Dornsife Summer Funding Opportunities
The Gold Family Graduate Fellowship awards $5,000 to a limited number of PhD candidates for research related to their dissertation. Gold Family Fellows are chosen on the basis of extraordinary academic promise.
USC Del Amo Foundation Research Award funds stipends of up to $5,000. Preference is given to students whose research involving Spain/California connections requires travel to Spain.
Hovel Summer Travel Award funds stipends of up to $5,000 for dissertation research or the study of German language in order to complete the dissertation.

Find an opportunity through the USC Awards and Fellowship Database from the Office of the Provost
USC offers faculty, postdoctoral fellows, and research administrators a wide range of internal and external funding sources for research and other scholarly projects.
USC Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE) administers a variety of grant programs for graduate students that have been developed to encourage women to select USC as an institution in which to study, conduct research, and develop successful careers.