Time and location: 
(Lec 50414) MWF 9:00am – 9:50am, KAP 163.
(Dis 50415) TTh 9:00am – 9:50am, VHE 214.
(Dis 50416) TTh 10:00am – 10:50am, VHE 214.

Textbook: A First Course in Probability, 7th edition, by Sheldon Ross

Instructor: Jianfeng Zhang, DRB 228, (213)740-9805
Email: jianfenz@usc.edu Homepage: http://almaak.usc.edu/~jianfenz
Office hours: M: 10:00-11:00 (DRB 228); W: 10:00-11:00 (Math Center); F: 11:00-12:00 (DRB 228)

TA: Harun Aydilek, DRB 204, (213)821-1444, aydilek@usc.edu 
TA offices hours: T: 11:00-1:00 (Math Center); W: 11:30-12:30 (Math Center)

Note: You may get help from other professors or TAs in Math. Center at other time.

Important Dates:

  • Midterm Exam 1: Sept. 23, Friday
  • Midterm Exam 2: Nov. 4, Friday
  • Final Exam: Dec. 12th, Monday, 11:00am-1:00pm

Course Content: 
This course aims to introduce the basic concepts of probability theory, including: set up of probability space, conditional probability and independence, various discrete and continuous random variables, properties of expectation, law of large numbers, and the central limit theorem (CLT).

We will cover the first eight chapters of the textbook.

Grading and Examination Policies 
25% of the grade will be based on quizzes and homework assignments, 40% on two midterm exams (20% each), and 35% on the final exam.

There is no fixed quotas of A’s, B’s etc., and the number of points needed for a particular grade is not fixed in advance. The grade cutoffs will be based on the instructor’s overall judgement according to: the students’ total points, and the difficulty of the exams.

The (one hour) midterm exams will be given in regular class time. The final exam will be comprehensive, with an emphasis on the materials covered after Midterm Exam 2. All exams are closed book . The exam problems will be in the same style as your homework problems. Calculators are allowed.

Homework problems will be assigned regularly in lectures. Weekly quizzes (except the first week, the last week, and the midterm exam weeks) will be given in Discussion classes. More details will be specified by the TA.

Feedback and Questions 
It is very useful to get feedback and questions, both inside and outside class. You are very welcome to visit me during my office hours. You can also make appointments to see me at other time.