Edward Rhodes

Center, Institute & Lab Affiliations
- Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Research Scientist
- NASA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, Guest Investigator
- Special Collections and Visual Resources Department of the Getty Research Library, Reader
- Ph.D. Astronomy, University of California, Los Angeles, 9/1977
- M.A. Astronomy, University of California, Los Angeles, 6/1971
- B.S. Physics, University of California, Los Angeles, 6/1968
- Research Fellow, California Institute of Technology, 09/01/1977 – 08/31/1978
Tenure Track Appointments
- Professor of Astronomy, University of Southern California, 09/01/1993 –
- Associate Professor of Astronomy, University of Southern California, 09/01/1985 – 08/31/1993
- Assistant Professor of Astronomy, University of Southern California, 09/01/1979 – 08/31/1985
Research, Teaching, Practice, and Clinical Appointments
- Adjunct Assistant Professor of Astronomy, University of Southern California, 1978-09-01-1979-08-31
- Assistant Research Astronomer III, University of California, Los Angeles, 1978-09-01-1979-08-31
PostDoctoral Appointments
- Research Fellow, California Institute of Technology, 09/01/1977 – 08/31/1978
Visiting and Temporary Appointments
- Visiting Professor of Physics, Stanford University, 01/01/2004 – 05/31/2004
- Visiting Professor of Physics, Stanford University, 09/01/1996 – 12/31/1996
- Associate Research Physicist, University of California, Santa Barbara, 03/01/1990 – 05/31/1990
- Visiting Astronomer, Sacramento Peak National Observatory, 01/01/1975 – 04/30/1977
Other Employment
- Research Scientist, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 10/01/2006 –
- Astronomer, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 10/01/1983 – 09/30/2006
- Senior Scientist, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 10/01/1978 – 09/30/1983
- Post Graduate Researcher III, University of California, Los Angeles, 09/01/1975 – 08/31/1977
- Research Associate, Aerospace Corporation, 01/01/1974 – 08/31/1975
- Teaching Associate, University of California, Los Angeles, 09/01/1971 – 06/15/1973
- Instructor of Astronomy, Citrus College, 10/01/1970 – 01/31/1971
- Scientist III, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 06/01/1970 – 08/31/1977
- Research Assistant, University of California, Los Angeles, 09/01/1969 – 06/15/1971
- Engineer, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 06/01/1969 – 08/31/1969
- Associate Physicist, Aerojet-General Corporation, 06/15/1968 – 08/31/1968
- Engineering Project Clerk II, Aerojet-General Corporation, 06/15/1967 – 09/30/1967
- Physical Science Aide, U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 06/15/1966 – 09/30/1966
- Engineering Project Clerk II, Aerojet-General Corporation, 06/15/1965 – 09/30/1965
- Engineering Student Trainee, California State Division of Highways, 06/15/1964 – 09/30/1964
Summary Statement of Research Interests
Professor Rhodes leads an active program in both ground- and space-based observational helioseismology. One of the pioneers in this field of solar physics he is a NASA-selected Co-Investigator on the Solar Oscillation Investigation (SOI). The SOI-Michelson Doppler Imager flys onboard the NASA-ESA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory spacecraft. Professor Rhodes is the Principal-Investigator for the 60-Foot Solar Tower at Mt. Wilson Observatory and the High Degree Helioseismic Network (HiDHN). This network consists of a second station in Ukraine, at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory. HiDHN provides nearly continuous observations of the sun during the summer months.
Contracts and Grants Awarded
- Support for the Development and Implementation of a Novel Method for Fitting Unaveraged Helioseismic, (NASA Subcontract Through Stanford University), Edward J. Rhodes, Jr., $129,500, 08/01/2020 – 03/31/2023
- Support Payments for Operation of BiSON Spectrometer at Mount Wilson Observatory, (University of Birmingham, Birmingham, England), Edward J. Rhodes, Jr., $11,000, 10/01/2021 – 09/30/2022
- Support Payments for Operation of BiSON Spectrometer at Mount Wilson Observatory, (University of Birmingham, Birmingham, England), Edward J. Rhodes, Jr., $11,000, 10/01/2020 – 09/30/2021
- Support Payments for Operation of BiSON Spectrometer at Mount Wilson Observatory, (University of Birmingham, Birmingham, England), Edward J. Rhodes, Jr., $11,000, 10/01/2019 – 09/30/2020
- Support Payments for Operation of BiSON Spectrometer at Mount Wilson Observatory, (University of Birmingham, Birmingham, England), Edward J. Rhodes, Jr., $11,000, 10/01/2018 – 09/30/2019
- Support Payments for Operation of BiSON Spectrometer at Mount Wilson Observatory, (University of Birmingham, Birmingham, England), Edward J. Rhodes, Jr., $11,000, 10/01/2017 – 09/30/2018
- Support Payments for Operation of BiSON Spectrometer at Mount Wilson Observatory, (University of Birmingham, Birmingham, England), Edward J. Rhodes, Jr., $11,000, 10/01/2016 – 09/30/2017
- Support Payments for Operation of BiSON Spectrometer at Mount Wilson Observatory, (University of Birmingham, Birmingham, England), Edward J. Rhodes, Jr., $11,000, 10/01/2015 – 09/30/2016
- Support Payments for Operation of BiSON Spectrometer at Mount Wilson Observatory, (University of Birmingham, Birmingham, England), Edward J. Rhodes, Jr., $11,000, 10/01/2014 – 09/30/2015
- Support Payments for Operation of BiSON Spectrometer at Mount Wilson Observatory, (University of Birmingham, Birmingham, England), Edward J. Rhodes, Jr., $5,500, 04/01/2014 – 09/30/2014
- Support Payments for Operation of BiSON Spectrometer at Mount Wilson Observatory, (University of Birmingham, Birmingham, England), Edward J. Rhodes, Jr., $11,000, 04/01/2013 – 03/31/2014
- Support Payments for Operation of BiSON Spectrometer at Mount Wilson Observatory, (University of Birmingham, Birmingham, England), Edward J. Rhodes, Jr., $11,000, 04/01/2012 – 03/31/2013
