A study published in the journal Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews by PhD student Daniel Aslan shows that people with neurodegenerative diseases utilize neuroplasticity in an attempt to learn new motor skills by altering brain activity. This altered brain activity is unique for each neurodegenerative disease, but also depends on the progression of the disease and the type of task being learned.

Monday, October 11, 2021: Brandon Kayser, PhD, Senior Scientist, Genentech, South San Francisco, CA. “Metabolites and Microbes After Bariatric Surgery

Link for recorded seminar: https://usc.zoom.us/rec/share/Z8e32EDWThc9jVj-2XcYt5lC5zFmp6DEXHFCeBO0J7-2Da_XCwaOlA6MkaZ_aDVM.nWey33-FE5R0J-SF

Monday, October 18, 2021: Lindsey Bogachus, PhD, Director of Medical Education, Arthrex/Evolution Surgical, Fremont, CA. “Be Willing To Take The Road Less Traveled

Link for recorded seminar: https://usc.zoom.us/rec/share/ryUHnrwZYRx8gL5oAT5SX8v7Lwe6LMFig6y-eB5kIGQPHREGeX_EkULsY2a6jr8t.FOarx5SjftnOHaar