Hubert Saleur

Professor of Physics and Astronomy
Hubert Saleur
Email Office SSC 215B Office Phone (213) 740-6652

Center, Institute & Lab Affiliations

  • IPhT CEA Saclay, 91191 Gif Sur Yvette, France, Director of Research


  • Ph.D. Physics, University of Paris, 1/1987
  • Summary Statement of Research Interests

    Professor Saleur is interested in low dimensional quantum field theories and statistical mechanics. His work is at the border between hard condensed matter physics and high energy physics, and rather interdisciplinary. He has recently concentrated on the study of transport out of equilibrium in nanostructures, and in phase transitions in disordered electronic systems. In the latter case, many of the techniques he uses are common with string theory.

    Research Keywords

    quantum field theories, statistical mechanics, non perturbative effects, transport out of equilibrium, AdS/CFT correspondence

  • Contracts and Grants Awarded

    • Quench dynamics of disordered quantum impurity systems, (DOE), S. Haas, H. Saleur, $300,000, 2014 – 2017
    • Quantum Quench Dynamics-Crossover Phenomena in Non-Equilibrium Correlated Quantum Systems, (DOE), S. Haas, H. Saleur, $120,000, 2012 – 2014
  • Conference Presentations

    • Non-invertible symmetries in O(n) models , At the crossroads of physics and mathematicsKeynote Lecture, Invited, University Paris-Saclay, France, 2023-2024
    • Toplogical defects in the three state Potts model , Topological defects in Conformal Field TheoriesLecture/Seminar, Invited, Aspen Center for Physics (USA), 2023-2024
    • Topological symmetries in loop models , Workshop on Topological Quantum ComputationKeynote Lecture, Invited, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2023-2024
    • Field theory for O(n) models in two dimensions , The many facets of statistical field theoryTalk/Oral Presentation, Invited, ICTP Trieste (Italy), 2022-2023
    • Spin chains and algebras , Brazilian School and Workshop on Statistical Mechanics – Recent DevelopmentsTalk/Oral Presentation, Invited, Sao Carlos (Brazil), 2022-2023
    • The physics and mathematics of loop soups , Mathematical Aspects of Condensed Matter PhysicsKeynote Lecture, Invited, ETH Zurich (Switzerland), 2022-2023
    • Topological symmetries in loop models , Integrable Systems, Exactly Solvable Models, and AlgebrasTalk/Oral Presentation, Invited, CRM, Montreal (Canada), 2022-2023
    • Non-Perturbative Phenomena in Theoretical Physics , Annual Meeting of the French Physical SocietyKeynote Lecture, Invited, University Paris-Saclay, 2021 – 2022
    • Solution of the O(n) and Q-state Potts model CFTs in 2D , 34th International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in PhysicsKeynote Lecture, Invited, Strasbourg University (France), 2021 – 2022
    • Space of states of the O(n) CFT in 2D , Integrable systems, Exactly solvable models and algebrasTalk/Oral Presentation, Invited, Montreal University (Canada), 2021 – 2022
    • Topological defects in the Ising model , Statistical Physics and Low Dimensional Systems 2022Talk/Oral Presentation, Invited, Pont A Mousson (France), 2021 – 2022
    • Entanglement and topological defects in CFT , Quantum field theory at the boundaryLecture/Seminar, Invited, Mainz (Germany), 2020 – 2021
    • The O(n) and Q-state Potts model CFT in 2 dimensions: the conclusion of a long story? , Integrability in lower dimensional AdS/CFTTalk/Oral Presentation, Invited, Dublin (Ireland), 2020 – 2021
    • The O(n) and Q-state Potts model CFT in 2 dimensions: the conclusion of a long story? , Probability, Integrability and conformal invarianceKeynote Lecture, Invited, Simons Institute Stonybrook USA, 2020 – 2021
    • A new approach to integrable spin chains in a magnetic field , Curiosity-Driven Physics: From Algebras to Quantum Chains and Statistical MechanicsTalk/Oral Presentation, Invited, Trieste (Italy), 2018-2019
    • Four point functions in percolation and LCFT , Field Theory in Condensed Matter: A Symposium in honor of Nick ReadTalk/Oral Presentation, Invited, Yale University, New Haven, 2018-2019
    • Logarithmic CFT and associative algebras , In and around topological physicsKeynote Lecture, Invited, Kuangou China, 2018-2019
    • Entanglement in non-unitary conformal field theories. , Entanglement in quantum systemsLecture/Seminar, Invited, Florence, Italy, 2017-2018
    • Four point functions in critical percolation , Correlation functions in quantum integrable systems and beyondLecture/Seminar, Invited, Lyon, France, 2017-2018
    • Four point functions in non-unitary CFTs , Wonders of Broken IntegrabilityLecture/Seminar, Invited, Simons Institute, Stonybrook, US, 2017-2018
    • Lattice algebras and correlation functions in CFT , Algebraic methods in mathematical physicsKeynote Lecture, Invited, CRM Université de Montréal, Canada, 2017-2018
    • Entanglement and quantum field theory , Condensed matter in the cityLecture/Seminar, Invited, London, UK, 2016-2017
    • Fusion in the affine Temperley-Lieb algebra: applications to CFT , Subfactors, K theory and conformal field theoryLecture/Seminar, Invited, Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK, 2016-2017
    • Quantum entanglement in non-unitary theories , Random geometry and physicsTalk/Oral Presentation, Invited, Institut Henri Poincare, Pari, France, 2016-2017
    • Full counting statistics in the not so long time limit , Non equilibrium dynamics of stochastic and quantum integrable systems Talk/Oral Presentation, Invited, KITP Santa Barbara, 2015-2016
    • Fusion in the affine Temperley-Lieb algebra , Representation theory and physicsTalk/Oral Presentation, Invited, Leeds Mathematics department, UK, 2015-2016
    • Quantum impurities and quantum information , Entanglement and non equilibrium physics of pure and disordered systemsTalk/Oral Presentation, Invited, ICTP Trieste, Italy, 2015-2016
    • Exact overlaps in the Kondo model , Symmetries and universality in mesoscopic systemsTalk/Oral Presentation, Invited, Cologne, Germany, 2014 – 2015
    • Loop models and Liouville theory at central charge less than one , The mathematics of conformal field theoryTalk/Oral Presentation, Invited, Canberra, Australia, 2014 – 2015
    • Exact overlaps in the Kondo problem , Entanglement entropy of many body quantum systemsTalk/Oral Presentation, Invited, King’s College, London, 2013 – 2014
    • Non perturbative features of entanglement entropy , Quantum EngineeringTalk/Oral Presentation, Invited, Nordita, Stockholm, Sweden, 2013 – 2014
    • Indecomposability in quantum field theory , Euler SymposiumTalk/Oral Presentation, Invited, St Petersburg, Russia, 2012-2013
    • Spin chains for the black hole sigma model , Low D quantum condensed matter physicsTalk/Oral Presentation, Invited, Amsterdam,The Netherlands, 2012-2013
    • Associative algebraic approach to Logarithmic CFTs , International Congress on Mathematical PhysicsKeynote Lecture, Invited, Aalborg (Denmark), 2011-2012
    • Bethe ansatz and transport: a review , Sasha Gogolin Memorial MeetingTalk/Oral Presentation, Invited, Trieste (Italy), 2011-2012
    • Edge states and Theta terms in the spin quantum Hall effect , Conformal invariance, discrete holomorphicity and integrabilityTalk/Oral Presentation, Invited, Helsinki (Finland), 2011-2012
    • Non perturbative methods out of equilibrium , Strongly interacting quantum systems out of equilibriumTalk/Oral Presentation, Invited, Les Houches (France), 2011-2012
    • Bethe ansatz for open systems , Quantum information concepts for condensed matter problemsTalk/Oral Presentation, Invited, Dresden (Germany), 2010-2011
    • Logarithmic CFTs and associative algebras , Cargese Luminy Physics Mathematics Summer InstituteTalk/Oral Presentation, Invited, Cargese (France), 2010-2011
    • Noise and full counting statistics in the IRLM , Integrability and its breaking in strongly correlated and disordered systemsTalk/Oral Presentation, Invited, Trieste (Italy), 2010-2011
    • Bethe ansatz and transport out of equilibrium , Emergent quantum phenomena from the micro to the macro worldTalk/Oral Presentation, Invited, Cargese, France, 2009-2010
    • Integrability and transport , Time dependent dynamics and non equilibrium quantum systemsTalk/Oral Presentation, Invited, Budapest, Hungary, 2009-2010
    • Physical aspects of supergroup sigma models , Facets of IntegrabilityTalk/Oral Presentation, Invited, Saclay, France, 2009-2010
    • (Spring 2020) PHYS 740. Selected Topics in Condensed Matter Physics, TTh, 04:00pm – 06:50pm, KAP138
    • (Spring 2021) PHYS 720. Selected Topics in Theoretical Physics, MW, 10:00am – 11:50am
    • (Spring 2022) PHYS 740. Selected Topics in Condensed Matter Physics, MW, 04:00pm – 06:50pm
    • (Spring 2023) PHYS 720. Selected Topics in Theoretical Physics, TTh, 04:00pm – 06:50pm
    • (Spring 2024) PHYS 508A. Advanced Electricity and Magnetism, MW, 10:00am – 11:50am, GFS118
  • Book