- Support Payments for Operation of BiSON Spectrometer at Mount Wilson Observatory, (University of Birmingham, Birmingham, England), Edward J. Rhodes, Jr., $11,000, 04/01/2011 – 03/31/2012
- Support Payments for Operation of BiSON Spectrometer at Mount Wilson Observatory, (University of Birmingham, Birmingham, England), Edward J. Rhodes, Jr., $11,000, 04/01/2010 – 03/31/2011
- Study of Solar Cycle Variations in the Structure and Dynamics of the Solar Subsurface Shear Laye, (NASA), Edward J. Rhodes, Jr., $333,000, 03/01/2008 – 02/28/2011
- THE STUDY OF THE CHANGING SOLAR INTERIOR USING GLOBAL AND LOCAL, (NASA), Edward J. Rhodes, Jr., $333,000, 05/24/2006 – 05/23/2010
- Support Payments for Operation of BiSON Spectrometer at Mount Wilson Observatory, (University of Birmingham, Birmingham, England), Edward Rhodes, $22,000, 04/01/2008 – 03/31/2010
- Partial Support For Algorithm Development And Transfer For Phases D and E of the Helioseismic and Ma, (Stanford University), Edward J. Rhodes, Jr., $500,000, 02/01/2007 – 03/31/2010
- Development of a Solar Disturbance Warning System Using Lunar-Based Observations of Solar Subsurface, (NASA), Edward J. Rhodes, Jr., $94,900, 10/01/2007 – 09/30/2008
- Support Payments for Operation of BiSON Spectrometer at Mount Wilson Observatory, (University of Birmingham, Birmingham, England), Edward J. Rhodes, Jr., $5,500, 01/01/2008 – 03/31/2008
- Support Payments for Operation of BiSON Spectrometer at Mount Wilson Observatory, (University of Birmingham, Birmingham, England), Edward J. Rhodes, Jr., $39,000, 01/01/2007 – 12/31/2007
- Cont Development And Implementation Of A Novel Method For, (Stanford University), Edward J. Rhodes, Jr., $170,641, 07/15/2005 – 10/31/2007
- HELIOSEISMIC PROBING OF SOLAR INTERNAL AND DYNAMICS USING GONG+, (NSF), Edward J. Rhodes, Jr., $309,088, 07/01/2003 – 06/30/2007
- THE STUDY OF THE CHANGING SOLAR INTERIOR USING GLOBAL & LOCAL, (NASA), Edward J. Rhodes, Jr., $301,378, 05/01/2003 – 04/30/2007
- PARTIAL SUPPORT FOR ALGORITHM DEVELOPMENT AND TRANSFER FOR PHASES, (Stanford University), Edward J. Rhodes, Jr., $80,000, 05/01/2005 – 01/31/2007
- Site Support for BiSON Station at Mount Wilson, (University of Birmingham, Birmingham, England), Edward J. Rhodes, Jr., $4,400, 10/01/2006 – 12/31/2006
- SUPPORT PAYMENTS FOR OPERATION OF BISON SPECTROMETER AT MOUNT WILSON OBSERVATORY, (University of Brimingham, England), Edward J. Rhodes, Jr., $8,800, 10/01/2005 – 09/30/2006
- HIGH-DEGREE P-MODE STRUCTURE AND DYNAMIC STUDIES, (NASA), Edward J. Rhodes, Jr, $257,000, 04/01/2002 – 03/31/2006
- Site Support for BiSON Station at Mount Wilson, (University of Birmingham, Birmingham, England), Edward J. Rhodes, Jr., $8,800, 09/01/2004 – 08/31/2005
- DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A NOVEL METHOD FOR FITTING, (Stanford University), Edward J. Rhodes, Jr., $100,000, 03/01/2004 – 08/31/2005
- JPL Guest Investigator Support for SOI, (Goddard SpaceFlight Center), Edward J. Rhodes, Jr., $49,740, 07/15/2004 – 07/14/2005
- Improvement in Data Environment for Global and Local Helioseismic Studies, (NASA), Edward J. Rhodes, Jr., $29,658, 06/15/2004 – 06/14/2005
- Computation of Frequencies and Frequency Splittings of P-Mode Oscillations, (NASA), Edward J. Rhodes, Jr., $288,000, 04/01/2001 – 11/30/2004
USC Funding
- Provost’s Undergraduate Research Associates Program . Helioseismic Studies of Solar Internal Dynamics : Provides stipend and research support for USC undergrads Cesar Hernandez, Casey Chen, Richard Marcotte, Audrey Trieu, and Haochen Wang to participate in helioseismic research., $10000, 2015-2016
- Provost’s Undergraduate Research Associates Program . Helioseismic Studies of Solar Internal Dynamics: Provided stipend and research support for USC undergrads Nathan Fulmer, Shawn Rhoads, Cesar Hernandez, and Yifei Yang to participate in helioseismic research. , $9500, 2014-2015
- Provost’s Undergraduate Research Associates Program . Helioseismic Studies of Solar Internal Dynamics : Provided stipend and research support for USC undergrads Chris Steele, Nathan Fulmer, Shawn Rhoads, and Cesar Hernandez to participate in helioseismic research. , $6600, 2013-2014
- Provost’s Undergraduate Research Associates Program . Helioseismic Studies of Solar Internal Dynamics: Provided stipend and research support for USC undergrads John Rising, Nathan Fulmer, and George Martin to participate in helioseismic research. , $10000, 2012-2013
- Provost’s Undergraduate Research Associates Program . Helioseismic Studies of Solar Internal Dynamics: Provided stipend and research support for USC undergrads John Rising, Jesse Gallegos, and Nathan Fulmer to participate in helioseismic research. , $10000, 2011-2012
- Provost’s Undergraduate Research Associates Program . Helioseismic Studies of Solar Internal Dynamics: Provided stipend and research support for USC undergrads Hanlong Chen, Jared Brooks, Jorge Rodriguez, and John Rising to participate in helioseismic research. , $10000, 2010-2011
- Provost’s Undergraduate Research Associates Program. Helioseismic Studies of Solar Internal Dynamics: Provided stipend and research support for USC undergrads Brittney Miller, Patrick McFaddin, and Hanlong Chen to participate in helioseismic research., $10000, 2009-2010
- College SOAR Awards. Helioseismic Studies of Solar Internal Dynamics: Provided stipend support for USC undergraduate students Jorge Rodriguez and Taran Huffman to participate in helioseismic research., $2000, Spring 2010
- Provost’s Undergraduate Research Fellowship Program. Helioseismic Studies of Solar Internal Dynamics: Supplied stipend support for USC undergrads Juan Lora and Jared Brooks, $5000, 08/24/2008 – 05/15/2010
- Rose Hills Science and Engineering Fellowships. Helioseismic Studies of Solar Internal Dynamics: Provided stipend support and research support for USC undergraduate students Jin Yoo, Taran Huffman,Anthony Spinella, and Jorge Rodriguez., $26000, 08/21/2008 – 12/15/2009
