Lori Mesrobian

- Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley
Conference Presentations
- Rehumanizing the Humanities: ungrading in the Language Classroom and Beyond , AAC&U Conference on General Education, Pedagogy, and AssessmentTalk/Oral Presentation, 2022-2023
Other Presentations
- A Conversation on Ungrading and Grading for Equity, CET Faculty Learning Community Showcase, , 2022-2023
- Guest on podcast, https://armenianstudies.libsyn.com/language-therapy-with-dr-k-the-toll-of-the-pandemic-on-armenian-mother-guilt
Guest on podcast “Language Therapy with Dr. K” through Dornsife Institute of Armenian Studies: The Toll of the Pandemic on Arme
, 2022-2023
- Guest on podcast, https://armenianstudies.libsyn.com/language-therapy-with-dr-k-the-toll-of-the-pandemic-on-armenian-mother-guilt
USC Dornsife faculty and staff may update profiles via MyDornsife.