    • Bars, I., Nemeschansky, D., Pilch, K., Saleur, H. M., Warner, N. P. (1996). Future Perspectives in String Theory. USA, UK, Singapore: World Scientific.

    Journal Article

    • Sinha, M., Yan, F., Grans-Samuelsson, L., Roy, A., Saleur, H. (2024). Lattice Realizations of Topological Defects in the critical (1+1)-d Three-State Potts Model. J. of High Energy Physics. Vol. 2024 (225) arXiv
    • Jacobsen, J. L., Nivesvivat, R., Saleur, H. (2024). On currents in the O(n) model. Sci. Post Physics. Vol. 16, pp. 111. arXiv
    • Roy, A., Saleur, H. (2024). Topological Interfaces of Luttinger Liquids. Phys. Rev. B. Vol. 109, pp. L161107. arXiv
    • Jacobsen, J. L., Saleur, H. (2023). Non-invertible symmetries and RG flows in the two-dimensional O(n) loop mode. J. High. Energy Physics. Vol. 2023, pp. 90. arXiv
    • Grans Samuelsson, L., Jacobsen, J., Nivesvivat, R., Ribault, S., Saleur, H. (2023). From combinatorial maps to correlation functions in loop models. Sci. Post Physics. (15), pp. 147. arXiv
    • Chernyak, D., Gainutdinov, A., Jacobsen, J., Saleur, H. (2023). Algebraic Bethe Ansatz for the Open XXZ Spin Chain with Non-Diagonal Boundary Terms via Uqsl2 Symmetry. SIGMA. Vol. 19, pp. 046. arXiv
    • Jacobsen, J., Ribault, S., Saleur, H. (2023). Spaces of states of the two-dimensional O(n) and Potts models. Sci. Post Phys.. Vol. 14, pp. 092. arXiv
    • Schloemer, H., Tan, C., Haas, S., Saleur, H. (2022). Parity effects and universal terms of O(1) in the entanglement near a boundary. Sci. Post Physics. Vol. 13, pp. 110. arXiv
    • Chernyak, D., Gainutdinov, A., Saleur, H. (2022). Uqsl2 invariant non-compact boundary conditions for the XXZ chain. JHEP. Vol. 11, pp. 016. arXiv
    • Grans-Samuelsson, L., Nivesvivat, R., Jacobsen, J. L., Ribault, S., Saleur, H. (2022). Global symmetry and conformal bootstrap in the two-dimensional O(n) model. Sci. Post Physics. Vol. 12, pp. 147. arXiv
    • Roy, A., Saleur, H. (2022). Entanglement entropy in the Ising model with topological defects. Phys. Rev. Lett.. Vol. 128, pp. 090603. arXiv
    • He, Y., Saleur, H. (2022). A note on the identity module in c=0 CFTs. Sci.Post Physics. Vol. 12, pp. 100. arXiv
    • Roy, A., Schuricht, D., Hauschild, J., Pollmann, F., Saleur, H. (2021). The quantum sine-Gordon model with quantum circuits. Nuclear Physics B. Vol. 968, pp. 115445. arXiv
    • Samuelsson, L. G., Jacobsen, J. L., Saleur, H. (2021). The action of the Virasoro algebra in quantum spin chains. I. The non-rational case. JHEP. Vol. 02, pp. 130. arXiv
    • Robertson, N. F., Jacobsen, J. L., Saleur, H. (2021). Lattice regularisation of a non-compact boundary conformal field theory. JHEP. Vol. 02, pp. 180. arXiv
    • He, Y., Jacobsen, J. L., Saleur, H. (2020). Geometrical four-point functions in the two-dimensional critical Q-state Potts model: The interchiral conformal bootstrap. JHEP. Vol. 12, pp. 019. arXiv
    • Samuelsson, L. G., Liu, L., He, Y., Jacobsen, J. L., Saleur, H. (2020). The action of the Virasoro algebra in the two-dimensional Potts and loop models at generic Q. JHEP. Vol. 10, pp. 109. arXiv
    • Yoshimura, T., Bidzhiev, K., Saleur, H. (2020). Non-Hermitian quantum impurity systems in and out of equilibrium: noninteracting case. Phys. Rev. B. Vol. 102, pp. 125124. arXiv
    • Roy, A., Pollmann, F., Saleur, H. (2020). Entanglement Hamiltonian of the 1+1-dimensional free, compactified boson conformal field theory. J. Stat. Mech.. pp. 283104. arXiv
    • Granet, E., Jacobsen, J. L., Saleur, H. (2020). Analytic continuation of Bethe energies and application to the thermodynamic limit of the SL(2,C) non-compact spin chain. Journal of High Energy Physics. Vol. 12, pp. 069. arXiv
    • Tan, C., Saleur, H., Haas, S. (2020). Detection of Topology via Entanglement Oscillations. Phys. Rev. B. Vol. 101, pp. 235155. arXiv
    • He, Y., Jacobsen, J. L., Grans-Samuelsson, L., Saleur, H. (2020). Four-point geometrical correlation functions in the two-dimensional Q-state Potts model: connections with the RSOS models. JHEP. Vol. 05, pp. 144. arXiv
    • Robertson, N., Pawelkiewicz, M., Jacobsen, J. L., Saleur, H. (2020). Integrable boundary conditions in the antiferromagnetic Potts model. JHEP. Vol. 05, pp. 144. PubMed Web Address arXiv
