Professor: Nathaniel Emerson
Telephone: (213) 740-3230
Office: KAP-406F
Office Hours: Monday, 2:00-2:50, Wednesday 10:30-11:30, and 2:00-2:50, or by appointment.
12:00 Class | 1:00 Class | |
Teaching Assistant | Zixiang Zhou | Benjamin Sionit | | | |
Discussion Locations | WPH-101 | KAP-145, KAP-113 |
Discussion Times | TuTh 2:00, 3:00 | TuTh 2:00, 3:00 |
Consulting Hours | TBD | TBD |
Textbook: Essential Calculus (2nd Ed.) by James Stewart [ISBN: 9781133112297]
Grades: Students will be graded on weekly classwork, homework, quizzes, two in-class exams, and a final exam.
Classwork (4%): There will be classwork for some classes and almost all Fridays due the following class day at midnight on Gradescope. It should be possible to complete most classwork during class. Students who do not attend a lecture are still responsible for completing the assigned classwork. Classwork will be accepted up to 24 hours late for a reduced grade. Each student’s lowest week of classwork will be dropped.
Homework (11%): Homework assignments will be due most Tuesdays (HW-A) and Thursdays (HW-B) at midnight on Gradescope. Discussion will usually be devoted to the homework due that day. Students are encouraged to collaborate and to seek help with homework. Homework assignments will be graded on two criteria: completeness (attempting every problem) and accuracy (of problems selected by the instructor). Homework will be accepted up to 24 hours late for a reduced grade. Each student’s lowest Tuesday score and lowest Thursday homework score will be dropped.
Quizzes (22%): Any Thursday when a homework assignment is due, there will be a quiz on all of that week’s homework. Quizzes will be given for the last 10 minutes of discussion. No notes or calculators are permitted on quizzes. No collaboration is permitted on quizzes. Each student’s lowest quiz score will be dropped.
Exams (32%): There will be in-class exams on Friday, February 21 and Friday, April 4. No collaboration during the exam is permitted. No calculators, or other electronic devices, are allowed. No notes are allowed, but a limited number of formulas will be provided.
Final Exam (31%): The final exam will be given on Wednesday, May 14 from 8-10 AM. Note that this is an exceptional time. A strictly enforced USC policy prevents any student from taking the final exam prior to the scheduled date. No collaboration during the exam is permitted. No calculators, or other electronic devices, are allowed. No notes are allowed, but a limited number of formulas will be provided.
Regrade Requests: All regrade requests must be submitted through Gradescope. All such requests should include a detailed description of the reason for the request. Regrade requests for classwork, homework and quizzes, must be submitted within one week of the score being posted to Brightspace Regrade requests for exams must be submitted within two weeks of the score being posted to Brightspace Regrade requests for the Final Exam will be accepted for at least 24 hours after the scores are posted to Brightspace.
Behavior: Students must strive to create a friendly academic atmosphere in the classroom. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. Since making mistakes is a normal part of the mathematical learning process, students are not permitted to make disparaging or hostile comments at any time. The use of cell phones during class or discussion is disruptive behavior and will not be tolerated.
Health Policy: All students must abide by the current USC in-class health policy. Failure to do so may result in removal from the class and referral to Student Judicial Affairs and Community Standards.
Goals: Students should acquire a working knowledge of the fundamentals of Calculus: limits, derivatives, and integrals. They should be able to apply these techniques to a variety of problems.
Recording Notice. All lectures, discussions, and office hours may be recorded at the discretion of the instructor. These recording will be made available to the class through Brightspace.
Sharing of course materials outside of the learning environment. Distribution or use of notes or recordings based on university classes or lectures without the express permission of the instructor for purposes other than individual or group study is a violation of the USC Student Conduct Code. This includes, but is not limited to, providing materials for distribution by services publishing class notes. This restriction on unauthorized use also applies to all information, which had been distributed to students or in any way had been displayed for use in relationship to the class, whether obtained in class, via email, on the Internet or via any other media.
Zoom Etiquette.
