
I am a 6th year graduate student working under the advisement of Dr. Anthony Piro as a USC- Carnegie Fellow. My research focuses on analytically and numerically modeling various types of core-collapse supernovae with the goal of connecting observable features of an explosion to properties of the progenitor star. This will aid in our understanding of the late stages of stellar evolution. I am interested in understanding the strange things massive stars do before they die, such as increased stellar winds, explosive outburts, and interactions with companion stars. 


  • B.S. Physics, University of South Carolina, 2018
  • Summary Statement of Research Interests

    I am a sixth year PhD candidate conducting research at Carnegie Observatories under the advisement of Dr. Anthony Piro as a USC-Carnegie Fellow. My work focuses on semi-analytic and numerical modeling of various types of core-collapse supernovae with the goal of connecting observable features of an explosion to properties of the progenitor star. This aids our understanding of the violent, complicated late stages of stellar evolution. My research in this area can be divided into my studies of the impact of circumstellar material on the shock breakout signal and shock cooling emission, and my work modeling stripped envelope supernovae to characterize the mass distribution of their progenitors. I am excited to continue exploring the field of astrophysical transients.

    Research Keywords

    Astronomy, Astrophysics, Supernova, high energy astrophysics, transients

    • Center for Excellence in Teaching – Future Faculty Institute, 2021-2022
    • Women in Science and Engineering Merit Award ,
    • Center for Excellence in Teaching – Future Faculty Institute Certificate,
    • MESA Summer School Certificate ,