    • Roy, A., Saleur, H. (2019). Quantum Electronic Circuit Simulation of Generalized sine-Gordon Models. Physical Review B. Vol. 100, pp. 155425. arXiv
    • Robertson, N., Jacobsen, J. L., Saleur, H. (2019). Conformally invariant boundary conditions in the antiferromagnetic Potts model and the SL(2,R)/U(1) sigma model. JHEP. Vol. 10, pp. 254. arXiv
    • Bizhdiev, K., Misguich, G., Saleur, H. (2019). Out-of-equilibrium transport in the interacting resonant level model and comparison with the boundary sine-Gordon model. Phys. Rev. B/US. Vol. B100, pp. 075157. arXiv
    • Granet, E., Jacobsen, J., Saleur, H. (2019). Spontaneous symmetry breaking in 2D supersphere sigma models and applications to intersecting loop soups. Journal of Physics A/UK. Vol. 52, pp. 345001. arXiv
    • Granet, E., Jacobsen, J., Saleur, H. (2019). Analytical results on the Heisenberg spin chain in a magnetic field. J. Phys. A/IOP. Vol. 52, pp. 255302. arXiv
    • Couvreur, R., Vernier, E., Jacobsen, J. L., Saleur, H. (2019). On truncations of the Chalker-Coddington model. Nuclear Physics B/Elsevier. Vol. 941, pp. 507–559. arXiv
    • Jacobsen, J. L., Saleur, H. (2019). Bootstrap approach to geometrical four-point functions in the two-dimensional critical Q-state Potts model: A study of the s-channel spectra. Journal of High Energy Physics/Springer. Vol. 01, pp. 80. arXiv
    • Granet, E., Jacobsen, J. L., Saleur, H. (2018). A distribution approach to finite-size corrections in Bethe-ansatz solvable models. Nuclear Physics B. Vol. 934, pp. 96-117. arXiv
    • Vasseur, R., Roshani, A., Haas, S., Saleur, H. (2017). Healing of defects in random antiferromagnetic spin chains. EPL/IOPScience. Vol. 119 (5) arXiv
    • Campos Venuti, L., Ma, Z., Saleur, H., Haas, S. (2017). Topological protection of coherence in a dissipative environment. Physical Review A. Vol. 96, pp. 053858. arXiv
    • Belletete, J., Gainutdinov, A. M., Jacobsen, J. L., Saleur, H., Vasseur, R. (2017). On the correspondence between boundary and bulk lattice models and (logarithmic) conformal field theories. J. Phys. A/IOP. Vol. 50 (48) arXiv
    • Couvreur, R., Jacobsen, J. L., Saleur, H. (2017). Entanglement in non-unitary quantum critical spin chains. Phys. Rev. Lett.. arXiv
    • Vasseur, R., Saleur, H. (2017). Universal Entanglement Dynamics following a Local Quench. SciPost Rhys. arXiv
    • Vernier, E., Jacobsen, J. L., Saleur, H. (2017). Elaborating the phase diagram of spin 1 anyonic spin chains. SciPost Phys. arXiv
    • Vernier, E., Jacobsen, J. L., Saleur, H. (2016). The continuum limit of a(2)N-1 spin chains. Nuclear Physics B. Vol. 911, pp. 52–93. arXiv
    • Ikhlef, Y., Jacobsen, J. L., Saleur, H. (2016). Three-point functions in c <= 1 Liouville theory and conformal loop ensembles. Phys. Rev. Lett.. Vol. 116, pp. 130601. arXiv
    • Vernier, E., Jacobsen, J. L., Saleur, H. (2016). Dilute oriented loop models. Journal of Physics A. Vol. 49 (6), pp. 064002. arXiv
    • Vernier, E., Jacobsen, J. L., Saleur, H. (2015). A new look at the collapse of two dimensional polymer. J. Stat. Mech.. pp. (2015) P09001 (35pp). arxiv
    • Gainutdinov, A. M., Read, N., Saleur, H., Vasseur, R. (2015). The periodic alternating sl21 spin chain and its continuum limit as a bulk logarithmic conformal field theory at c=0. J. High Energy Physics. pp. May 2015,2015:114 (69pp). arxiv
    • Lukyanov, S., Saleur, H., Jacobsen, J. L., Vasseur, R. (2015). Exact overlaps in the Kondo problem. Physical Review Letters. Vol. 114, pp. 080601. arxiv
    • Gainutdinov, A. M., Saleur, H., Tipunin, I. (2014). Lattice W algebras and Logarithmic CFTs. J. Phys. A Math Theor.. Vol. A47, pp. 495401 (49pp). arxiv
    • Vernier, E., Jacobsen, J. L., Saleur, H. (2014). Non compact continuum limit of two coupled Potts models. J. Stat. Mech.. pp. P10003(2014). PubMed Web Address arxiv
    • Vernier, E., Jacobsen, J. L., Saleur, H. (2014). Non compact conformal field theory and the a22 model in regime III. Journal of Physics A. Vol. 47, pp. 285202 (51pp). archive
    • Vasseur, R., Jacobsen, J. L., Saleur, H. (2014). Universal entanglement crossover of coupled quantum wires. Phys. Rev. Lett.. Vol. 112, pp. 106601 (5pp). Archive
