Welcome to the homepage of the Barry C. Thompson Research Group in the Department of Chemistry and Loker Hydrocarbon Research Institute at the University of Southern California. Our group is focused on the design, synthesis, and characterization of electroactive organic polymers, with the primary area of interest being solution processable polymer-based solar cells or photovoltaics. Within this focus, materials are targeted or designed based on the properties desired for a specific application. A central facet of all of our projects is to prepare high performing materials in a simple and efficient manner. This makes synthesis a major component of our research, in terms of both preparing new monomers and polymers or preparing known compounds and implementing them in new and creative ways. The entire journey from synthesis to device is performed in-house, making device fabrication and testing a key method for material characterization.

Barry C. Thompson Research Group
Barry C. Thompson
Professor of Chemistry
University of Southern California
Department of Chemistry
Loker Hydrocarbon Research Institute
837 Bloom Walk, LHI 105
Los Angeles, CA 90089-1661
Phone: 213-821-2656
FAX: 213-740-6679
email: barry.thompson@usc.edu