by Juhi Jang

Summer School 2017 Schedule

Summer School 2017 Courses

2017 Summer School Application

This summer school, funded by NSF CAREER grant DMS-1608494, aims at providing (i) an educational opportunity for graduating seniors and beginning graduate students who are interested in research in modern applied analysis and PDEs arising in fluid and gas dynamics, (ii) a networking opportunity for students to meet with their peers with diverse background and to interact with active researchers in the field.

The summer school offers three courses:

  • On some boundary problems of the Boltzmann equation and its hydrodynamic limit
    – Chanwoo Kim (University of Wisconsin at Madison)
  • Recent results in the mathematical analysis of inviscid flows
    – Ondrej Kreml (Czech Academy of Sciences)
  • An introduction to instabilities in interfacial fluid dynamics
    – Ian Tice (Carnegie Mellon University)

There will be selected talks by participants.

Funding (travel and USC campus housing – shared apartment) is available for graduate students and senior undergraduate students.

  • Application deadline for financial support: March 1, 2017 (for application guideline, click here: application)

For questions and inquiries, contact the organizer ( at

This summer school is supported by NSFUSC Math Department, and CAMS