
Get tips on how to effectively use LinkedIn to boost your profile.
Learn from alumni experts how to get the most of your benefits and maximize your compensation package.
Learn how to take control of your financial future with alumni experts.
Hear from alumni who have navigated their own career transitions share effective strategies during this interactive discussion.
Learn how to properly position yourself to change industries or professions through proper preparation.
Examine the anatomy of a well-written cover letter and business communications.
Re-align with your interests in this specialized session for those who are retired and looking for a new career opportunity
Identify common leadership styles, learn how to develop your own, and why it matters with alumni experts.
This important beginner's guide teaches the basic principles of investing.

Trojans Hiring Trojans

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Free 1:1 Career Advising

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USC Dornsife Alumni Relations

(213) 740-4990


1150 South Olive Street, Suite 2400
Los Angeles, CA 90015