    • Schmitteckert, P., Carr, S. T., Saleur, H. (2014). Transport through nano structures: finite time versus finite size. Physical Review B. Vol. 89, pp. 081401 (5pp). Archive
    • Gainutdinov, A. M., Jacobsen, J. L., Read, N., Saleur, H., Vasseur, R. (2013). Logarithmic conformal field theory: a lattice approach. Journal of Physics A. Vol. 46, pp. 494012 (34pp). archive
    • Freton, L., Boulat, E., Saleur, H. (2013). Infra red expansion of entanglement entropy in the interacting resonant level model. Nuclear Physics B/Elsevier. Vol. 874 (1), pp. 279–311.
    • Gainutdinov, A., Jacobsen, J. L., Saleur, H., Vasseur, R. (2013). A physical approach to the classification of indecomposable Virasoro representations from the blob algebra. Nuclear Physic B/Elsevier. Vol. 873 (3), pp. 614–681.
    • Saleur, H., Schmitteckert, P., Vasseur, R. (2013). Entanglement in quantum impurity problems is non perturbative. Physical Review B. Vol. 88, pp. 085413–085426.
    • Gainutdinov, A., Read, N., Saleur, H. (2013). Continuum limit and symmetries of the periodic gl(1|1) spin chain. Nuclear Physics B/Elsevier. Vol. 873 (2), pp. 245–288.
    • Gainutdinov, A., Read, N., Saleur, H. (2013). Bimodule structure in the periodic gl(1|1) spin chain. Nuclear Physic B/Elsevier. Vol. 871 (2), pp. 289–329.
    • Vasseur, R., Trinh, K., Haas, S., Saleur, H. (2013). Crossover physics in the non equilibrium dynamics of quenched quantum impurity systems. Physical Review Letters. Vol. 110, pp. 240601–240605.
    • Bondesan, R., Jacobsen, J. L., Saleur, H. (2013). Rectangular amplitudes, conformal blocks, and applications to loop models. Nuclear Physics B/Elsevier. Vol. 867 (3), pp. 913–949.
    • Bondesan, R., Dubail, J., Jacobsen, J. L., Saleur, H. (2012). Conformal boundary state for the rectangular geometry. Nuclear Physics B/Elsevier. Vol. 862 (2), pp. 553–575.
    • Vasseur, R., Gainutdinov, A., Jacobsen, J. L., Saleur, H. (2012). The puzzle of bulk conformal field theories at central charge c=0. Physical Review Letters. Vol. 108, pp. 161602.
    • Bondesan, R., Gruzberg, I. A., Jacobsen, J. L., Obuse, H., Saleur, H. (2012). Exact exponents for the spin quantum Hall transition in the presence of multiple edge channels. Physical Review Letters. Vol. 108, pp. 126801.
    • Ikhlef, Y., Jacobsen, J. L., Saleur, H. (2012). An integrable spin chain for the SL(2,R)/U(1) black hole sigma model. Physical Review Letters. (108), pp. 081601.
    • Vasseur, R., Jacobsen, J. L., Saleur, H. (2011). Indecomposability parameters in chiral logarithmic conformal field theory. Nuclear Physics / Elsevier. Vol. B851, pp. 314–345. Archive
    • Komnik, A., Saleur, H. (2011). Quantum fluctuation theorem in an interacting setup: point contacts in fractional quantum Hall edge state devices. Physical Review Letters. Vol. 107, pp. 100601. archive
    • Bondesan, R., Jacobsen, J. L., Saleur, H. (2011). Edge states and conformal boundary conditions in super spin chains and super sigma models. Nuclear Physics / Elsevier. Vol. B849, pp. 461–502. Archive
    • Braenschadel, A., Boulat, E., Saleur, H., Schmitteckert, P. (2010). Numerical Evaluation of Shot Noise using Real Time Simulations. Physical Review B. Vol. 82, pp. 205414-205418. Archive
    • Dubail, J., Jacobsen, J. L., Saleur, H. (2010). Critical exponents of domain walls in the two-dimensional Potts model. Journal of Physics A. Vol. 43 (48), pp. 482002. Archive
    • Branschaedel, A., Boulat, E., Saleur, H., Schmitteckert, P. (2010). Shot noise in the self-dual Interacting Resonant Level Model. Physical Review Letters. Vol. 105, pp. 146805-146808. Archive
    • Dubail, J., Jacobsen, J., Saleur, H. (2010). Conformal field theory at central charge c=0: a measure of the indecomposability (b) parameters. Nuclear Physics B. Vol. 834 (3), pp. 399-422. archive
    • Ikhlef, Y., Jacobsen, J., Saleur, H. (2010). The Z2 staggered vertex model and its applications. Journal of Physics A. Vol. 43 (22), pp. 225201. archive
    • Dubail, J., Jacobsen, J. L., Saleur, H. (2010). Conformal boundary conditions in the critical O(n) model and dilute loop models. Nuclear Physics B. Vol. 827, pp. 457-502.