- Provost’s Undergraduate Research Associates Program. Helioseismic Studies of Solar Internal Dynamics: Provided financial support for undergraduate students Brittney Miller, Joseph Oorebeek, and Patrick McFaddin to participate in helioseismic research., $10000, 2008-2009
- Women in Science and Engineering Fellowship. Helioseismic Studies of Solar Internal Dynamics: Provided stipend and research support for USC undergraduate student Brittney Miller to participate in helioseismic research., $13000, 05/15/2007 – 12/15/2008
- Provost’s Undergraduate Research Associates Program. Helioseismic Studies of Solar Internal Dynamics: Provided support for USC undergraduate students Benedikt Riedel, Hector Pang, and Joseph Oorebeek to participate in helioseismology research., $10000, 2007-2008
Conference Presentations
- Probing the Solar Interior on Multiple Time Scales Using Global Helioseismology , HELAS VI/SOHO 28/SPACEINN: Helioseismology and ApplicationsTalk/Oral Presentation, Max Planck Society, Invited, Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Goettingen, Germany, 09/02/2014
- Subsurface Meridional Flow Results from MWO, GONG, and MDI During Solar Cycle 23 , Solar Physics Division of the American Astronomical SocietyPoster, American Astronomical Society, Boston, MA, 06/06/2014
- Determining the Instrumental Rotation Rate of MWO’s 60-Foot Tower Image Plane and Its Impact of Results from Ring Diagram Analysis , Fifty Years of Seismology of the Sun and StarsPoster, National Solar Observatory, Tucson, AZ, 05/07/2013 – 05/10/2013
- The Observational Helioseismology Programs at the Sacramento Peak and Mount Wilson Observatories , Fifty Years of Seismology of the Sun and StarsTalk/Oral Presentation, National Solar Observatory, Invited, Tucson, AZ, 05/07/2013
- Non-Standard Thermodynamic Structure of the Solar Susurface Shear Layer , Living with a Star Helioseismology and MHD Simulation WorkshopTalk/Oral Presentation, NASA, NASA Ames Research Center, Mountain View, CA, 02/14/2013
- Solar Cycle Variations in the Solar Interior , 2012 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical UnionTalk/Oral Presentation, American Geophysical Union, Invited, San Francisco, CA, 12/03/2012
- Solar Cycle Variations in p-Mode Frequencies, Widths, Amplitudes, and Asymmetries , Local Helioseismology Comparison Group WorkshopTalk/Oral Presentation, Stanford University, Invited, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 08/17/2011
- Temporal Changes in the Frequencies of the Solar p-Mode Oscillations During Solar Cycle 23 , IAU Symposium 273: Physics of Sun and Star SpotsPoster, International Astronomical Union , Invited, Ventura, CA, 08/22/2010 – 08/26/2010
- Recent Progress in the Fitting of Both m-averaged and Un-averaged Solar Oscillation Power Spectra , Local Helioseismology Comparison Group WorkshopTalk/Oral Presentation, Stanford University, Invited, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 08/03/2010
- Solar Cycle Variations in p-Mode Frequencies, Widths, Amplitudes, and Asymmetries , Local Helioseismology Comparison Group WorkshopTalk/Oral Presentation, Stanford University, Invited, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 08/03/2010
- Temporal Changes in the Frequencies and Widths of the Solar p-Mode Oscillations , GONG-SOHO 24: A New Era of Seismology of the Sun and Solar-like StarsPoster, ESA, Aix-En_Provence, France, 06/27/2010 – 07/02/2010
- Overview of USC’s Vision for Relocation of National Solar Observatory to Los Angeles , USC-JPL-Stanford-NSO WorkshopTalk/Oral Presentation, Astronomy and Physics Directorate, Jet Propulsion , Invited, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 12/10/2009
- Solar Cycle Variations in p-Mode Frequencies, Widths, Amplitudes, and Asymmetries , Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager Science Team MeetingTalk/Oral Presentation, Stanford University Solar Observatories Group, Invited, Stanford University, 09/10/2009
- Subsurface Flows in the Solar Shear Layer as Measured By the Mount Wilson Observatory 60-Foot Solar Tower , Local Helioseismology Comparison Group WorkshopTalk/Oral Presentation, Stanford University, Invited, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 03/12/2009
- The Solar Cycle at High Degrees , HELASNA3-4 WorkshopTalk/Oral Presentation, HELAS NA3 and NA 4, Invited, University of Birmingham, England, 01/06/2009
- The Centennial Anniversary of the Discovery of Magnetic Fields on the Sun , Celebration in Honor of George Ellery Hale’s DiscoveryKeynote Lecture, USC Public Relations Office, Invited, Mount Wilson Observatory, 06/26/2008
- Recent Progress in Helioseismic Peak-Bagging for Both Mode and Ridge Fitting , Solar Dynamics Observatory Science Team MeetingTalk/Oral Presentation, Stanford University Solar OIbservatories Group, Invited, Napa, CA, 03/27/2008
- A Quarter Century of shared Experiences With Professor Alessandro Cacciani , Alessandro Cacciani Memorial SymposiumTalk/Oral Presentation, Department of Physics, Univ. of Rome, Invited, University of Rome, La Sapienza, Italy, 02/29/2008
- The Current Status of Analyzing High-Degree Modes , SOHO 14/GONG 2004 Workshop, Helio- and Asteroseismology: Towards a Talk/Oral Presentation, Yale University Department of Astronomy, Invited, Yale University, 07/12/2004
- Helioseismic Probing of the Dynamic Solar Interior , International Association of Geodesy and Aeronomy 2003Talk/Oral Presentation, IAGA, Invited, Sapporo, Japan, 06/30/2003 – 07/11/2003
- High-Degree p-Modes and the Sun’s Evolving Surface , SOHO 12/GONG 2002 WorkshopTalk/Oral Presentation, Big Bear Solar Observatory, Invited, Big Bear Lake, CA, 10/31/2002
- Solar Cycle Variability of High-Frequency and High-Degree p-Mode Oscillation Frequencies , SOHO 11 SymposiumTalk/Oral Presentation, European Space Agency and NASA, Invited, Davos, Switzerland, 03/11/2002
- Challenges in High-Degree Helioseismology , Joint Meeting of the Solar Physics Division of the AAS and the American Geophysical UnionTalk/Oral Presentation, American Astronomical Society and American Geophys, Invited, Boston, MA, 05/29/2001
