Armenia's defense minister David Tonoyan visits Syunik region over the weekend. Official photo

Armenia’s defense minister David Tonoyan visits Syunik region over the weekend. Official photo

War Update for October 26, 2020

ByEmil Sanamyan

Turkish-backed Azerbaijani forces continued to shell civilian areas and attempted to continue to advance in the south of Karabakh, after yet another cease-fire agreed by Armenian and Azerbaijani foreign ministers – this time with U.S. mediation – remained on paper. In his public remarks Azerbaijan’s Ilham Aliyev appeared unencumbered by the agreement signed by his foreign minister.

The Artsakh Defense Army reported resumption of shelling about forty-five minutes after eight in the morning, when the cease-fire was supposed to start. The attacks were primarily in Karabakh’s south, with air defenses activated in Stepanakert and Goris, in the Republic of Armenia proper as well. According to official reports at least two civilians were killed, and others wounded by shelling in Martuni and Askeran districts.