
Beneath our very feet — and below the vast oceans — the past lies preserved, waiting for its dormant wisdom to be unearthed once again. As USC Dornsife researchers explore ancient fossils and artifacts, they look to this immortalized record of what once was to understand the future and how we can act to ensure we remain a part of it.


A sea urchin fossil found by a USC team had been buried in a rock formation that dates back nearly 270 million years — 10 million years earlier than previous specimens.


USC Dornsife expert in paleontology and paleogenomics finds tiny sponge fossil that predates the Cambrian explosion, calling into question a long-standing evolutionary theory.


USC Dornsife paleontologist David Bottjer is awarded the 2014 Moore Medal for Excellence in Paleontology by the Society for Sedimentary Geology (SEPM).


USC Dornsife geologists contribute to a recent study that examines the rock record to find evidence that mass extinction events may have been caused by ocean acidification.


Faculty and graduate students from the USC College Department of Earth Sciences explore the cliffs of England to search for evidence of an ancient ocean crisis.