Tatiana Akishina

Tatiana Akishina has her BA and MA with distinction from Moscow University. She holds a Ph.D. from the Pushkin Institute of Russian Language, one of the most prestigious research insitutes specializing in linguisitics and methodology of teaching Russian as second language (Moscow,Russia).
With 35 years of teaching experience, Tatiana Akishina has worked with students at all levels from all parts of the world at universities of Moscow, the University of London, and Middlebury College. She has consulted and created new programs for teacher training in Tashkent (Uzbekistan) and Nizhnij Novgorod (Russia), and coached language teachers at Indiana University. While at USC, she has created a variety of Russian language and culture programs for students and professionals.
While teaching Russian as a second language, she conducted research in second language acquisition in the areas of: listening and reading comprehension, teaching language to professionals (with Bohum University, Germany).
She pioneered intensive methods of teaching languages in Russia ( research group in Pushkin Institute) as well as methodology of teaching Russian to heritage speakers in USA (with Olga Kagan, UCLA )
Her research resulted in more than 25 published textbooks and numerous articles. At present, she works on methods of teaching intercultural communication, business Russian and experiential programs.. She actively presents at national and international conferences, including the World Congresses of Slavic Studies.
Tatiana Akishina organized and conducted short-term overseas USC summer language program in Moscow and St. Petersburg in Russia for 14 years and teaches and conducts an overseas Spring course “Trans-Siberian Experience”
She was a recipient of the 2011 USC Associates Award for Excellence in Teaching, the highest award for teaching bestowed by the university. Her book “Russian for Russians” won the AATSEEL national award for the best book in language pedagogy.
- Ph.D. Russian Linguistics, Moscow Pushkin Institute of Russian Language, Moscow, Russia, 6/1981
- WPT full rater certification, ACTFL, 2014-2015
- ACTFL OPI Tester of Russian with full certification, ACTFL, 2012-2013
Research, Teaching, Practice, and Clinical Appointments
- Professor (Teaching) Russian, University of Southern California, 2008-2009
- Language coordinator, University of Southern California, 1994-
Conference Presentations
- Philosophy of Teaching Business Russian: Creating Teaching MAterials , MAPRIAL International Conference Russian Language in the Cultural Space of Europe and the WorldKeynote Lecture, Warsaw State University, Invited, Warsaw, 2012-2013
- Research on Intercultural Communication and Teaching Languages , MAPRIAL International Conference Russian Language in the Cultural Space of Europe and the WorldTalk/Oral Presentation, Warsaw State University, Invited, Warsaw, 2012-2013
- Russian for Professionals, from Intermediate to Advanced:Challenges and Solutions , Annual Conference of AATSEELTalk/Oral Presentation, Invited, Boston, 2012-2013
- “Intercultural communication and teaching translation” , XII World congress of the International Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature (Talk/Oral Presentation, MAPRIAL, Invited, Shanghai, China, 2011-2012
- Philosophy of Business Russian Acquisition and Creating Teaching Materials for Students , Russian Language in a Language and Cultural Space of Europe and the World: 5th International ConfeTalk/Oral Presentation, Warsaw State University, Polish Association of Ru, Invited, Warsaw,Poland, Spring 2012
- Research on Intercultural Communication and Teaching Language ( on the content of teaching intercultural communication) , Russian Language in a Language and Cultural Space of Europe and the World: 5th International ConfeTalk/Oral Presentation, Warsaw State University, Polish Association of Ru, Invited, Warsaw,Poland, Spring 2012
- ” Teaching Reading Bilinguals: New Approaches in the Programs of USC” , International conference “The Role of Women in Maintaining Spiritual and Cultural Heritage”, FrankfuTalk/Oral Presentation, Fund Russkij Mir, Invited, Germany, Fall 2008
- “My grandmother does not say it this way. Mistakes in the speech of bilinguals and ways to correct them” , “The Role of Women in Maintaining Spiritual and Cultural Heritage”, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, NovTalk/Oral Presentation, Fund Russkij Mir, Invited, Germany, Fall 2008
- Teaching Intercultural Communication at the lessons of Russian , Internationalconference”Intercultural Communication”Talk/Oral Presentation, MAPRIAL, Invited, WARSAW, Poland, 05/08/2006 – 05/13/2006
- Akishina, T. (2017). Russian for Business Trip. Moscow: Russki Yazik.
- Akishina, A., Akishina, T., Bubnova, A. (2016). History of Russia through Events and Lives/ A multimedia textbook. Moscow: Russky Yazyk.
- Akishina, T., Skorikova, T. (2013). Business contacts: Russian Language Course. (Russky Iazyk, Ed.). Moscow: Russky Iazyk.
- Akishina, A., Akishina, T., Bubnova, A., Triapelnikov, A. (2011). Russia of 19 century: Faces, Events, Destinies: multimedia complex with DVD discs (textbook of Russian) Series “Russian Language in the Mirror of History and Culture of Russia”.
