Dornsife Dialogues
Dornsife Dialogues, hosted by the USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, are conversations among leading scholars and distinguished alumni regarding a wide range of topics relevant to our world today.

USC Dornsife Magazine
Health and Well-being
USC Dornsife Magazine is a semi-annual publication prepared by the Office of Communication. The magazine is a storybook of amazing news features, event coverage, selected achievements, faculty publications, and alumni class notes.

Learn on the go with our Youtube Channel
Continue learning on our Youtube Channel with shorts and numerous playlists featuring scholars, students, and alumni.
Why Gratitude is Good for Your Health
Want to be happy? Be grateful. USC Dornsife scholars who study gratitude science say the emotion can have physical and mental health benefits ranging from lower inflammation, lower stress and lower heart rate. Watch for tips on how to incorporate gratitude to lead a happier life.
Blackfish Documentary: A Director’s Story
The documentary “Blackfish” uncovered the plight of orcas living in captivity, sparking outrage and changing laws when it premiered 10 years ago in 2013. Today, filmmaker Gabriela Cowperthwaite, a 1999 USC Dornsife alumna, reflects on the journey and shares her approach to documentary filmmaking.
From Books to Beats: Meet the DJ Professor
A professor by day, an electronic music DJ by night. USC Dornsife writing professor Dr. Chris Muniz talks about the surprising overlap between scripting an essay and preparing for a set.