Other Presentations
- Probing the Structure and Dynamics of the Solar Interior Using Helioseismology, Invited Public Lecture, Griffith Observatory, Los Angeles, CA, 2017-CONT
- Probing the Structure and Dynamics of the Solar Interior Using Helioseismology, Invited Departmental Colloquium, Long Beach, CA, 2015-CONT
- Helioseismic Studies of Solar Internal Dynamics, Part II, Invited Lecture, El Segundo,CA, 2014-2015
- Helioseismic Studies of Solar Internal Dynamics, Part I, Invited Lecture, El Segundo,CA, 2013-2014
- Solar Cycle Variations in the Solar Interior, Astrophysics and Space Sciences Section Seminar, Pasadena, CA, 2012-2013
- Keeping Our Future Lunar Astronauts Healty By Observing the Sun from the Moon, Invited Public Lecture, San Bernardino County Natural History Museum, Redlands, CA, 2008-2009
- Why Go To The Moon To Study the Sun, or How Will We Protect The Health of Our future Lunar Astronauts?, Invited Public Lecture, Chapman University, Orange, CA, 2007-2008
- Predicting Solar Disturbances by Monitoring the Sun From the Moon, Invited Special Lecture in Astronomy, CSUN, Northridge, CA, 2006-2007
- Studying the Dynamic Solar Interior from Mount Wilson and From Space, Invited Public Lecture, San Bernardino County Natural History Museum, Redlands, CA, 2003-2004
- Studies of the Dynamic Solar Interior from Mount Wilson and From Space, Invited Public Lecture, Griffith Observatory. Los Angeles, CA, 2003-2004
- Studies of the Changing Sun from Mount Wilson and From Space, Invited Public Lecture, Chapman University, Orange, CA, 2002-2003
- PHYS 190: Freshman Seminar Dr. Rhodes presented a guest lecture on the sun and helioseismology, 10/2021
- BISC 483: Geobiology and Astrobiology Dr. Rhodes presented a guest lecture on star formation, extra-solar planetary detection, theories of the formation of the solar system, and descriptions of the planets, planetary moons, asteroids, comets, meteors, and meteorites, 04/07/2021
- PHYS 190: Freshman Seminar Dr. Rhodes presented a guest lecture on the sun and helioseismology, 10/2020
- PHYS 190: Freshman Seminar Dr. Rhodes presented a guest lecture on the sun and helioseismology, 10/2019
- BISC 483: Geobiology and Astrobiology Dr. Rhodes presented a guest lecture on star formation, extra-solar planetary detection, theories of the formation of the solar system, and descriptions of the planets, planetary moons, asteroids, comets, meteors, and meteorites, 04/06/2019
- PHYS 190: Freshman Seminar Dr. Rhodes presented a guest lecture on the sun and helioseismology, 10/2018
- PHYS 190: Freshman Seminar Dr. Rhodes presented a guest lecture on the sun and helioseismology, 10/2017
- BISC 483: Geobiology and Astrobiology Dr. Rhodes presented a guest lecture on star formation, extra-solar planetary detection, theories of the formation of the solar system, and descriptions of the planets, planetary moons, asteroids, comets, meteors, and meteorites, 04/04/2017
- PHYS 190: Freshman Seminar Dr. Rhodes presented a guest lecture on the sun and helioseismology, 10/2016
- PHYS 190: Freshman Seminar Dr. Rhodes presented a guest lecture on the sun and helioseismology, 11/28/2015
- BISC 483: Geobiology and Astrobiology Dr. Rhodes presented a guest lecture on star formation, extra-solar planetary detection, theories of the formation of the solar system, and descriptions of the planets, planetary moons, asteroids, comets, meteors, and meteorites, 04/07/2015
- PHYS 190: Freshman Seminar Dr. Rhodes presented a guest lecture on the sun and helioseismology, 11/05/2014
- PHYS 190: Freshman Seminar Dr. Rhodes presented a guest lecture on the sun and helioseismology, 11/14/2013
- BISC 483: Geobiology and Astrobiology Dr. Rhodes presented a guest lecture on star formation, extra-solar planetary detection, theories of the formation of the solar system, and descriptions of the planets, planetary moons, asteroids, comets, meteors, and meteorites, 04/11/2013
- PHYS 190: Freshman Seminar Dr. Rhodes presented a guest lecture on the sun and helioseismology, 10/24/2012
- PHYS 190: Freshman Seminar Dr. Rhodes presented a guest lecture on the sun and helioseismology, 11/17/2011
- BISC 483: Geobiology and Astrobiology Dr. Rhodes presented a guest lecture on star formation, extra-solar planetary detection, theories of the formation of the solar system, and descriptions of the planets, planetary moons, asteroids, comets, meteors, and meteorites, 04/07/2011
- PHYS 190: Freshman Seminar Dr. Rhodes presented a guest lecture on the sun and helioseismology, 11/19/2010
- PHYS 190: Freshman Seminar Dr. Rhodes presented a guest lecture on the sun and helioseismology, 11/18/2009
- BISC 483: Geobiology and Astrobiology Dr. Rhodes presented a guest lecture on star formation, extra-solar planetary detection, theories of the formation of the solar system, and descriptions of the planets, planetary moons, asteroids, comets, meteors, and meteorites, 04/09/2009
Book Chapters
- Rhodes Jr, E. J., Kosovichev, A., Schou, J., Scheurer, P., Reiter, J. (1997). Measurements of Frequencies of Solar Oscillations from the MDI Medium-l Programs. pp. 287-310. The First Results from SOHO; Kluwer Acad. Pub..
Journal Article
- Reiter, J., Rhodes, Jr., E. J., Kosovichev, A. G., Scherrer, P. H., Larson, T. P., Pinkerton II, S. F. (2020). A Method for the Estimation of f-and p-Mode Parametres and Rotational Splitting Coefficients from Un-averged Solar Oscillation Power Spectra. The Astrophysical Journal/IOP. Vol. 894 (80), pp. 41.
- Reiter, J., Rhodes, Jr., E. J., Kosovichev, A. G., Schou, J., Scherrer, P. H., Larson, T. P. (2015). A Method for the Estimation of p-Mode Parameters from Averaged Solar Oscillation Power Spectra. The Astrophysical Journal/The American Astronomical Society. Vol. 803 (2), pp. 42.
- Rhodes Jr, E. J., Gonzalez Hernandez, I., Patron, J., Roca Cortes, T., Bogard, R., Hill, F., SOI Ring Diagrams Team 1999, .. (1999). A Synoptic View of the Subphotospheric Horizontal Velocity Flows in the Sun. Astrophys. J.. Vol. 535, pp. 454-463.
