Steven Minas

Steven Minas


  • Ph.D. English Literature, University of Southern California, 8/2022
  • MA Georgetown University, 5/2015
  • BA University of Arizona, 5/2012
  • Summary Statement of Research Interests

    Steven’s research focuses on the early modern period with a broad interest in Poetics. He has published on Milton’s use of allusion in Milton Studies and his work on the history of “creative criticism” is forthcoming from Diacritics.

    Research Keywords

    Allusion, Criticism, Theory, Style, Literary Thinking, Cognition, Critical Semantics, Genre, Fragment, Pastoral (Bucolic), The Sublime, Virtue Ethics

  • Journal Article

    • Minas, S. A. (2019). “‘The heat of Milton’s mind’: Allusion as a Mode of Thinking in Paradise Lost”. Milton Studies. Vol. 61 (2), pp. 186-211.
  • Other Service to the University

    • Assistant Editor, The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation., 08/16/2019 –
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