    • Candu, C., Jacobsen, J. L., Read, N., Saleur, H. (2010). Universality classes of polymer melts and conformal sigma models. Journal of Physics A. Vol. A43, pp. 142001. archive
    • Candu, C., Mitev, V., Quella, T., Saleur, H., Schomerus, V. (2010). The sigma model on complex projective superspaces. JHEP. Vol. 1002, pp. 015. archive
    • Saleur, H., Pozsgay, B. (2010). Scattering and duality in the two dimensional osp(2|2) Gross Neveu and sigma models in 2 dimensions. JHEP. Vol. 1002, pp. 008. archive
    • Dubail, J., Jacobsen, J. L., Saleur, H. (2009). Exact solution of the anisotropic special transition in the O(n) model in 2D. Phys. Rev. Lett.. Vol. 103, pp. 145701.
    • Ikhlef, Y., Jacobsen, J., Saleur, H. (2009). A Temperley Lieb quantum spin chain with two and three site interactions. J. Phys. A. Vol. 42 (29), pp. 292002. arXiv:org
    • Campos Venuti, L., Saleur, H., Zanardi, P. (2009). Universal sub leading terms in ground state fidelity. Physical Review B. Vol. 79, pp. 092405.
    • Candu, C., Saleur, H. (2009). A lattice approach to the conformal $OSp(2S+2|2S)$ supercoset sigma model. Part I: Algebraic structures in the spin chain. The Brauer algebra. Nuclear Physics B. Vol. 808, pp. 441.
    • Candu, C., Saleur, H. (2009). A lattice approach to the conformal $OSp(2S+2|2S)$ supercoset sigma model. Part II: The boundary spectrum. Nuclear Physics B. Vol. 808, pp. 487.
    • Dubail, J., Jacobsen, J., Saleur, H. (2008). Conformal two boundary loop model on the annulus. Nuclear Physics B. Vol. 813, pp. 430.
    • Boulat, E., Saleur, H., Schmitteckert, P. (2008). Twofold advance in the theoretical understanding of far-from-equilibrium properties of interacting nanostructures. Physical Review Letters. Vol. 101, pp. 104601.
    • Jacobsen, J. L., Saleur, H. (2008). Boundary chromatic polynomial. Journal of statistical physics. Vol. 132, pp. 707.
    • Affleck, I., Borda, L., Saleur, H. (2008). Friedel oscillations and the Kondo screening cloud. Phys. Rev. B.. Vol. 77, pp. 180404.
    • Yu, R., Saleur, H. M., Haas, S. (2008). Entanglement Entropy in the Two-Dimensional transverse field random Ising model. Phys. Rev.. Vol. B77, pp. 140402.
    • Jacobsen, J. L., Saleur, H. M. (2008). Exact valence bond entanglement entropy and probability distribution in the XXX spin chain and the Potts model. Phys. Rev. Lett.. Vol. 100, pp. 0807205.
    • Ikhlef, Y., Jacobsen, J. L., Saleur, H. M. (2008). A staggered 6 vertex model with a non compact continuum limit. Nuclear Physics B. Vol. B789 (3), pp. 483–524.
    • Jacobsen, J. L., Saleur, H. M. (2008). Combinatorial aspects of boundary loop models. J. Stat. Mech.. pp. P01021.
    • Boulat, E., Saleur, H. M. (2008). Exact low temperature results for transport properties in the interacting resonant level model. Phys. Rev.. Vol. B77, pp. 033409.
    • Jacobsen, J. L., Saleur, H. M. (2008). Conformal boundary loop models. Nuclear Physics B. Vol. B788 (3), pp. 137-166.
    • Gogolin, A. O., Konik, R. M., Ludwig, A. W., Saleur, H. M. (2007). Counting statistics for the Anderson impurity model: Bethe ansatz. Annalen der Physik. Vol. 16, pp. 678.
    • Read, N., Saleur, H. M. (2007). Associative algebraic approach to logarithmic conformal field theories. Nuclear Physics B. Vol. B777 (3), pp. 316–351.
    • Read, N., Saleur, H. M. (2007). Enlarged symmetry algebras of spin chains, loop models, and S matrices. Nuclear Physics B. (B777), pp. 263–315.
    • Saleur, H. M., Schomerus, V. (2007). On the SU(2/1) WZW model and its statistical mechanics applications. Nuclear Physics B. Vol. B775 (3), pp. 312–340.
    • Ikhlef, Y., Jacobsen, J. L., Saleur, H. M. (2007). Non intersection exponents of fully packed trails on the square lattice. J. Stat. Mech.. (2007), pp. P05005.
    • Komnik, A., Saleur, H. (2006). Full counting statistics of chiral Luttinger liquids with an impurity. Physical Review Letters. Vol. 96, pp. 216406. archive
    • Saleur, H. M., Essler, F., Frahm, H. (2005). Continuum limit of the sl(2/1) 3,3 superspin chain. Nucl. Phys. B. Vol. 712, pp. 513-572.
    • Saleur, H. M., Jacobson, J. (2005). The arboreal gas and the supersphere sigma model. Nucl. Phys. B. Vol. 716, pp. 439-461.
    • Saleur, H. M., Schomerus, V. (2005). The GL(1/1) WZW model: from supergeometry to logarithmic CFT. hep-th/0510032.