- Akishina, A., Akishina, T., Bubnova, A., Triapelnikov, A. (2011). Voices and Images in the History of Russia, 16-18 centuries: multimedia complex with DVD discs developing skills in Russian Series “Russian Language in the Mirror of History and Culture of Russia”. Moscow: ATISO.
- Akishina, A., Akishina, T. (2011). Grammar of feelings. Moscow: Russkij Yazik.
- Akishina, A., Akishina, T. (2010). Gestures and mimics in Russian speech: linguistic-cultural dictionary. 2-nd edition. Moscow: Ed.: “Krasand”..
- Akishina, A., Akishina, T., Bubnova, A., Triapelnikov, A. (2010). Rus. Russia: Images of history, 9-15 centuries: multimedia complex with DVD discs developing skills in Russian. Series “Russian Language in the Mirror of History and Culture of Russia”. Moscow: ATISO.
- Akishina, A., Akishina, T. (2010). History of Russia: events and people: a textbook for foreign students with multimedia program Ed.: “Russkij Yazik”, Moscow. Ed.: “Russkij Yazik”, Moscow.
- Akishina, T. Y. (2007). Learn to teach Russian to children.
- Akishina, T. Y. (2007). Modern Russian in 10 days. (Russkij Yazik, Ed.). Moscow.
- Akishina, T. Y. (2005). Russian Language, History and Culture before 1917. Moscow: Academy of Labor.
- Kagan, O., Akishina, T., Robin, R. (2002). Russian for Russians. Indiana: Slavica Press.
- Akishina, T., Skorikova, T. (1999). Contacts for Contracts. Moscow: Russky Yazyk.
- Akishina, T. (1999). The circle of names: Names in history and culture. Moscow: Intercom.
- Akishina, T. (1993). We Study Russian (Intensive Course of Russian), . Moscow: Intercom.
- Akishina, T., Skorikova, T. (1993). Contacts for Contracrts: Russian for Buisness.
- Akishina, T. (1991). Russian for Every Day . Moscow: Intercom.
- Akishina, A., Akisiha, T. (1991). Etiquette of Telephone Conversation, . Moscow: Russki yazyk.
- Akishina, A., Akishina, T. (1990). Games at the Lessons of Russian 2nd ed. Moscow: Russky Yazik.
- Akishina, T. (1989). Questions and Requests . Moscow: “Russkiy Iazyk”,.
- Akishina, T. (1988). How to organize a Russian Language Course (A reference book for teachers). Moscow: MADI.
- Treskova, S., Akishina, T. (1987). Russian in 10 days. Moscow: Russki Yazyk.
- Akishina, A., Akishina, T. (1986). Games at the Lessons of Russian. Moscow: Russky Yazyk.
- Akishina, T. (1985). Forming Skills in Listening Comprehesion in Russian. Moscow: Russky Yazyk.
Book Chapters
- Akishina, T. Y. (2009). Russian Language in World Diaspora: New Approaches to Teaching. n/a (Vol. n/a) pp. 12 pages. Moscow: Nauka/Flinta.
- Akishina, T. (1993). Russian for Christians . Russian for Christians Moscow: Intercom.
- Akishina, T. (1989). Oral Scientific Speech . (Vol. 1) Perm: Perm State University.
- Akishina, T. (1983). Methods in Teaching Written Communication. Moscow: ed. University of Friendship,.
- recognition by Mortar Board, 2014-2015
- USC Associates Award for Excellence in Teaching , 2011
- AATSEEL Award for Best Contribution to Language Pedagogy, Fall 2004
Administrative Appointments
- Director of Summer Language Program, Moscow ( Russia), 05/20/2013 – 07/01/2013
- Director if Trans-Siberian Experience program in Russia, Spring 2013
- Director, USC Summer Program in Russia, 2001 – 2011
- member of exam committees for Ph.D. and Master exams in Russian
, 2001 – - Member, CET fellow, 2013-2014
- Member, USC Fulbright Interview Committee, 2013-2014
- Member, Provost’s Advisory Committee on Work and Family Life, 2013-2014
- Member, Dornsife Committee on NTT Promotions and Appointments, 2011 – 2013
- Member, Associates and Outstanding TA Awards Selection Committee, 2011 – 2013
- College Basic Language Advisory Committee, 2010 – 2012
- Member, College NTT Promotions Committee, 2010-2011
Other Service to the University
- Russian Culture Club advisor, 2013-2014
Conferences Organized
- head of the panel “Efficiency in Teaching Russian: New Forms and Approaches” , Annual Conference of AATSEEL, Boston, Spring 2013
- head of the panel:”Translation as means of intercultural understanding, subject of studies and teaching”, XII World congress of the International Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature (MAPRIAL) ” Russian Language and Literature in Time, Shanghai, China,, 2011-2012