I teach or co-teach undergraduate courses in Introductory Geology (Geol 105), Petrology (Geol 316), Structural Geology and Tectonics (Geol 321), a Maymester field course on the Geology of Southern Spain, and an advanced course on Continental Tectonics (Geol 499). Geol 316, 321, and 499 can also be taken for credit by graduate students if required.
I teach the following graduate courses:
Microstructure and Rock Rheology. This course focuses on the interpretation of microstructure in terms of microscale processes of deformation during the ductile flow of rock. We cover the origin of deformational fabrics in rocks, the interpretation of small-scale structures in mylonites and fault zones in terms of sense of shear, and the implications of natural deformational processes for rock rheology. Laboratory exercises involve the detailed petrographic description and interpretation of thin-sections, and an introduction to the use of Electron Backscatter Diffraction techniques.
Advanced Metamorphic Petrology. The course focuses primarily on the theory and practice of metamorphic thermobarometry, including the calculation of activity coefficients, equilibrium constants, PT slopes of reactions, Schreinemakers analysis, and an introduction to the use of Thermocalc. A major part of the course involves a project and a term paper involving petrographic description, interpretation, and thermobarometric study of a set of samples. Training in the use of the electron microprobe is provided.
For more information on the details and availability of these courses, please visit the USC course catalogue or the schedule of classes. If you are currently taking one of these classes, course materials can be found on Blackboard.
Professor J. P. Platt
Department of Earth Sciences
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA90089-0740