    • Saleur, H. M., Jacobsen, J. (2005). The antiferromagnetic transition for the square-lattice Potts model. cond-mat/0512058.
    • Saleur, H. M., Safi, I. (2004). A one channel conductor in an Ohmic environment: mapping to a TLL and full counting statistics. Phys. Rev. Lett.. Vol. 93, pp. 126602.
    • Saleur, H. M., Trauzettel, B., Roche, P., Glattli, C. (2004). On the determination of fractional charge through shot noise measurements. Phys. Rev. B. Vol. 70, pp. 233301.
    • Saleur, H. M., Caracciolo, S., Jacobsen, J., Sokal, A., Sportiello, A. (2004). Fermionic field theory for trees and forests. Phys. Rev. Lett.. Vol. 93, pp. 080601.
    • Saleur, H. M., Jacobsen, J., Read, N. (2003). Dense loops, supersymmetry and Goldstone phases in two dimensions. Phys. Rev. Lett.. Vol. 90, pp. 090601-090604.
    • Saleur, H. M., Koutouza, A., Trauzettel, B. (2003). How irrelevant operators affect the determination of fractional charges. Phys. Rev. Lett.. Vol. 91, pp. 026801-026804.
    • Saleur, H. M., Wehefritz-Kauffman, B. (2003). Integrable quantum field theories with supergroup symmetries: a detailed study of the OSP(1/2) case. Nucl. Phys. B. (443)
    • Saleur, H. M., Koutouza, A., Lesage, F. (2003). Scattering amplitudes in non Fermi liquids systems. Phys. Rev. B. Vol. 68, pp. 115422.
    • Saleur, H. M., Caux, J., Siano, F. (2003). The two-boundary sine-Gordon model. Nucl. Phys. B. Vol. 672, pp. 411.
    • Saleur, H. M., Jacobson, J., Read, N. (2003). The traveling salesman problem, conformal invariance and dense polymers. Phys. Rev. Lett.. Vol. 90, pp. 038701.
    • Saleur, H. M., Konik, R., Ludwig, A. (2002). Interplay of the scaling limit and the renormalization group: Implications for symmetry restoration. Phys. Rev. B. Vol. 66, pp. 075105.
    • Saleur, H. M., Konik, R., Ludwig, A. (2002). Transport in Quantum Dots from the Integrability of the Anderson Model. Phys. Rev. B. Vol. 66, pp. 125304.
    • Saleur, H. M., Fendley, P. (2002). BPS kinks in the Gross Neveu model. Phys. Rev. D. Vol. 65, pp. 025001.
    • Saleur, H. M., Caux, J., Siano, F. (2002). The Josephson current in Luttinger liquid-superconductor junctions. Phys. Rev. Lett.. Vol. 88, pp. 106402-106406.
    • Saleur, H. M., Wehefritz-Kaufman, B. (2002). Integrable quantum field theories with OSP(m/2n) symmetries. Nucl. Phys.. Vol. 628, pp. 407-441.
    • Saleur, H. M., Lesage, F., Mathieu, P., Rasmussen, J. (2002). The SU(2)-1/2 WZW model and the beta-gamma system. Nucl. Phys. B. Vol. 647, pp. 363-403.
    • Saleur, H. M., Lesage, F., Mathieu, P., Rasmussen, J. (2002). Logarithmic lift of the SU(2)-1/2 WZW model. Nucl. Phys. B. Vol. 647, pp. 363.
    • Saleur, H. M., Koutouza, A., Siano, F. (2001). External voltage sources and tunneling in quantum wires. J. Phys. A. Vol. 34, pp. 5497-5515.
    • Saleur, H. M., Affleck, I., Oshikawa, M. (2001). Quantum Brownian motion on a triangular lattice and c=2 boundary conformal field theory. Nucl. Phys. B. Vol. 594, pp. 535-606.
    • Saleur, H. M., Weiss, U. (2001). Point contact tunneling in the fractional quantum Hall effect: an exact determination of the statistical fluctuations. Phys. Rev. B. Vol. 63, pp. 201302-201305.
    • Saleur, H. M., Konik, R., Ludwig, A. (2001). Transport through quantum dots: analytic results from integrability. Phys. Rev. Lett.. Vol. 87, pp. 236801.
    • Saleur, H. M., Affleck, I., Oshikawa, M. (2001). Boundary critical phenomena in SU(3) spin chains. J. Phys. A. Vol. 34, pp. 1073-1088.
    • Saleur, H. M., Read, N. (2001). Exact spectra of conformal supersymmetric non linear sigma models in two dimensions. Nucl. Phys. B. Vol. 613, pp. 409-444.
    • Saleur, H. M., Konik, R., Lesage, F., Ludwig, A. (2000). Two-leg ladders and carbon nanotubes: exact properties at fininte doping. Phys. Rev. B. Vol. 61, pp. 4983.
    • Saleur, H. M., Fendley, P. (2000). Differential equations and duality in massless integrable field theories at zero temperature. Nucl. Phys. B. Vol. 574, pp. 571-589.
    • Saleur, H. M. (2000). The continuum limit of sl(N/K) integrable super spin chains. Nucl. Phys. B. Vol. 578, pp. 552-576.