Before each class or discussion log into your USC Brightspace account. If you are not logged in, your entry into the meeting may be delayed. If you are in the Zoom Waiting Room, please open Chat. The meeting moderator may not check email during a meeting, so chat is the best way to communicate if there is an issue with joining the meeting.
During class you should be muted at all times unless you have been called on. If you have a question, use the raise hand function (under the Participants tab) and wait to be called on before speaking. When your microphone is not muted, be mindful of background noise; avoid activities that could create additional noise, such as shuffling papers.
You are encouraged to participate in class. You can use that Chat feature to ask questions or make comments. Please consider whether your question or comment is appropriate for the entire class or should be sent privately to the moderator. You may be asked to respond in various ways: there are buttons for thumbs up/down, yes/no, go faster/slower. Offensive chat will not be tolerated.
Dring most classes/discussion, you may turn your video on or off as desired. If your video is on, please be sure your attired and any background you may use is appropriate for an academic setting. All students must turn on video during exams.
Breakout Rooms. We will work in small groups on Zoom in breakout rooms. The etiquette for breakout rooms is slightly different. You should be unmuted in a breakout room, so you can participate in the conversation. Students are encouraged, but not required, to tun on video in breakout rooms. In a breakout room, you should only chat with other students in that room or the moderator.
Zoom Profile. You can choose your screen name and upload a profile picture in your Zoom Profile. Appropriate screen names include your full name, first name or nickname and last initial, first name or nickname. Avoid using your full email address. For example, Thomas Trojan, Tommy Trojan, Tommy T, Tommy.
Statement on Academic Conduct and Support Systems
Academic Conduct:
Plagiarism – presenting someone else’s ideas as your own, either verbatim or recast in your own words – is a serious academic offense with serious consequences. Please familiarize yourself with the discussion of plagiarism in SCampus in Part B, Section 11, “Behavior Violating University Standards” Other forms of academic dishonesty are equally unacceptable. See additional information in SCampus and university policies on scientific misconduct,
Support Systems:
Counseling and Mental Health – (213) 740-9355 – 24/7 on call
Free and confidential mental health treatment for students, including short-term psychotherapy, group counseling, stress fitness workshops, and crisis intervention.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline – 1 (800) 273-8255 – 24/7 on call
Free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Relationship and Sexual Violence Prevention Services (RSVP) – (213) 740-9355(WELL), press “0” after hours – 24/7 on call
Free and confidential therapy services, workshops, and training for situations related to gender-based harm.
Office of Equity and Diversity (OED) – (213) 740-5086 | Title IX – (213) 821-8298,
Information about how to get help or help someone affected by harassment or discrimination, rights of protected classes, reporting options, and additional resources for students, faculty, staff, visitors, and applicants.
Reporting Incidents of Bias or Harassment – (213) 740-5086 or (213) 821-8298
Avenue to report incidents of bias, hate crimes, and microaggressions to the Office of Equity and Diversity |Title IX for appropriate investigation, supportive measures, and response.
Office of Student Accessibility Services (OSAS) – (213) 740-0776
Support and accommodations for students with disabilities. Services include assistance in providing readers/notetakers/interpreters, special accommodations for test taking needs, assistance with architectural barriers, assistive technology, and support for individual needs.
USC Campus Support and Intervention – (213) 821-4710
Assists students and families in resolving complex personal, financial, and academic issues adversely affecting their success as a student.
Diversity at USC – (213) 740-2101
Information on events, programs and training, the Provost’s Diversity and Inclusion Council, Diversity Liaisons for each academic school, chronology, participation, and various resources for students.
USC Emergency – UPC: (213) 740-4321, HSC: (323) 442-1000 – 24/7 on call,
Emergency assistance and avenue to report a crime. Latest updates regarding safety, including ways in which instruction will be continued if an officially declared emergency makes travel to campus infeasible.
USC Department of Public Safety – UPC: (213) 740-6000, HSC: (323) 442-120 – 24/7 on call
Non-emergency assistance or information.