Stand Out

Sustainability: Human Factors


Effective technology is available to move the needle on sustainability. The challenge is to implement these solutions quickly and at scale. 

That’s why USC Dornsife is thinking differently. Our researchers explore how to overcome the economic, political, and psychological challenges that stand in the way of a sustainable future.

Students share what makes USC Dornsife exceptional.

Students share what makes USC Dornsife exceptional.

Illustration of a person walking amid pink, red, orange and yellow clouds.
USC Dornsife Magazine

A Common Early Sign of Alzheimer’s Disease Is Alarmingly Underdiagnosed

In the race to defeat dementia, physicists, biological scientists and psychologists are finding surprising clues to understanding the drivers of the disease and how to prevent and treat it.

USC Dornsife News

Curiosity at Work

Stand Out, Together

At USC Dornsife you’ll study the things you love the most. You’ll explore ideas that you’ve never thought about before. You’ll learn how to make sense of the world from all different angles. And, as part of our community, you will help to define a dynamic academic environment focused on improving lives and the world around us.

Meet the Students

A Brighter Future Isabella Pangilinan Environmental Studies major
The Power of “And” Joshua Senior Biological Sciences major, East Asian Languages and Cultures minor
A Trojan Family Like No Other Victoria Quon-Chow Human Biology major, Nutrition and Health Promotion minor

A Brighter Future

Isabella Pangilinan Environmental Studies major

USC Dornsife student Isabella Pangilinan is passionate about finding solutions to some of our world’s most pressing challenges like climate change and social and economic inequity. The multidisciplinary courses offered through her major are preparing her for a career in environmental law.

The Power of “And”

Joshua Senior Biological Sciences major, East Asian Languages and Cultures minor

USC Dornsife student Joshua Senior is studying to become a neurosurgeon. He explains how his liberal arts education at USC Dornsife prepares him for his career goals – and for life.

A Trojan Family Like No Other

Victoria Quon-Chow Human Biology major, Nutrition and Health Promotion minor

As a student at USC Dornsife, Victoria Quon-Chow is bouyed by the support of the Trojan Family as she prepares to become a doctor.

News and Events

The USC-Cerritos College Summer Research Internship in Sustainability at USC Dornsife opens academic and career pathways for aspiring science majors.

Sep 9
11:00 am – 2:00 pm Hahn Plaza Join USC safety departments for interactive demos, activities and giveaways to help you stay safe and be ready for anything. More details to come.

USC Dornsife

We’re cheering for you, Trojans! Hope your first weeks of class are going great.

#USCDornsife #UniversityofSouthernCalifornia #FightOn

A band playing trumpets