    • Saleur, H. M. (2000). A comment on finite temperature correlations functions in integrable quantum field theories. Nucl. Phys. B. Vol. 567, pp. 602-610.
    • Saleur, H. M., Egger, R., Grabert, H., Koutouza, A., Siano, F. (2000). Current bistability and hysteresis in stronglyh correlated quantum wires. Phys. Rev. Lett.. Vol. 34, pp. 3682-3285.
    • Saleur, H. M., Wehefritz-Kaufmann, B. (2000). Thermodynamics of the complex SU(3) Toda theory. Phys. Lett. B. Vol. 481, pp. 419-426.
    • Saleur, H. M., Huang, Y., Johansen, A., Lee, M., Sornette, D. (2000). Artifactual log-periodicity in finite size data: Relevance for earthquake aftershocks. J. Geophys. Res.. Vol. 105, pp. 25451-25471.
    • Saleur, H. M., Johansen, A., Sornette, D. (2000). New evidence of earthquake precursory phenomena in the 17 jan. 1995 Kobe earthquake, Japan. Eur. Phys. J. bf B. Vol. 15, pp. 551-555.
    • Saleur, H. M., Huang, Y., Sornette, D. (2000). Re-examination of Log periodicity observed in the foreshocks of the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. J. Geo. Res.. Vol. 105, pp. 28111-28223.
    • Saleur, H. M., Fendley, P. (1999). Hyperelliptic curves for multi-channel quantum wires and the multi-channel Kondo problem. Phys. Rev. B. Vol. 60, pp. 11432-11440.
    • Saleur, H. M. (1999). The long delayed solution of the Bukhvostov Lipatov model. J. Phys. A. Vol. 32, pp. L207-L213.
    • Saleur, H. M., Lesage, F. (1999). Strong coupling resistivity in the Kondo model. Phys. Rev. Lett.. Vol. 82, pp. 4540-4543.
    • Saleur, H. M., Lesage, F. (1999). Perturbation of IR fixed points and duality in quantum impurity problems. Nucl. Phys. B. Vol. 546, pp. 585-620.
    • Saleur, H. M., Egger, R., Komnik, A. (1999). On the effect of irrelevant boundary scaling operators. Phys. Rev. B. Vol. 60, pp. R5113-R5116.
    • Saleur, H. M., Sornette, D., Johansen, A., Arneodo, A. (1996). A new complex fractal dimensions describes the hierarchical internal structure of DLA clusters. Phys. Rev. Lett.. Vol. 76, pp. 251-254.
    • Saleur, H. M., Fendley, P., Lesage, F. (1996). A unified framework for the Kondo problem and for an impurity in a Luttinger liquid. J. Stat. Phys.. Vol. 85, pp. 211-249.
    • Saleur, H. M., Leclair, A., Lesage, F. (1996). Exact Friedel oscillations in the g=1/2 Luttinger liquid. Phys. Rev. B. Vol. 54, pp. 13597-13603.
    • Saleur, H. M., Fendley, P., Ludwig, A. (1995). Exact Conductance through Point Contacts in the v=1/3 Fractional Quantum Hall Effect. Phys. Rev. Lett.. Vol. 74, pp. 3005-3008.
    • Saleur, H. M., Martin, P. (1994). Algebras in higher dimensional statistical mechanics – the exceptional partition algebra. Lett. Math. Phys.. Vol. 30, pp. 179-185.
    • Saleur, H. M. (1993). An algebraic approach to the planar colouring problem. Comm. Math. Phys.. Vol. 152, pp. 565-590.
    • Saleur, H. M., Derrida, B. (1985). A combination of Monte carlo and transfer matrix methods to study 2d and 3d percolation. J. Physique. Vol. 46, pp. 1043-1047.
    • Introduction to Topological Phases in Condensed Matter, Physics/Graduate, Spring 2023
    • Criticality and the renormalization group, Physics/Graduate, Spring 2015
    • Conformal invariance and quantum informaiton, Physics/Graduate, Spring 2010
    • Soft Condensed Matter Physics, Physics/Graduate, Spring 2009
    • Methods in the study of complex systems, Physics/Graduate, Spring 2008
    • Introduction to Biological Physics, Physics/Graduate, Spring 2007
    • Recipient of National or International Prize in Discipline, Jean Ricard Prize from the French Physical Society, 2018-2019
    • Advanced Grant from the European Research Council (ERC) , 2015-2016
    • Best Paper of the Year Prize (Journal of Physics A, 2011), 2011-2012
    • Silver Medal from the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France), 2011-2012
    • Humboldt Senior Scientist Research Award, 04/01/2001 – 04/01/2008
    • Fellow from the Davide and Lucile Packard Foundation, 09/01/1991 – 09/01/2001
    • National Young Investigator Award (NSF), 07/01/1993 – 07/01/1998
    • Bronze Medal from the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France), 10/01/1987
    • Doisteau Blutel Prize from the French Academy of Sciences , 10/01/1987
  • Committees

