Cisneros, M., Behr, W.M., Platt, J.P., and Anczkiewicz, R. 2022. Quartz‑in‑garnet barometry: constraints on formation pressures of eclogites from the Franciscan Complex, California. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 177:12. (PDF)
Platt, J.P., Mitchell, T.M., Prior, D.J., Negrini, M., Fan, S., Jefferd, M., and Winnard, B., 2021. Stress sensitivity of high-temperature microstructures in quartz and ice. Journal of Structural Geology, 154 (2022) 104487.
Schmidt, W.L. and Platt, J.P. 2022. Stress, microstructure, and deformation mechanisms during subduction underplating at the depth of tremor and slow slip, Franciscan Complex, northern California. Journal of Structural Geology, 154, 104469.
Cawood, T.K. and Platt, J.P., 2021. What controls the width of ductile shear zones? Tectonophysics.
Lusk, A. D. J., Platt, J. P., & Platt, J. A., 2021. Natural and experimental constraints on a flow law for dislocation-dominated creep in wet quartz. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, v. 126, e2020JB021302.
Platt, J.P., Grove, M., Kimbrough, D.L., and Jacobson, C.E., 2020. Structure, metamorphism, and geodynamic significance of the Catalina Schist terrane, in Heermance, R.V., and Schwartz, J.J., eds., From the Islands to the Mountains: A 2020 View of Geologic Excursions in Southern California: Geological Society of America Field Guide 59, p. 165–195,
Cawood, T.K. and Platt, J.P., 2020. Variations in the P-T-t of deformation in a crustal-scale shear zone in metagranite. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 21, e2020GC009384.
Schmidt, W.L. and Platt, J.P. 2020. Metamorphic temperatures and pressures across the eastern Franciscan: Implications for underplating and exhumation. Lithosphere, v. 2020, 8853351.
Lusk, A.D. and Platt, J.P., 2020. The deep structure and rheology of a plate boundary-scale shear zone: constraints from an exhumed Caledonian shear zone, NW Scotland. Lithosphere, v. 2020, 8824736.
Xia, H. and Platt, J.P., 2018. Is the Vincent fault in southern California the Laramide subduction zone megathrust? Geological Society of America Bulletin,
Platt, J. P., Xia, H., and Schmidt, W. L., 2018, Rheology and stress in subduction zones around the aseismic/seismic transition: Progress in Earth and Planetary Sciences, v. 5, no. 24.
Schmidt, W. L., and Platt, J. P., 2018, Subduction, accretion, and exhumation of coherent Franciscan blueschist-facies rocks, northern Coast Ranges, California: Lithosphere, v. 10, p. 301-326.
Williams, J.R. and Platt, J.P. 2018. A new structural and kinematic framework for the Alborán Domain (Betic-Rif arc, western Mediterranean orogenic system). Journal of the Geological Society, London.
Platt, J.P., and De Bresser, J.H.P., 2017. Stress dependence of microstructures in experimentally deformed calcite, Journal of Structural Geology, v. 105, p. 80-87.
Xia, H. and Platt, J.P., 2017. Structural and rheological evolution of the Laramide subduction channel in southern California. Solid Earth, v. 8, p. 379-403, doi:10.5194/se-8-379-2017
Cooper, F.J., Platt, J.P., and Behr, W.M., 2017. Rheological transitions in the middle crust: insights from Cordilleran metamorphic core complexes. Solid Earth, v. 8, p. 199–215. doi:10.5194/se-8-199-2017.
Platt, J.P. and Passchier, C.W., 2016. Zipper junctions: A new approach to the intersections of conjugate strike-slip faults. Geology, v. 44, p. 795–798. doi:10.1130/G38058.1.
Platt, J.P., 2015a. Rheology of two-phase systems: A microphysical and observational approach. Journal of Structural Geology v. 77, p. 213-227.
Platt, J.P., 2015b. Influence of shear heating on microstructurally defined plate boundary shear zones. Journal of Structural Geology v, 79, p. 80-89.
Platt, J. P., Behr, W. M., and Cooper, F.J., 2015. Metamorphic core complexes: Windows into the mechanics and rheology of the crust. Journal of the Geological Society, London, v. 172, p. 9-27. doi:10.1144/jgs2014-036.
Johanesen, K.E., Platt, J.P., 2015. Rheology, microstructure, and fabric in a large scale mantle shear zone, Ronda Peridotite, southern Spain. Journal of Structural Geology v. 73, p. 1-17.
