
2012. The Politics of Volunteering. Polity Press, Cambridge, UK.

2011. Making_Volunteers.pdf: Civic Life After Welfare’s End. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ) (reviewed in Administrative Science Quarterly, Books&, Choice, Contemporary Sociology, Critical Social Policy, Italian Journal of Political Sociology: Partecipazione e conflitto, Journal of Social Policy, Les Echoes, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Political Science Quarterly, Public Administration Review, Revue française de science politique, Voluntas, Zocalo)

1998. Avoiding Politics: How Americans Produce Apathy in Everyday Life. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. (reviewed in The Progressive, Tikkun, Journal of Communication, American Journal of Sociology, EspacesTemps, Socialist Review, Qualitative Sociology, Contemporary Sociology)

(2010 French edition, Éviter le politique, Economia, Paris, Camille Hamidi, translator)


2019. Nina Eliasoph, Jade Lo_and_Vern Glaser. “Navigation Techniques”: How Ordinary Participants Orient Themselves in Scrambled Institutions”, Haack, P., Sieweke, J. and Wessel, L. (Ed.) Microfoundations of Institutions (Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol. 65B), Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 143-168.
2017. Nina Eliasoph. “Scorn Wars: rural white people and us.” (; longer version, Contexts Magazine, vol 16, #1: 58. Contexts_Scorn_Wars.pdf

2016. Nina Eliasoph. “The_mantra_of_empowerment_talk_an_essay.pdf.” Journal of Civil Society Vol. 12, #3 (

2014: Paul Lichterman and Nina Eliasoph. “Civic Action.” American Journal of Sociology 120 (3): 798-863.

2014. Nina Eliasoph. “Measuring the Grassroots: Puzzles of Cultivating the Grassroots from the Top Down. The Sociological Quarterly 55: 467-492. (

2014. Eeva Luhtakallio and Nina Eliasoph. “Ethnography of Politics and Political Communication: Studies in Sociology and Political Science.” Oxford Handbook on Political Communication. Kathleen Hall Jamieson and Kathleen Kenski, eds. Oxford University Press, NY.

2014. “Spirals_of_Perpetual_Potential_How_Empowerment Projects’ Noble Missions Get Tangled in Everyday Life.pdf”. In Caroline Lee, Michael McQuarrie and Edward Walker, Democratizing Inequalities: Dilemmas of the New Public Participation. NYU Press: Albany.

2013. Iddo Tavory and Nina Eliasoph. “Coordinating Futures: Towards a Theory of Anticipation.” American Journal of Sociology. Vol 18, #4: 1-35.

2013. Review of Politics and Partnerships: The Role of Voluntary Associations in America’s Past and Present, by Elisabeth Clemens and Doug Guthrie.

2013. Nina Eliasoph. Introduction, Faire participer les habitants? Les quartiers d’habitat social entre injonction participative et empowerment by Marion Carrell.

2012. Nina Eliasoph and Jade Lo. “Broadening Cultural Sociology’s Scope: meaning-making in mundane organizational life,” The Oxford Handbook of Cultural Sociology, Jeffrey C. Alexander, Ronald Jacobs, Philip Smith, Editors, Oxford University Press, NY: 763-787.

2011. Nina Eliasoph. “Civil Society and Civility.” In Oxford Handbook on Civil Society, Michael Edwards, editor, Oxford University Press, NY: 220-231.

2009. Nina Eliasoph “Top-Down Civic Projects Are Not Grassroots Associations: How the Differences Matter in Everyday Life,” Voluntas, International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations. 20: 291–308.

2011. Nina Eliasoph. “Civil Society and Civility.” In Oxford Handbook on Civil Society, Michael Edwards, editor, Oxford University Press, NY: 220-231.

2010. Nina Eliasoph and Paul Lichterman “Making Things Political.” Handbook of Cultural Sociology. Ming-cheng Lo, John Hall, and Laura Grindstaff, editors, Routledge, London, UK: 483-493.

2009. Nina Eliasoph. “Rendre publique l’intimité:’ L’enchevêtrement d’horizons moraux dans un programme pour la jeunesse aux Etats-Unis” (“Making intimacy public: tangled moral horizons in a youth civic engagement program in the US,” In Qu’est ce que le ‘care’ ? Souci des autres, sensibilitéresponsabilité. Patricia Paperman and Pascale Molinier, eds., Payot, Paris.

2007.Nina Eliasoph. “Beyond the Politics of Denunciation: cultural sociology as the ‘sociology for the meantime.’” Culture in the World Volume 2: Cultural Sociology and the Democratic Imperative,Jeffrey Alexander and Isaac Reed, editors, Paradigm Publishers, NY.

2008. Nina Eliasoph. “The Destructive Volunteer: how the moral narrative of voluntarism plays out in American hybrid organizations,” translated into Dutch by Paul Dekker (in Civil Society tussen oud en nieuw, edited by Paul Dekker, Marc Hooghe and Govert Buijs).