- Rhodes, Jr., E. J. (2013). The Observational Helioseismology Programs at the Sacramento Peak and Mount Wilson Observatories. In Kiran Jain, Sushanta C. Tripathy, Frank Hill, John W. Leibacher, Alexei A. Pevtsov (Ed.), pp. 61-72. San Francisco, CA. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series.
- Pinkerton, S. F., Rhodes, Jr., E. J., Bogart, R., Orr, M., Martin, G., Spinella, A. (2013). Determining the Instrumental Rotation Rate of MWO’s 60′ Tower Image Plane and Its Impact on Results from Ring Diagram Analysis. In Kiran Jain, Sushanta C. Tripathy, Frank Hill, John W. Leibacher, Alexei A. Pevtsov (Ed.), pp. 205-210. San Francisco, CA. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series/Astronomical Society of the Pacific.
- Rhodes, Jr., E. J., Reiter, J., Schou, J., Larson, T. P., Scherrer, P. H., Brooks, J., McFadden, P., Miller, B., Rodriguez, J., Yoo, J. (2011). Temporal Changes in the Frequencies and Widths of the Solar p-Mode Oscillations. 1. pp. 4 pages. Journal of Physics Conference Series.
- Rhodes, Jr., E. J., Reiter, J., Schou, J., Larson, T., Scherrer, P. H., Brooks, J., McFadden, P., Miller, B., Rodriguez, J., Yoo, J. (2011). Temporal Changes in the Frequencies of the Solar p-Mode Oscillations During Solar Cycle 23. In Debi Prasad Choudhary and Klaus G. Strassmeier (Ed.), pp. 389-393. Cambridge. IAU Symposium Proceedings Series/Cambridge University Press.
- Reiter, J., Rhodes Jr, E. J., Schou, J., Larson, T. P. (2009). The Solar Cycle at High Degrees. In Michael J. Thompson and Yvonne Elsworth (Ed.), pp. 2. HELAS NA3-4 Workshop:The Acoustic Solar Cycle.
- Jain, K., Tripathy, S. C., Gonzalez-Hernandez, I., Armstrong, J. D., Jerreries, S. M., Rhodes Jr, E. J., Rose, P. (2008). Multi-Spectral analysis of Acoustic Mode Characteristics in Active Regions. pp. 389-394. ASP Conference Series.
- Howe, R., Bogart, R., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., Larsen, R. M., Rhodes Jr, E. J., Rose, P., Schou, J. (2006). Solar Rotation and Zonal Flows from Mount Wilson 60-Ft Tower Data. Noordwijk, Netherlands. European Space Agency.
- Jain, K., Hill, F., Tripathy, S. C., Antia, H. M., Armstrong, J. D., Jefferies, S. M., Rhodes Jr, E. J., Rose, P. (2006). A Comparison of Acoustic Mode Parameters Using Multi-Spectral Data. Noordwijk, Netherlands. European Space Agency.
- Rhodes Jr, E. J., Kosovichev, A., Nigam, R., Scherrer, P., Schou, J., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., Dziembowski, W., Goode, P., Gough, D., Reiter, J. (1998). Spherical and Aspherical Structure of the Sun: First Year of SOHO/MDI Observations. In F.-L. Deubner, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard and D. Kurtz (Ed.), pp. 157-164. Amsterdam. New Eyes See Inside the Sun and Stars, IAU Symposium; Kluwer Academic Pub..
Grant Report
- Rhodes Jr, E. J., Basu, S., Didkovsky, L., Kosovichev, A. G., Schou, J. (2010). Technical Progress Report for NASA Grant NNX08AJ24G.
- Rhodes Jr, E. J., Basu, S., Didkovsky, L., Kosovichev, A. G., Schou, J. (2009). Technical Progress Report for NASA Grant NNX08AJ24G.
- Rhodes Jr, E. J., Basu, S., Bogart, R., Didkovsky, L., Kosovichev, A. G., Rabello-Soares, M. C., Reiter, J., Scherrer, P. H., Schou, J. (2008). Technical Progress Report for NASA Grant NNX06AC24G.
- Rhodes Jr, E. J. (2007). Final Technical Report on NASA Grant NAG5-13538.
Technical Report
- Rhodes Jr, E. J. (2007). Final Technical Report on NSF Grant AST-0307934.
- Rhodes Jr, E. J. (2007). Technical Progress Report for NASA Grant NNX06AC24G.
- Rhodes, E., Reiter, J., Bogart, R., Kosovichev, A., Schou, J., Basu, S. (2006). Quarterly Technical Progress Report for Stanford University Sub-Award Number 14405890-269673.
- Rhodes Jr, E. J. (2006). Final Technical Report for NASA Grant NAG5-11582.
- Rhodes, E., Reiter, J., Bogart, R., Kosovichev, A., Schou, J., Basu, S. (2006). Quarterly Technical Progress Report for Stanford University Sub-Award Number 14405890-26967.
- Rhodes, E., Reiter, J., Bogart, R., Kosovichev, A., Schou, J., Basu, S. (2006). Quarterly Technical Progress Report for Stanford University Sub-Award Number 1503196-33789-A.
- Rhodes, E., Scherrer, P., Bogart, R., Schou, J., Basu, S., Reiter, J. (2005). Final Technical Report for Stanford University Sub-Award Number 11450040-29056-C.
- Rhodes, E., Reiter, J., Kosovichev, A., Schou, J., Basu, S. (2005). Final Technical Report for NASA Grant NNG04GM01G.
- Rhodes, Jr., E. J., Reiter, J. (2005). Progress Report for NASA Grant NAG5-13510. unpublished.
- Rhodes, Jr., E. J. (2005). FY2004-FY2005 Progress Report for JPL Task Plan Number 71-7983. unpublished.
- Rhodes, Jr., E. J., Reiter, J. (2005). Final Technical Report for NASA Grant NAG5-11001. Unpublished.
- Rhodes Jr, E. J., Didkovsky, L., Rose, P. (1998). A Comparison of Helioseismic Data from Mount Wilson and the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory. Izv. Krymskoy Astrofiz. Obs..