Behr, W.M., Platt, J.P., 2014. Brittle faults are weak, yet the ductile middle crust is strong: Implications for lithospheric mechanics. Geophysical Research Letters v. 41, p. 8067-8075.
Platt, J.P. 2014. Origin of Franciscan blueschist-bearing melange at San Simeon, central California coast. International Geology Review, v. 58, p. 843-853. doi: 10.1080/00206814.2014.902756.
Johanesen, K., Platt, J. P. and Kaplan, M. 2014. A revised thermal history of the Ronda peridotite, S. Spain: New evidence for excision during exhumation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 393; 187–199.
Platt, J. P. and T. W. Becker, 2013. Kinematics of rotating panels of E-W faults in the San Andreas system: what can we tell from geodesy? Geophysical Journal International, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggt189.
Behr, W. M., and Platt, J. P., 2013, Rheological evolution of a Mediterranean subduction complex: Journal of Structural Geology, v. 54, p. 136-155.
Platt, J. P., Behr, W. M., Johanesen, K. and Williams, J.R., 2013. The Betic-Rif arc and its orogenic hinterland: A review. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 41, 14.1–14.45 doi: 10.1146/annurev-earth-050212-123951.
Behr, W.M. and Platt, J.P., 2012. Kinematic and thermal evolution during two-stage exhumation of a Mediterranean subduction complex. Tectonics, 31, TC4025. doi:10.1029/2012TC003121.
Platt, J.P., Behr, W.M., 2011. Deep structure of lithospheric fault zones. Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L24308, doi:10.1029/2011GL049719.
Platt, J.P., and Behr, W.M., 2011. Grainsize evolution in ductile shear zones: implications for strain localization and the strength of the lithosphere, Journal of Structural Geology, 33, 537-550. doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2011.01.018.
Behr, W.M. and Platt, J.P., 2011. A naturally constrained stress profile through the middle crust in an extensional terrane. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 303, 181–192. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2010.11.044.
Cooper, F.J., Platt, J.P., Anczkiewicz, R., and Whitehouse, M.J., 2010a, Footwall dip of a core complex detachment fault: thermobarometric constraints from the northern Snake Range (Basin and Range, USA): Journal of Metamorphic Geology, doi:10.1111/j.1525-1314.2010.00907.x
Platt, J. P., and T. W. Becker, 2010. Where is the real transform boundary in California?, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 11, Q06012, doi:10.1029/2010GC003060.
Cooper, F.J., Platt, J.P., Platzman, E.S., Grove, M.J., and Seward, G., 2010b, Opposing shear senses in a subdetachment mylonite zone: Implications for core complex mechanics: Tectonics, v. 29, TC4019. doi:10.1029/2009TC002632.
Platt, J.P., 2007. From orogenic hinterlands to Mediterranean-style back-arc basins: A comparative analysis. Journal of the Geological Society of London, 164, 297–311.
Jiménez-Munt, I. & Platt, J.P., 2006. Influence of mantle dynamics on the topographic evolution of the Tibetan Plateau: Results from numerical modelling. Tectonics, 25, doi:10.1029/2006TC001963.
Platt, J.P., Anczkiewicz, R., Kelley, S.P., Soto, J.-I., & Thirlwall, M., 2006. Early Miocene continental subduction and rapid exhumation in the western Mediterranean. Geology, 34, 981-984; doi: 0.1130/G22801A.
Anczkiewicz, R., Platt, J.P., Thirlwall, M.F., & Wakabayashi, J., 2004. Franciscan subduction off to a slow start: Evidence from high-precision Lu-Hf garnet ages on high grade-blocks. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 225, 147-161. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2004.06.003.
Platt, J.P., Argles, T.W., Carter, A., Kelley, S.P., Whitehouse, M.J., & Lonergan L., 2003. Exhumation of the Ronda peridotite and its crustal envelope: constraints from thermal modelling a PT-time array. Journal of the Geological Society, London, 160, 655-677.
Platt, J.P., Whitehouse, M.J., Kelley, S.P., Carter, A., and Hollick. L., 2003. Simultaneous extensional exhumation across the Alboran basin: Implications for the causes of late-orogenic extension. Geology, 31, 259-262.
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Professor J. P. Platt
Department of Earth Sciences
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA90089-0740