Apart from the Math Center, Mathematica is available on the machines in the ITS computer labs. USC faculty and students may now also download Mathematica onto their own machines from USC’s Information Technology Services (ITS).

The following is a list of resources available to help you navigate the software.

Math Department at USC

A Mathematica Crib Sheet
by R. E. Bruck, Jr.
A quick reference guide showing commands, functions and syntax.

Mathematica 1
by R.E. Bruck, Jr.
A Mathematica notebook that introduces Mathematica to first-time users.  Part I.

Mathematica 2
by R.E. Bruck, Jr.
A Mathematica notebook that introduces Mathematica to first-time users.  Part II.

USC’s Information Technology Services (ITS)

ITS has two online sources to help you navigate Mathematica; an introduction to Mathematica commands and frequently asked questions.

Wolfram Research

Wolfram is the company that produces Mathematica.  From Wolfram’s home page you can access all the other links below.  We have specifically included other links to highlight them, since they have proven useful to our users.