Han-Hui Hsieh

Postdoctoral Scholar - Teaching Fellow
Han-Hui Hsieh
Email hanhuihs@usc.edu Office DMC 307


Dr. Han-Hui Hsieh is a postdoctoral scholar and teaching fellow in the Department of Political Science and International Relations at the University of Southern California. He earned his Ph.D. in international relations from USC. His research interests include international relations theories, historical international relations with a regional focus on East Asia, Chinese politics and foreign policies, and U.S.-China relations. His current research explores under what conditions could a hegemon expand successfully, with historical Chinese hegemony in different eras as his primary case studies. His overall research agenda aims to bring in non-Western empirics and perspectives to enrich the discipline of international relations, especially the subfields of international relations theories and international security.


  • Ph.D. International Relations, University of Southern California, 8/2022
  • M.A. International Relations, National Taiwan University, 6/2012
  • B.A. Political Science, National Taiwan University, 6/2009
    • Postdoctoral Scholar and Teaching Fellow, University of Southern California, 2022-2023
  • PostDoctoral Appointments

    • Postdoctoral Scholar and Teaching Fellow, University of Southern California, 2022 –
    • Fulbright Award, Fulbright Scholar, 2013-2015
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