- Dr. Rhodes served as an invited participant in an Introductory Astronomy Teaching Workshop which was, 03/07/2008 – 03/08/2008
- NASA Group Achievement Award to Solar Dynamics Observatory Science Investigation Teams, 11/03/2012
- USC Mellon Award for Excellence in Mentoring, 04/22/2008
- USC or School/Dept Award for Teaching, Latter-Day Saint Student Association At The University of Southern California Outstanding Teaching Award, 03/02/2007
- USC or School/Dept Award for Teaching, LAS General Education Teaching Award, 1999
- USC or School/Dept Award for Teaching, Hewlett Foundation Multi-disciplinary Teaching Award, 1995
- USC or School/Dept Award for Teaching, Mortar Board Last Lecture Series Awardee, 1995
- USC Zumberge Research and Innovation Fund Award, 1988
- NASA Certificate of Recognition, 1983
- USC or School/Dept Award for Teaching, Mortar Board Teaching Excellence Award, 1983
Office Hours
- MWF : 3:20-4:30 PM
- MWF : 3:20-4:30 PM
- MWF : 3:20-4:30 PM
- MWF : 3:20-4:30 PM
- MWF : 3:20-4:30 PM
- MWF : 3:20-4:30 PM
- MWF : 3:20-4:30 PM
- MWF : 3:20-4:30 PM
- MWF : 3:20-4:30 PM
- MWF : 3:20-4:30 PM
- MWF : 3:20-4:30 PM
- MWF : 3:20-4:15 PM
- MWF : 3:20-4:15 PM
Other Advisement or Time Devoted to Students
- Dr. Rhodes is currently supervising eight undergraduate research students,including one Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellow, two
Provost’s Undergraduate Research Fellows, three SOAR students, and two Undergraduate Research Associates
, 2015-2016 - Dr. Rhodes is currently mentoring Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellow Sophia Singh, 2015-2016
- Dr. Rhodes is currently mentoring Provost’s undergraduate Research Fellows Yifei Yang and Roberto Nazario, 2015-2016
- Dr. Rhodes currently mentoring Dornsife College Student Opportunities for Academic Research Awardees Audrey Trieu,
Haochen Wang, and Casey Chen., 2015-2016 - Dr. Rhodes is currently mentoring USC Presidential Scholar Audrey Trieu, 2015-2016
- Dr. Rhodes supervised seven undergraduate research students, including one Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellow, two SOAR students, three Undergraduate Research Associates, and two Lick Scholars, 2014-2015
- Dr. Rhodes supervised five undergraduate research students, including one Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellow, one Lick Scholar, and one Undergraduate Research
Associate , 05/16/2015 – 08/14/2015 - Dr. Rhodes supervised a total of seven undergraduate research students, including two Provost’s Undergraduate Research Fellows, two SOAR students, and three Undergraduate Research Associates
, 2013-2014 - Dr. Rhodes mentored USC Presidential Scholar Daniel Campbell., 2013-2014
- Dr. Rhodes supervised four undergraduate research students, including one Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellow, one SURF Fellow, one Rose Hills Science and Engineering Summer Research Fellow, and one Undergraduate Research Associate, 05/15/2014 – 08/14/2014
- Dr. Rhodes supervised six undergraduate research students,including one Presidential Scholar, two Provost’s Undergraduate Research Fellows, one Lick Scholar, one Dean’s Scholar, two Undergraduate Research Associates, and one SURF awardee, 05/16/2013 – 08/15/2013
- Dr. Rhodes supervised a total of seven undergraduate research students, including one Presidential Scholar, one Barry M. Goldwater Scholar, three Provost’s Undergraduate Research Fellows,and two Undergraduate Research Associates , 2012-2013
- Dr. Rhodes supervised a total of eight undergraduate research students, including one Barry M. Goldwater Scholar, one Presidential Scholar, two Provost’s Undergraduate Research Fellows, one Dean’s Scholar, two Lick Scholars, and one SOAR awardee, 05/16/2012 – 08/15/2012
- Dr. Rhodes supervised a total of seven undergraduate research students , 2011-2012
- Dr. Rhodes supervised seven undergraduate researchers., 2009-2010
- Dr. Rhodes supervised three undergraduate research fellows for the entire summer., 05/15/2009 – 08/15/2009
- Dr. Rhodes supervised seven undergraduate researchers., 2008-2009
- Dr. Rhodes supervised three undergraduate research fellows for the entire summer., 05/15/2008 – 08/15/2008
- Dr. Rhodes served as the Faculty Adviser, Student Senate Academic Research Fund, 2007-2008
- Dr. Rhodes sereved as an Academic Adviser for the Astronomy Program, 2007-2008
- Dr. Rhodes supervised ten undergraduate researchers, Spring 2008
- Dr. Rhodes supervised nine undergraduate researchers, Fall 2007
- Dr. Rhodes served as the Faculty Adviser for the Student Senate Academic Research Fund, 2006-2007
- Dr. Rhodes served as an Academic Adviser for the Astronomy Program, 2006-2007
- Dr. Rhodes supervised two Rose Hills Science and Engineering Research Fellows, 05/15/2007 – 08/14/2007
- Dr. Rhodes supervised One Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE) Summer Research Fellow, 05/15/2007 – 08/14/2007
- Dr. Rhodes supervised five undergraduate researchers, Spring 2007
- Dr. Rhodes supervised five undergraduate researchers, Fall 2006
- Dr. Rhodes served as the Faculty Adviser for the Student Senate Academic Research Fund, 2005-2006
- Dr. Rhodes served as an Academic Adviser for the Astronomy Program, 2005-2006
- Dr. Rhodes supervised one Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellow, 05/15/2006 – 08/14/2006
- Dr. Rhodes supervised one Provost’s Undergraduate Research Associate, 05/15/2006 – 08/14/2006
- Dr. Rhodes supervised three undergraduate researchers, Spring 2006
- Dr. Rhodes supervised three undergraduate researchers, Fall 2005
- Dr. Rhodes served as an Academic Adviser for the Astronomy Program, 2004-2005
- Dr. Rhodes supervised one McNair Scholar, 05/15/2005 – 08/14/2005
- Dr. Rhodes supervised two undergraduate researchers, Spring 2005
- Dr. Rhodes supervised two undergraduate researchers, Fall 2004
- Dr. Rhodes supervised two undergraduate researchers, 2003-2004
- Dr. Rhodes supervised two undergraduate researchers, 2001-2002
- Dr. Rhodes is currently supervising eight undergraduate research students,including one Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellow, two
- Member, Physics and Astronomy Departmental Astrophysics Faculty Search Committee, 08/2017 – 05/2019
- Member, Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Program Steering Committee, 08/22/2009 – 05/15/2015
