Michelle Povinelli

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering-Electrophysics and Physics and Astronomy
Michelle Povinelli
Email povinell@usc.edu Office PHE 614 Office Phone 213-740-8682

Research & Practice Areas

nanophotonics, solar energy, optical trapping, microfabrication, optical characterization


Michelle L. Povinelli is a Dean’s Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Professor of Physics & Astronomy. She serves as Associate Chair for ECE-Electrophysics. She joined the USC faculty in 2008 and is the recipient of an Army Young Investigator Award, a NSF CAREER Award, and the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers. In 2010, she was selected for the TR35 award by Technology Review Magazine, which honors top innovators under age 35. She is an alumna of the Defense Science Study Group. Dr. Povinelli earned a BA with Honors in Physics from the University of Chicago, an M. Phil in Physics from the University of Cambridge, and a PhD in Physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She did postdoctoral work at Stanford University in the Department of Electrical Engineering.  She has co-authored over 100 refereed journal articles and co-invented three US Patents.

  • Research Specialties

    nanophotonics, solar energy, optical trapping, microfabrication, optical characterization

    Detailed Statement of Research Interests

     nanophotonics, metamaterials, infrared photonics, thermal emissivity modification, infrared detection

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