These resources are curated to provide the Dornsife community with a place to learn and be curious. These studies and publications are meant to spark self-reflection, conversation, and connection around shared interests. Managers, directors, and faculty can utilize these to start reading groups with their teams. Students and scholars can use this library as a resource for research.
If you have any questions about these resources, please contact Quade French.
This guidance is designed for any instructor (faculty, postdoc, grad student) to utilize in their approach to teaching. The guidance contains text (in blue) that instructors can copy and paste, and tailor to their own voice to help them establish a foundation for effective academic dialogue, and then most importantly, manage conversations in the moment.
If you have any questions about implementation or for a tailored consultation for you and your classes, please contact Quade French, Ph.D. (qfrench (at)
This list reflects research in the areas of intergroup dialogue and associated areas of interest including dialogue about race, higher education, and inclusion. Key texts are in bold.
- Araya & Ekehammar (2009). When tolerance leads to intolerance: Accessibility effects on social judgment
- Association for Undergraduate Education at Research Universities (2022). The Boyer 2030 Commission.
- Bargh, (2006). What have we been priming all these years? On the development, mechanisms, and ecology of nonconscious social behavior
- Crisp & Turner (2009). Can Imagined Interactions Produce Positive Perceptions? Reducing Prejudice Through Simulated Social Contact
- David (2007). Equity and diversity: towards a sociology of higher education for the twenty‐first century?
- Davis et al. (2011). Psychological Distance and Emotional Experience: What You See Is What You Get
- Dessel et al. (2006). Using Intergroup Dialogue to Promote Social Justice and Change
- Frantell et al. (2019). Intergroup Dialogue: A Review of Recent Empirical Research and Its Implications for Research and Practice
- Genero et al. (1992). Measuring Perceived Mutuality in Close Relationships: Validation of the Mutual Psychological Development Questionnaire
- Gibbs et al. (2014). Biomedical Science Ph.D. Career Interest Patterns by Race/Ethnicity and Gender
- Gibbs et al. Decoupling of the minority PhD talent pool and assistant professor hiring in medical school basic science departments in the US
- Hewstone et al. (2004). Intergroup Contact in a Divided Society: Challenging Segregation in Northern Ireland
- Higgins (1997). Beyond Pleasure and Pain
- Hilliard & Liben (2010). Differing Levels of Gender Salience in Preschool Classrooms: Effects on Children’s Gender Attitudes and Intergroup Bias
- Hurtado et al. (2012). A Model for Diverse Learning Environments
- Hurtado et al. (2015). Thinking About Race: The Salience of Racial Identity at Two- and Four-Year Colleges and the Climate for Diversity
- Moskowitz et al. (1999). Preconscious Control of Stereotype Activation Through Chronic Egalitarian Goals
- Pettigrew (1998). Intergroup Contact Theory
- Pettigrew & Tropp (2006). A Meta-Analytic Test of Intergroup Contact Theory
- Pettigrew & Tropp (2008). How does intergroup contact reduce prejudice? Meta-analytic tests of three mediators
- Plant & Devine (1998). Internal and External Motivation to Respond Without Prejudice
- Plant & Devine (2001). Responses to Other-Imposed Pro-Black Pressure: Acceptance or Backlash?
- Rodriguez et al. (2018). Engaging race and racism for socially just intergroup relations: The impact of intergroup dialogue on college campuses in the US
- Smith & Shonfeld (2000). The benefits of diversity: what the research tells us
- Sorenson (2009). Taking a “Hands On” Approach to Diversity in Higher Education: A Critical-Dialogic Model for Effective Intergroup Interaction
- Stephan & Stephan (2005). Intergroup Relations Program Evaluation
- Steyn & Vanyoro (2023). Critical Diversity Literacy: A framework for multicultural citizenship education
- Style & Powell (1995). In Our Own Hands: Diversity Literacy
- Tatum (2019). Together and Alone? The Challenge of Talking about Racism on Campus
- Tetlock et al. (2013). Accountability and ideology: When left looks right and right looks left
- Tropp & Wright (2001). Ingroup Identification as the Inclusion of Ingroup in the Self
- Van Boven et al. (2010). Feeling Close: Emotional Intensity Reduces Perceived Psychological Distance
- Vezzali et al., (2016). Improving Intergroup Relations with Extended Contact among Young Children
- Wojcieszak & Warner (2020). Can Interparty Contact Reduce Affective Polarization? A Systematic Test of Different Forms of Intergroup Contact
- Wright et al. (1997). The Extended Contact Effect: Knowledge of Cross-Group Friendships and Prejudice
- Zuniga (2007). Intergroup Dialogue in Higher Education: Definition, Origins, and Practices
- Zuniga & Nagda (2001). Design considerations in intergroup dialogue
This list reflects research in the areas of well-being. Key texts are in bold.
- Diener (1984). Subjective well-being.
- Diener & Seligman (2004). Beyond Money: Toward an Economy of Well-being
- Jarden & Roache (2023). What is Wellbeing?
- Keyes (1998). Social Well-being
- Khaneman & Krueger (2006). Developments in the measurement of subjective well-being
- Lambert et al. (2020). Towards a greater global understanding of wellbeing: a proposal for a more inclusive measure
- Ruggeri et al., (2020). Well-being is more than happiness and life satisfaction: a multidimensional analysis of 21 countries
- Ryff & Keyes (1995). The structure of psychological well-being revisited.
- Tov (2018). Well-being concepts and components.
- White, Sepulveda, Patterson (2021). Understanding the wellbeing of LGBTIQ+ populations
This list reflects research in the areas of well-being and mental health in higher education specifically. Key texts are in bold.
- Clabaugh et al., (2021). Academic Stress and Emotional Well-Being in United States College Students Following Onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Hernandez-Torrano et al., (2020). Mental Health and Well-Being of University Students: A Bibliometric Mapping of the Literature
- Keeling (2014). An ethic of care in higher education: Well-being and learning
- Russell & Topham (2012). The impact of social anxiety on student learning and well-being in higher education
- Stratton & Miller-Perrin (2023). Mentoring, Life Purpose, and Well-Being in First-Generation College Students: Impact of Life Purpose Mentoring by Faculty
- Travia et al., (2020). Framing well-being in a college campus setting
- Trolian et al., (2020). Well-being and student–faculty interactions in higher education
This list reflects research and writing in the areas of leadership and academic leadership including associated areas of conflict management, communication, and inclusive practices. Key texts are in bold.
- Adichie (2014). We Should All be Feminists
- Buckingham & Coffman (1999). First, Break All The Rules
- Buller (2012). The essential department chair.
- Buller (2013). Positive academic leadership: How to stop putting out fires and start making a difference
- Dettmar (2022). How to chair a department
- Frankl (1946). Man’s Search for Meaning
- Gillman & Chemerinsky (2017). Free Speech on Campus
- Grenny et al, (2002). Crucial Conversations: Tools For Talking When The Stakes Are High
- Haidt (2012). The Righteous Mind
- Kezar (2018). How colleges change: Understanding, leading, and enacting change
- Klaus (2008). The hard truth about soft skills: Workplace lessons smart people wished they’d learned sooner
- Lencioni (2002). Five Dysfunctions of a Team
- Ripley (2021). High Conflict
- Ross (2019). The Empathy Edge
- Tatum (1997). Why Are All The Black Kids Sitting Together In The Cafeteria?
- Ury (1991). Getting Past No