We address fundamentally geobiologic questions via the sedimentary record




A sample of current project themes


Stromatolites as biosignatures, or maybe not all the time?

How do squishy mats become lithified? (Currently funded via NASA)

Origin of textures in microbialites

Record of pre-GOE oxygen/bubbles in stromatolites

Critical Earth-Life Transitions 

End Triassic Mass Extinction, an analogue for rising CO2

Terminal Proterozoic, isotope excursions, and origin of animals

Cambrian Substrate Revolution and biogeochemical cycles

Eocene Hot House

What constitutes a biosignature/biosedimentology?

microbe-mineral interaction

microbe-sediment interaction

Ooids: what are they trying to tell us (that is, if they could talk)?

Geobiology of alkaline lake systems and relevance to ancient Earth/Exobiology

Diagenesis of carbonates and how it affects geochemical records through time

Geobiology of concretions and other diagenetic phases

Archean and Proterozoic geobiology
