by Bradley Harrison

“‘Less is more,’ said Robert Browning. In today’s world, we don’t actually know what that means—is erasure burning to ash, or the phoenix rising? Are they the same—destruction, creation? Bradley Harrison acutely—and marvelously—addresses this question (thankfully, without an answer) in this series of weathering, creating a palimpsest worthy of dis-covering.”
— Mary Ruefle
Bradley Harrison grew up in Colfax, Iowa and is a graduate of Truman State University. Currently a Michener Fellow at the University of Texas in Austin, is work can be found in New American Writing, Gulf Coast, Forklift Ohio, CutBank, The Los Angeles Review, New Orleans Review, and Best New Poets 2012.
Cover illustration “Buffalo Man (People Have Learned From the Indian)” by Thornton Dial, a self-taught artist from Alabama whose work has been exhibited at the Whitney and the Smithsonian, among other venues.
Book design by Diana Arterian and Rachel Olsen.
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