Linda Duguay

Research & Practice Areas
Biological Oceanography. Biological Sciences. General Oceanography. Physiological ecology of marine invertebrates. Zooplankton ecology and physiology particularly of gelatinous forms. Nutrient cycling within aquatic systems. Algal invertebrate symbioses (particularly with Foraminifera). Effects of dredging and dredge spoils on benthic populations. Beach health and water quality issues.
Center, Institute & Lab Affiliations
- Wrigley Institute for Environmental Studies, Director of Research
- USC Sea Grant Program, Director
- STC for C-DEBI, Research Program Coordinator
DR. LINDA DUGUAY was born in Providence, Rhode Island. She spent her first 21 years in the Ocean State where she developed her life long interest in Ocean Sciences. She obtained her undergraduate education in Biology at the University of Rhode Island (URI) and completed her MS and Ph.D. research in Biological Oceanography at the Rosensteil School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences (RSMAS) of the University of Miami (UM) on Virginia Key, Florida. Her research focused on life history traits, physiological adaptations, and factors regulating the population dynamics of sub-tropical marine organisms. She has held research and teaching positions at the State University of New York at Stony Brook (SUNYSB) Marine Sciences Research Center (MSRC), Southampton College of Long Island University (LIU), the Chesapeake Biological Laboratory of the University of Maryland (UMD) Center for Environmental and Estuarine Studies, and St. Mary’s College, St. Mary’s City. She served as a program manager at the National Science Foundation (NSF) in Washington, DC, in Ocean Sciences and the Office of Polar Programs from 1990 to 1999. In August of 1999, Linda moved to Southern California to become the Director of the Southern California Sea Grant program and Deputy Director of the Wrigley Institute for Environmental Studies. She has also served as Chair of the USC Program in Environmental Studies. In 2001, she was also appointed as Executive Director of the Tyler Prize for Environmental Sciences. Linda lives in Rancho Palos Verdes with her spouse, Dr. Douglas G. Capone. They have two lovely daughters, Rebecca M. Capone, USC BS in Business 2007 now a third year law student at Loyola in Los Angeles and Jennifer L. Capone, BS in Business University of Virginia, 2001 and MS in Planning from USC School of Policy Planning and Development, 2007. Jennifer now resides in Arlington, VA with her husband Daniel J. Barrett and her son Rhys Alexander Barrett born July 13, 2008.
- Ph.D. Biological Oceanography, Univeristy of Miami, 5/1979
- M.S. Biological Oceanography, University of Miami, 5/1973
- A.B. Biology, University of Rhode Island, 6/1968
Research, Teaching, Practice, and Clinical Appointments
- Research Associate Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Southern California, 2000-01-01-
- Research Assistant Professor , University of Maryland Chesapeaker Biological Laboratory, Solomons, Maryland , 1987-07-01-1999-06-30
- Research Assistant Professor , State University of New York, Stony Brook, 1982-09-01-1987-06-30
Visiting and Temporary Appointments
- Visiting lecturer, Sabbatical Replacement , St. Mary’s College of Maryland, St. Mary’s City, MD., 09/01/1987 – 06/30/1988
- Assistant Professor, Sabbatical Replacement. , Southampton College of Long Island University, Department of Natural Sciences, Southampton, NY. , 09/01/1982 – 06/30/1983
Other Employment
- Program Manager for Arctic Natural Sciences (oversee all Biology, Physical, Chemical and Biological Ocean Science, and Atmospheric Sciences Proposals), National Science Foundation, Office of Polar Programs, Arctic Science Section, Arlington, VA , 05/01/1998 – 10/01/1999
- Program Manager for Science Planning, Advanced Projects, and International Coordination, Antarctic Science Section, National Science Foundation, Antarctic Office of Polar Programs, Arlington, VA, 09/01/1996 – 05/01/1998
- Special Programs Manager, Office of Polar Programs, on detail from the Biological Oceanography Program, Geosciences Directorate, , National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA, 09/01/1995 – 09/01/1996
- Associate Program Manager, Visting 90-91 and permanent 91-96, National Science Foundation, Washington, DC and Arlington, VA , 01/01/1990 – 09/01/1996
Summary Statement of Research Interests
Currently no active research projects as primarily serve as a research administrator for 3 USC programs. Director of Research for the Wrigley Institute for Environmental Studies, Director USC Sea Grant and lead PI for NSF Center for Ocean Science Excellence in Education (COSEE)- West, I also coordinate and direct the BISC/Wrigley Catalina semester program.
Research Keywords
Ctenophores, foraminfera, symbiotic associations, benthic ecology of dredge spoil sites, water quality, beach health and status.