- Member, University Faculty Environment Committee, 2013-2014
- Member, Research Caucus of the Dornsife College Faculty Council, 2012-2013
- Member, University Faculty Environment Committee, 2012-2013
- Member, Dornsife College Faculty Council, 2012-2013
- Member, Dornsife College Faculty Council, 2011-2012
- Member, Research Caucus of the Dornsife College Faculty Council, 2011-2012
- Member, University Faculty Environment Committee, 2011-2012
- Member, Research Caucus of the Dornsife College Faculty Council, 2010-2011
- Member, Dornsife College Faculty Council, 2010-2011
- Member, Research Caucus of the Dornsife College Faculty Council, 2009-2010
- Member, Dornsife College Faculty Council, 2009-2010
- Member, Department of Physics and Astronomy Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, 2009-2010
- Member, Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Program Steering Committee, 2008-2009
- Member, College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences Faculty Council, 2007-2008
- Member, Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Program Steering Committee, 2007-2008
- Member, Research Caucus of the LAS Faculty Council, 2007-2008
- Chair, Research Caucus of the LAS Faculty Council, 2006-2007
- Member, College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences Faculty Council, 2006-2007
- Member, Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Program Steering Committee, 2006-2007
- Chair, Research Caucus of the LAS Faculty Council, 2005-2006
- Member, Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Program Steering Committee, 2005-2006
- Member, College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences Faculty Council
, 2005-2006 - Chair, Research Caucus of the LAS Faculty Council, 2004-2005
- Member, Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Program Steering Committee, 2004-2005
- Member, Provost’s Task Force on Interdisciplinary Activities, 2004-2005
- Member, College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences Faculty Council
, 2004-2005
Media, Alumni, and Community Relations
- Dr. Rhodes was interviewed by a BBC Radio documentary team on June 30, 2018, at the 60-Foot Solar Tower of the Mount Wilson Observatory. This audio interview was broadcast in November of 2018 during one segment of a five-part BBC series on the Sun, which was presented in honor of the 150th anniversary of the birth of the U.S. astronomer George E, 06/30/2018
- Dr. Rhodes was interviewed several times by field reporters and in-studio news anchors for Los Angeles television station KTTV during the August 21, 2017, Total Solar Eclipse, which was visible as a partial eclipse from the USC campus where he and several grad students had set up several telescopes for live viewing, 08/21/2017
- Dr. Rhodes was quoted in a USC Dornsife College News Article entitled “Pinkerton Wins Poster Contest”, 07/27/2014
- Dr. Rhodes was featured in the article “Black Pearls of the Sun” in the Dornsife College Magazine , 10/01/2012 – 03/23/2013
- Dr. Rhodes was featured in the article “Seasons in the Sun,” which appeared on page 43 of the Spring/Summer 2010 issue of the USC College Magazine, 03/24/2010 – 09/21/2010
- Dr. Rhodes was quoted on CNET news website concerning the status of the Mount Wilson Observatory following the Station Fire., 11/11/2009
- Dr. Rhodes was quoted in an article in the UCLA Daily Bruin regarding the danger to the Solar Towers of the Mount Wilson Observatory that was being posed by the Station Fire, 09/08/2009
- Dr. Rhodes was quoted again in another Los Angeles Times article concerning the threat posed to the Mount Wilson Observatory by the Station Fire., 09/03/2009
- Dr. Rhodes was quoted in a Los Angeles Times article concerning the threat posed by the Station Fire to the Mount Wilson Observatory, 09/02/2009
- Dr. Rhodes was quoted in a New York Times article about the threat posed by the Station Fire to the Mount Wilson Observatory, 09/01/2009
- Dr. Rhodes was quoted in an online New York Times article concerning the threat posed to the Mount Wilson Observatory by the Station Fire., 08/31/2009
- Dr. Rhodes was quoted in a Pasadena Star-News article concerning the 100th anniversary of the discovery of magnetic fields on the Sun at the Mount Wilson Observatory, 06/27/2008
- Dr. Rhodes was featured in the article “On the Rhodes Again,” which appear in the Spring 2008 issue of the USC College Magazine, 03/21/2008 – 06/22/2008
- Dr. Rhodes assisted in the preparation of an article for the College Newsletter on the trip that he organized to Antelope Valley for his Astronomy 100 students to view a total lunar eclipse., 02/21/2008
- Dr. Rhodes was quoted in an Los Angeles Daily News article on the Feb 20, 2008 total lunar eclipse, 02/19/2008
- Dr. Rhodes was featured in an article in the USC Chronicle, 10/08/2007
- Dr. Rhodes was featured in the BBC TV series “The Dynamic Universe”, 12/08/2006
Other Service to the University
- USC Ambassador, 08/23/2010 –
- Faculty Part Time Employee of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 09/01/1978 –
- Dr. Rhodes is currently mentoring Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellow Sophia Singh, 03/01/2014 – 05/15/2017
- Dr. Rhodes mentored Provost’s Undergraduate Research Fellows
Yifei Yang and Roberto Nazario, 2015-2016 - Dr. Rhodes mentored Dornsife College SOAR
Award Recipients Casey Chen, Haochen Wang, and Audrey Trieu, 2015-2016 - Dr. Rhodes mentored Undergraduate Research Associates Cesar Hernandez and Richard Marcotte, 2015-2016
- Dr. Rhodes is currently mentoring USC Presidential Scholar Audrey Trieu, 08/24/2015 – 05/15/2016
- Dr. Rhodes mentored Dornsife Summer Undergraduate Research Fellow Casey Chen , 07/14/2015 – 08/15/2015
- Dr. Rhodes mentored Lick Scholar April Nishinaka, 05/16/2015 – 08/15/2015
- Dr. Rhodes mentored Dornsife SOAR Program Awardee Shawn Rhoads, 2014-2015
- Dr. Rhodes mentored Dornsife SOAR Program Awardee April Nishinaka, 2014-2015
- Dr. Rhodes mentored Undergraduate Research Associate and Latino Alumni Scholar Cesar Hernandez, 2014-2015
- Dr. Rhodes mentored Dornsife SOAR Program Awardee Casey Chen, 2014-2015
- Dr. Rhodes mentored Undergraduate Research Associate Yifei Yang, 2014-2015
- Dr. Rhodes contacted 17 prospective Astronomy majors who had been admitted to USC for the class of 2019. Two of these 17 students, Audrey Trieu and Haochen Wang, are currently enrolled here as freshmen., 04/10/2015
