Research Analyst Intern at the Resilience Fund/SkySource

By: Nicole Summerfield, Spring 2023

As an intern with the Resilience Fund, I have been able to develop my business skills and expand my knowledge of current sustainable solutions. The Resilience Fund is an investment fund that supports innovative companies making a positive impact on the environment, with a focus on water, food, clean energy, and carbon transformation. Their company, SkySource, has developed a sustainable energy-water generator called the WEDEW.

My work has focused primarily on SkySource, specifically on creating a Profit and Loss (P&L) Projection sheet for the WEDEW. This task involved researching electricity generation, efficiency, and distribution of use, as well as calculating the Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) for different outputs from combusted biomass, such as biochar, graphene, renewable diesel, and green hydrogen. Using this information, I calculated projected ARR and 5-year revenue projections for one of their machines. During my time as an intern, I have developed my Microsoft Excel and research skills. I have also gained valuable experience working with a P&L sheet, which has been an excellent opportunity to bridge my environmental studies knowledge with business practices. I am excited to continue working on future projects with the Resilience Fund and further develop my skills in creating informative research reports. Overall, my internship experience with the Resilience Fund has been an incredible opportunity to explore the intersection of business and sustainability. It has given me valuable experience that I can take with me into my future career and has shown me the potential for creating positive change through innovative investments.