Research Specialties
Biological Oceanography. Biological Sciences. General Oceanography. Physiological ecology of marine invertebrates. Zooplankton ecology and physiology particularly of gelatinous forms. Nutrient cycling within aquatic systems. Algal invertebrate symbioses (particularly with Foraminifera). Effects of dredging and dredge spoils on benthic populations. Beach health and water quality issues.
Contracts and Grants Awarded
- Los Angeles Charter School Science Partnership / CaMSP, (California Math Science Partnership), Linda Duguay, Inner City Education Foundation, $649,984, 01/01/2010 – 06/30/2013
- COSEE-West Community-Based Ocean Sciences Education, (National Science Foundation), Duguay, Linda, Anthony Michaels, $1,021,741, 10/01/2007 – 09/30/2012
- Natural Resource Fellowship: Implementing the West Coast Governor’s Agreement, (NOAA), Linda Duguay, $75,000, 02/01/2010 – 01/31/2012
- Outreach On Preventing The Introduction And Spread Of Caulerpa Species to Independent Retailers, Hob, (Fish and Wildlife Service), Duguay, Linda, $49,996, 10/02/2006 – 09/30/2011
- Ocean Protection Council & California Sea Grant Partnership For, (California Coastal Conservancy), Duguay, Linda, $200,000, 10/04/2007 – 05/31/2010
- USC Sea Grant RASGAP Proposal Fy 2008-2009, (California State Resources Agency), Duguay, Linda, $42,920, 03/03/2008 – 04/30/2010
- USCSG Omnibus Proposal FY 2008-2009, (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), Duguay, Linda, $921,000, 02/01/2008 – 01/31/2010
- Proposal To Resources Agency Sea Grant Advisory Panel State Of, (California State Resources Agency), Duguay, Linda, $42,953, 05/01/2007 – 06/30/2009
- Pacific Northwest Regional Marine Research Plan: Coalescence Of Stakeholder Input and Prioritization, (Oregon State University), Duguay, Linda, $67,725, 06/01/2006 – 05/31/2009
- Ocean Protection Council & California Sea Grant Partnership For Ocean and Coastal Research, (California Coastal Conservancy), Duguay, Linda, $200,000, 09/15/2006 – 05/25/2009
- REU Site: Geobiology – Marine Science At The Interface Between, (National Science Foundation), Duguay, Linda, Michaels, Anthony Francis, $200,490, 04/01/2006 – 03/31/2009
- REU SITE: GEOBIOLOGY – MARINE SCIENCE AT THE INTERFACE BETWEEN, (NSF), Linda Duguay, Anthony Michaels, $66,830, 04/01/2006 – 03/31/2009
- Knauss Fellowship 2008 – J. Steele G. Roberts, (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), Duguay, Linda, $83,000, 02/01/2008 – 01/31/2009
- Knauss Fellowship 2007 – Fung Ginsburg Vogel, (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), Duguay, Linda, $124,500, 02/01/2007 – 01/31/2009
- Collaborative-Cosee-West, (National Science Foundation), Duguay, Linda, Michaels, Anthony Francis, $1,272,717, 09/01/2002 – 08/31/2008
Journal Article
- Knap, A., Dewailly, E., Furgal, E., Galvin, J., Baden, D., Bowen, R., Depledge, M., Duguay, L., Fleming, L. E., Ford, T., Moser, F., Owen, R., Suk, W., Unluata, U. (2002). Indicators of Ocean Health and Human Health: Developing a Research and Monitoring Framework. Environmental Health Perspectives (EHS). 110 (9):839-845. Environmental Health Perspectives (EHS). Vol. 110 (9), pp. 839-945.
- McDonnell, J., Banta, G., Chen, B., Cook, S., Duguay, L., Mesner, N., Sharp, G., Smith, L., Stairs, W., Sponberg, A. (2009). Education and Public Outreach in the Aquatic Sciences: A View from the Field. American Society of Limnology and Ocaenography.
- Cabrillo Marine Aquarium’s Suzanne Lawrenz-Miller Award for Education to the COSEE-West Program, 2008-2009
Office Hours
- Monday through Friday : open door policy for all students, Can make appointment either by email ( or with my secretary, Ruth Dudas, via phone 213-740-1961 or via email at
Professional Offices
- Treasurer, elected to 2 terms 2001-2005, Relected Treasurer in 2010 will server from January 2011 – January 2013, National Sea Grant Association , 09/01/2001 – 08/31/2005
- Secretary for Ocean Sciences Elected to two terms, American Geophysical Union (AGU) , 06/01/1999 – 05/31/2002
Professional Memberships
- National Marine Educators Association, 09/01/2006 –
- National Sea Grant Association, 09/01/1999 –
- American Geophysical Union (AGU), 09/01/1992 –
- Estuarine Research Federation (ERF), 09/01/1990 –
- Sigma XI, 09/01/1985 –
- American Society of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO), 01/01/1972 –
- The Coastal Society, 09/01/2002 – 09/01/2010