2008. Nina Eliasoph. “Lo sforzo nella creazione di Comunità, Natura, Intimità: Astrazioni sul Sapere Locale.”  (“Trying Hard to Create Community, Nature and Intimacy: Abstractions about Local Knowledge”). In In Nome di Chi? Partecipazione e rappresentanza nelle mobilitazioni locali (In Whose Name? Participation and Representation in Local Collective Action), FrancoAngeli, edited and translated by Tommaso Vitale).

2005. Nina Eliasoph. “Theorizing From the Neck Down: why social research must understand bodies acting in real space and time (and why it’s so hard to spell out what we learn from this).” Symposium/review essay, Qualitative Sociology, vol. 28, #2, July: 159-169.

2004. Nina Eliasoph. “Political Institutions Minus the Public?” 2004: Political Communication (symposium/review essay), Vol. 21, #3, 297-305.

2003. Nina Eliasoph. “Cultivating Apathy in Voluntary Associations.” in The Values of Volunteering: Cross-cultural Perspectives, edited by Paul Dekker and Loek Halman, Kluwer/Plenum (in the Nonprofit and Civil Society Studies Series), Dordrecht, The Netherlands: 199-212.

2003. Nina Eliasoph and Paul Lichterman. “Culture in Interaction.” American Journal of Sociology, vol. 18, #4735-794.(reprinted in 2011 Du civil au politique: Ethnographies du vivre-ensemble. Mathieu Berger, Daniel Cefai, Carole Viaud-Gayet, eds. Peter Lang: Brussels).

2002. Nina Eliasoph. “Attivismo senza politica.” Sociologia e politiche sociali (translated into Italian by Matteo Bortolini), Vol. 5, #1: 97-111.

2002. Nina Eliasoph. “Individualism as a Political Project: The Perils of Lifepolitics.” The Hedgehog Review, Vol. 4, #1: 74-90.

2001: Nina Eliasoph. “Citoyens du quotidien.” EspacesTemps, (translated into French by Camille Hamidi) #76-77: 110-121.

2001. Nina Eliasoph. “Raising Good Citizens in a Bad Society: Moral Education and Political Avoidance in Civic America.” Chapter in Meaning and Modernity: Religion, Polity, Self, edited by Richard Madsen, William Sullivan, Ann Swidler, and Steven Tipton, University of California Press, Berkeley, CA: 195-223.

2001. Nina Eliasoph. “The Culture of Political Avoidance.”  The Responsive Community, Vol. 11, issue 3, summer: 39-47.

2000. Nina Eliasoph. “Where Can Americans Talk Politics?  Civil Society, Intimacy, and the Case for Deep Citizenship.” Communication Review, vol. 4 (1): 65-93.

1999. Nina Eliasoph. “‘Everyday Racism’ in a Culture of Political Avoidance: Civil Society, Speech and Taboo.” Social Problems, vol. 46, #4: 479-502.

1999. Nina Eliasoph and Paul Lichterman. “‘We Begin with Our Favorite Theory…’: Reconstructing the Extended Case Method.” Sociological Theory, 17: 2, July: 228-234.

1999. Nina Eliasoph. “Power to the Bureaucrats, Right On!” Communication Review, vol. 3 (3): 229-236.

1997. Nina Eliasoph. “Close to Home: The Work of Avoiding Politics.” Theory and Society, #26, October: 605-647.reprinted in edited form in 2002 Lynette Spillman, editor, The Sociology of Culture Reader, Blackwell Publishers, NY: 130-140.

1996. Nina Eliasoph. “Making a Fragile Public: A Talk-Centered Study of Citizenship and Power.” Sociological Theory, vol. 14, #3, Nov.: 262-289.

Reprinted in 2003. “Faire un public fragile: une ethnographie de la citoyenneté dans la vie associative.” in Les sens du public: publics politiques, publics médiatiques, Daniel Cefaï and Dominique Pasquier, editors, Presses universitaires de France, Amiens: 225-268 (translated by Daniel Cefai).

1990. Nina Eliasoph. “Political Culture and the Presentation of a Political Self: a study of the public sphere in the spirit of Erving Goffman.” Theory and Society, Vol. 19: 465-494.

1998. Nina Eliasoph. “Routines and the Making of Oppositional News.” Critical Studies in Mass Communication, Vol. 5, #4: 313-334. reprinted in 1997. Dan Berkowitz, editor, Social Meanings of News: A Text-Reader, Sage  Publications, Beverly Hills).

1987. Nina Eliasoph. “Politeness, Power, and Women’s Language: Rethinking Study in Language and Gender.” Berkeley Journal of Sociology, Vol. 32: 79-l03.

1986. Nina Eliasoph. “Drive-In Morality, Child Abuse, and the Media.” Socialist Review, #90 (Vol. 16, #6): 7-31; and “Response to Kate Ellis,” 1987, Socialist Review, #92 (Vol. 17, #2)


Nina Eliasoph

Department of Sociology
Stanley and Hazel Hall Building
851 Downey Way
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA 90089-1059