- Dr. Rhodes participated in interview panels for both Trustee and Presidential Scholar candidates, 02/28/2015 – 03/07/2015
- Dr. Rhodes mentored Dornsife Summer Undergraduate Research Fellow Casey Chen, 07/14/2014 – 08/15/2014
- Dr. Rhodes mentored Rose Hills Summer Science and Engineering Fellow April Nishinaka, 05/16/2014 – 08/15/2014
- Dr. Rhodes mentored Lick Scholar and Undergraduate Research Associate Yifei Yang, 2013-2014
- Dr. Rhodes mentored USC Presidential Scholar and Provost’s Undergraduate Research Fellow Daniel Campbell, 2013-2014
- Dr. Rhodes mentored Dean’s Scholar and Provost’s Undergraduate Research Fellow Eric Leventhal, 2013-2014
- Dr. Rhodes mentored Undergraduate Research Associate John Rising, Fall 2013
- Dr. Rhodes mentored HSBC Bank Fellow Shawn Rhoads, 05/16/2013 – 08/15/2013
- Dr. Rhodes mentored Dornsife Summer Undergraduate Research Fellow Nathan Fulmer, 05/16/2013 – 08/15/2013
- Dr. Rhodes mentored USC Presidential Scholar and Provost’s Undergraduate Research Fellow Daniel Campbell, 2012-2013
- Dr. Rhodes mentored Lick Scholar George Martin, 2012-2013
- Dr. Rhodes mentored Undergraduate Research Associate John Rising, 2012-2013
- Dr. Rhodes mentored Barry M. Goldwater Scholar and Rose Hills Summer Science and Engineering Fellow Matthew Orr, 02/01/2012 – 12/01/2012
- Dr. Rhodes mentored Rose Hills Summer Science and Engineering Fellow Eric Hotchkiss, 05/16/2012 – 08/15/2012
- Dr. Rhodes mentored Lick Scholar Travis De Ronde, 2011-2012
- Dr. Rhodes mentored Provost’s Undergraduate Research Fellow Jin Yoo, 2010-2011
- Dr. Rhodes mentored Provost’s Undergraduate Research Fellow Jared Brooks, 2010-2011
- Dr. Rhodes mentored Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellow Jorge Rodriguez, 2010-2011
- Dr. Rhodes mentored Undergraduate Research Associate Hanlong Chen, 2010-2011
- Dr. Rhodes mentored California Space Grant Research Opportunity Scholar Jared Brooks, 05/16/2010 – 08/15/2010
- Dr. Rhodes mentored Rose Hills Summer Science and Engineering Research Fellow Jorge Rodriguez, 05/16/2010 – 08/15/2010
- Dr. Rhodes mentored Rose Hills Summer Science and Engineering Research Fellow Jin Yoo, 05/16/2010 – 08/15/2010
- Dr. Rhodes mentored Undergraduate Research Associate Patrick McFaddin, 2009-2010
- Dr. Rhodes mentored Dornsife SOAR Program Awardee Taran Huffman, 2009-2010
- USC Ambassador, 2009-2010
- Faculty Part-Time Employee of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 2009-2010
- Dr. Rhodes mentored Provost’s Undergraduate Research Fellow Joseph Oorebeek, 2009-2010
- Dr. Rhodes mentored Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellow Jorge Rodriguez, Spring 2010
- Dr. Rhodes mentored USC Women in Science and Engineering Research Fellow Brittney Miller, Fall 2009
- Dr. Rhodes mentored Rose Hills Summer Science and Engineering Research Fellow Taran Huffman, 05/16/2009 – 08/15/2009
- Dr. Rhodes mentored Rose Hills Summer Science and Engineering Fellow Anthony Spinella, 05/16/2009 – 08/15/2009
- Dr. Rhodes mentored Provost’s Undergraduate Research Fellow Joseph Oorebeek, 2008-2009
- Dr. Rhodes mentored Provost’s Undergraduate Research Fellow Anthony Spinella, 2008-2009
- USC Ambassador, 2008-2009
- Faculty Part-Time Employee of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 2008-2009
- Dr. Rhodes mentored Provost’s Undergraduate Research Fellow Juan Lora, 2008-2009
- Dr. Rhodes mentored Provost’s Undergraduate Research Fellow Benedikt Riedel, 2008-2009
- Dr. Rhodes mentored Provost’s Undergraduate Research Fellow Hector Pang, 2008-2009
- Dr. Rhodes mentored USC Women in Science and Engineering Research Fellow Brittney Miller, 2008-2009
- Dr. Rhodes mentored Rose Hills Summer Science and Engineering Fellow Lawrence Yu, 05/16/2008 – 08/15/2008
- USC Ambassador, 2007-2008
- Faculty Part-Time Employee of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 2007-2008
- USC Ambassador, 2006-2007
- Faculty Part-Time Employee of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 2006-2007
- USC Ambassador, 2005-2006
- Faculty Part-Time Employee of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
, 2005-2006 - Faculty Part-Time Employee of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 2004-2005
- USC Ambassador, 2004-2005
Conferences Organized
- Member, Scientific Organizing Committee, National Solar Observatory Workshop: Fifty Years of Seismology of the Sun and Stars, Tucson, AZ, 05/06/2013 – 05/10/2013
- Member, Scientific Organizing Committee, IAU Symposium 273: Physics of Sun and Star Spots, Ventura, CA, 08/22/2010 – 08/26/2010
- Member, Scientific Organizing Committee, SOHO 12/GONG+2002 Local and Global Helioseismology: The Present and the Future, Big Bear Lake, CA, 10/27/2002 – 11/01/2002
- Session Chairman for Session on Instrumentation and MIscellaneous Topics, Spring 2001 Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Boston, MA, 05/29/2001
- Session Chairman for Session on Helioseismology, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 12/17/1996
- Chairman of Local Organizing Committee and Co-Chairman of Scientific Organizing Committee, GONG ’94Symposium on Helio- and Asteroseismology of the Sun from the Earth and Space, USC Davidson Conference Center, 05/16/1994 – 05/20/1994
- Member, Scientific Organizing Committee, Conference on Solar Seismology from Space, Snowmass, CO, 08/17/1983 – 08/19/1983
- Session Chairman for Special Session on Solar Seismology, American Geophysical Union, Baltimore, MD, 05/23/1983 – 05/28/1983
Editorships and Editorial Boards
- Editorial board, The Open Astronomy Journal, 08/21/2007 – 05/15/2010
Professional Offices
- President of USC Chapter, Sigma Xi, 09/01/1988 – 05/15/2001
Professional Memberships
- Los Angeles Astronomical Society, 06/2018 –
- International Astronomical Union, 1977 –
- Sigma Xi, 1971 –
- American Astronomical Society, 1969 –
- American Geophysical Union, 1969 –
- Phi Beta Kappa, 1968 –
- Sigma Pi Sigma, 1968 –
Media, Alumni, and Community Relations
- Assisted with Celebration in Honor of the Centennial Anniversary of the Discovery of Magnetic Fields, 06/26/2008
- Assisted with Story on Total Lunar Eclipse Trip to Mount Wilson Observatory, 08/28/2007
USC Dornsife faculty and staff may update profiles via MyDornsife.