Marci Vogel

Dornsife Fellow in General Education
Pronouns She / Her / Hers Email Office THH 449D


Marci Vogel holds a PhD in Literature and Creative Writing from USC, where she currently serves as a Dornsife Fellow in General Education. She is the author of Death and Other Holidays, winner of the inaugurual Miami Book Fair Prize for the Novella, and At the Border of Wilshire & Nobody, winner of the inaugural Howling Bird Press Poetry Prize. Her poetry, translations, essays, and fiction appear in FIELD, VIDA, Jacket2, Plume, Quarter After Eight, Colorado Review, and Seneca Review, among others. She is the recipient of a Willis Barnstone Translation Prize, a writer-in-residence grant from the Fondation Ténot, and a Hillary Gravendyk Memorial Scholarship from the Squaw Valley Community of Writers. Her work has also earned recognition from the Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center, the Rona Jaffe Foundation, the AWP Intro Journals Project, and the James Jones Literary Society. She has been invited for readings and talks at the San Francisco Conservatory of Flowers, the University of Strasbourg, Kelly Writers House, the University of Pennsylvania, the School of Beaux-Arts in Tours, France, and the University of Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. A native of Los Angeles and first-generation college student, Vogel taught in elementary education for 22 years before entering USC in 2012 as a Provost’s Fellow.


  • Ph.D. Literature and Creative Writing, University of Southern California, 2017
  • M.F.A. Poetry, Ashland University, 2011
  • M.A. English, University of California, Irvine, 2001
  • M.Ed. Education, University of California, Los Angeles, 1990
  • B.A. Literature, University of California, Santa Cruz, 1987
  • PostDoctoral Appointments

    • USC Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in the Humanities and University of the Future, University of Southern California , 2020 – 2022
  • Summary Statement of Research Interests

    My research, writing, and teaching interests include cross-genre and hybrid forms, poetry and poetics (classical to contemporary), translation and world literatures, experiential and experimental writing practices, and women poets across a range of lineages. My literary and scholarly work frequently merges critical and creative modes to uncover new knowledges through new uses of language. I am drawn most urgently to questions regarding linguistic freedom and suppression, silence and speech: Who speaks, who doesn’t, and why? In what ways does language extend beyond words? How might poetry bridge a gap between what is silenced and what is voiced? Of particular interest are the ways by which imaginative acts of language engender interconnection––personal, social, cultural, environmental, political, ethical, and spiritual. Recent inquiries include the sixteen-part translation-based collaborative series, A Poetics of the Étrangère (online at Jacket2); and a full-length manuscript compelled by Late Medieval Francophone poet Christine de Pizan that combines critical scholarship, translation practice, and creative literary enactment to propose innovative approaches toward engaging with literature and creating new literary works. Current projects include new collections of original poetry and flash nonfiction; translation of a recent volume by contemporary Luxembourg poet, Anise Koltz; and a book-length anthology of women translating women.

  • Poetry Collection

    • Vogel, M. (2015). At the Border of Wilshire & Nobody. Minneapolis, MN. Howling Bird Press.


    • Vogel, M. (2015). Death & Other Holidays. Brooklyn, NY. Meville House. NPR Review
    • Lives of the Poets, General Education Seminar, 2022 –
    • Mixtape: Explorations Across Genre, General Education Seminar, 2022 –
    • Planet Earth Poetics, General Education Seminar, 2019 –
    • The Poetry of Translation, General Education Seminar, 2018 –
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