    • Chair, Promotion Committee, 2023-2024
    • Co-Chair, Evaluation Committee, 2023-2024
    • Chair, Evaluation Committee, 2022-2023
    • Member, High-Energy Physics Hiring Committee, 2022-2023
    • Chair, Evaluation Committee, 2021-2022

    Review Panels

    • European Research Council, Advanced Grants Panel PE2 Member, 2022-2023
  • Conferences Organized

    • Co-organizer, Quantum Theory and Symmetry XI, July 2019, Centre de Recherches Mathematiques, Montreal, Canada, 2018-2019
    • Session Organizer (Quantum Field Theory), International Congress of Mathematical Physics, Montréal, Canada, 2017-2018
    • Co-Organizer, Exact methods in low dimensional statistical physics, Cargese, France, 2016-2017
    • Co-organizer, Strongly interacting quantum systems out of equilibrium, Les Houches, France, 2012-2013
    • Co-organizer, Advanced conformal field theory and applications, Institut Henri Poincare, Paris, France, 2011-2012
    • Co-Organizer, Exact results in low dimensional quantum systems, Florence, Italy, 2008-2009
    • Co-organizer, Capri school on transport in nano structures, Capri, Italy, 2008-2009
    • Organizer/Advisor, Statistical Field Theory of Quantum Devices, Perugia (Italy), 2007-2008

    Editorships and Editorial Boards

    • Editor, Physics Open, Elsevier, 07/01/2019 –
    • Editor, SIGMA, 07/01/2019 –
    • Editor, SciPost, 10/01/2016 –
    • Associate Editor, Topological order, Versita, 01/01/2012 –
    • Managing Editor, Section FS, Nuclear Physics B, Elsevier, 01/01/2002 –

    Review Panels

    • CNRS, France, Review of Theoretical Physics Lab., Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, 2006-2007

    Reviewer for Publications

    • Physics Lett. A,B, International Research Journal, 09/01/1992 –
    • Lett. Math. Phys., International Research Journal, 09/01/1990 –
    • Nuclear Physics B, North Holland, International Research Journal, 09/01/1987 –
    • Phys. Rev. B,D,E, International Researhc Journal, 09/01/1987 –
    • Physical Review Letters, APS, International Researchc Journal, 09/01/1987 –
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