Gudrun Floyd

- M.S. Kinesiology-Biomechanics/Motor Development, California State University, Northridge, 1/2001
- EXSC 205: Human Performance Lectured one class on the topic of “EKG”., Fall 2013
- EXSC 202: Principles of Nutrition and Exercise Lectured one class meeting on the topic of “Appetite Suppressant Drugs, Surgical Procedures (Bariatric Surgery), and Fad Diets.”, Fall 2013
- EXSC 202: Principles of Nutrition and Exercise Guest lectured one class period on the topic of satiety and hunger, Fall 2010
- Member, NTT Faculty Promotional Committee for HEB, Spring 2014
- Member, NTT Faculty Annual Evaluation Merit Review Personnel Committee for HEB, Fall 2013
- Member, Member on a NTT Faculty Evaluation Personnel Committee for Human Evolutionary Biology Department., Fall 2012
- Member, Member on an interview committee for hiring new non-tenure faculty for Human Evolutionary Biology Department., 2011-2012
Professional Memberships
- Cal. State Northridge Alumni Association (Kinesiology), 2005 –
- American College of Sports Medicine, 2003 –
Review Panels
- SWACSM, Panel Participant/Presenter on personal, professional and diversity issues, Fall 2013
- SWACSM, Regional Meeting/Conference, Fall 2008
- SWACSM, Regional Meeting/Conference, Fall 2007
- Evolution Fitness, Evolution Fitness Conference in Irvine, CA, 05/20/2007
- Experimental Biology, Annual Conference, Washington D.C., Spring 2007
- SWACSM, Regional Meeting/Conference, Fall 2006
- IUPS, Teaching Physiology Workshop, 2004-2005
- SWACSM, Regional Meeting/Conference, 2004-2005
Reviewer for Publications
- CBS-Power of Walking TV segment, CBS , Over one day in November, assisted Dr. Girandola (Kinesiology Department), to run an experiment on one of the reporters from CBS. Oxygen consumption while walking on a treadmill was measured to show that walking can be a beneficial form of exercise., Fall 2006
- IndyCar Series Magazine , Issue 15, 2006, Haymarket Worldwide Inc, Administered and set up a series of motor skill tests on a top IndyCar race car driver. A writer and a photographer followed the race car driver and an article was later published in the IndyCar Series Magazine. , 09/06/2006
USC Dornsife faculty and staff may update profiles via MyDornsife.