

The USC Section on Clinical Research in Aging and Psychology conducts research under the direction of Dr. Margaret Gatz that addresses mental health of older adults. Studies in the lab encompass age-related change in depressive symptoms, personality, and cognition; risk and protective factors for Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias; how families manage aging and dementia; and evaluations of the effects of interventions to treat mental disorder or to improve preventive health behavior.



  • All living members of the Swedish Twin Registry who screen positive for dementia are included in the Study of Dementia in Swedish Twins. Suspected dementia patients and their twin partners are given complete clinical workups and are followed longitudinally through autopsy. In addition, data are collected on medical and environmental risk factors. NIA Grant No. R01-AG08724.

    Principal investigator: Margaret Gatz; co-PI: Nancy Pedersen
    Email: gatz@usc.edu

  • Please visit the Consortium’s home page here.

  • We are interested in age differences in depressive and anxiety symptoms, correlates of depression in older adults, psychotherapy, and mental health policy.


    Depression and Mental Health Policy with Respect to Older Adults

    Petkus AJ, Beam CR, Johnson W, Kaprio J, Korhonen T, McGue M, Neiderhiser JM, Pedersen NL, Reynolds CA Gatz M for the IGEMS Consortium (2017). Gene–environment interplay in depressive symptoms: moderation by age, sex, and physical illness. Psychological Medicine, 47, 1836-1847. article

    Beam CR, Emery RE, Reynolds CA, Gatz M, Turkheimer E, Pedersen NL (2016). Widowhood and the stability of late life depressive symptomatology in the Swedish Adoption Twin Study of Aging. Behavior Genetics, 46, 100-113. article

    Karlsson IK, Bennet AM, Ploner A, Andersson T, Reynolds CA, Gatz M (2015). Apolipoprotein E ε4 genotype and the temporal relationship between depression and dementia. Neurobiology of Aging, 36, 151-1756. article

    Gregg J, Fiske A, Gatz M (2013). Physicians’ detection of late-life depression: The roles of dysphoria and cognitive impairment. Aging & Mental Health, 17, 1030-1036. article

    Serrano Selva JP, Latorre Postigo JM, Ros Segura L, Navarro Brav, B, Aguilar Córcoles MJ, Nieto López M, Ricarte Trives JJ, Gatz M (2012). Life review therapy using autobiographical retrieval practice for older adults with clinical depression. Psicothema, 24, 224-229. article

    Karel MJ, Gatz M, Smyer M (2012). Aging and mental health in the decade ahead: What psychologists need to know. American Psychologist, 67, 184-198. abstract

    Kendler KS, Gardner CO, Fiske A, Gatz M (2009). Major depression and coronary artery disease in the Swedish Twin Registry: Phenotypic, genetic, and environmental sources of comorbidity. Archives of General Psychiatry, 66, 857-863. article

    Brommelhoff JA, Gatz M, Johansson B, McArdle JJ, Fratiglioni L, Pedersen NL (2009). Depression as a risk factor or prodromal feature for dementia? Findings in a population-based sample of Swedish twins. Psychology and Aging, 24, 373-384. article

    Fiske A, Wetherell JL, Gatz M (2009). Depression in older adults. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 5, 363-389. article

    Kendler KS, Fiske A, Gardner CO, Gatz M (2009). Delineation of two genetic pathways to major depression. Biological Psychiatry, 65, 808-811. article

    Kendler KS, Gardner CO, Gatz M, Pedersen NL (2007). The sources of co-morbidity between major depression and generalized anxiety disorder in a Swedish national twin sample. Psychological Medicine, 37, 453-462. abstract

    Kendler KS, Gatz M, Gardner CO, Pedersen NL (2007). Clinical indices of familial depression in the Swedish Twin Registry. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 115, 214-220. article

    Serrano JP, Latorre JM, Gatz M (2007). Autobiographical memory in older adults with and without depressive symptoms. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 7, 41-57.

    Nuevo R, Mackintosh M-A, Gatz M, Montorio I, Wetherell JL (2007). A test of the measurement invariance of a brief version of the Penn State Worry Questionnaire between American and Spanish older adults. International Psychogeriatrics, 19, 89-104. abstract

    Kendler KS, Gatz M, Gardner CO, Pedersen NL (2006). Personality and major depression: A Swedish longitudinal population-based twin study. Archives of General Psychiatry, 63, 1113-1120. article

    Kendler KS, Gatz M, Gardner CO, Pedersen NL (2006). A Swedish national twin study of lifetime major depression. American Journal of Psychiatry, 163, 109-114. article

    Mackintosh M-A, Gatz M, Wetherell JL, Pedersen NL (2006). A twin study of lifetime Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) in older adults: Genetic and environmental influences shared by neuroticism and GAD. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 9, 30-37. abstract

    Kendler KS, Gatz M, Gardner CO, Pedersen NL (2005). Age at onset and familial risk for major depression in a Swedish national twin sample. Psychological Medicine, 35, 1573-1579. article

    Fiske A, Gatz M, Hannell E (2005). Rural suicide rates and availability of health care providers. Journal of Community Psychology, 33, 537-543. article

    Wetherell JL, Hopko DR, Diefenbach GJ, Averill PM, Beck JG, Craske MG, Gatz M, Novy DM, Stanley MA (2005). Cognitive-behavioral therapy for late life generalized anxiety disorder: Who gets better? Behavior Therapy, 36, 147-156. article

    Wetherell JL, Gatz M (2005). The Beck Anxiety Inventory in older adults with generalized anxiety disorder. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 27, 17-24. article

    Le Roux H, Wetherell JL, Gatz M (2005). Age of onset of generalized anxiety disorder in older adults. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 13, 23-30. abstract

    Svedberg P, Gatz M, Lichtenstein P, Sandin S, Pedersen NL (2005). Self-rated health in a longitudinal perspective: A 9-year follow-up twin study. Journals of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 60, S331-S340. abstract

    Wetherell JL, Thorp SR, Patterson TL, Golshan S, Jeste DV, Gatz M (2004). Quality of life in geriatric generalized anxiety disorder: a preliminary investigation. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 38, 305-312. article

    Jansson M, Gatz M, Berg S, Johansson B, Malmberg M, McClearn GE, et al (2004). Gender differences in heritability of depressive symptoms in the elderly. Psychological Medicine, 34, 471-479. abstract

    Wetherell JL, Le Roux H, Gatz M (2003). DSM-IV criteria for generalized anxiety disorder in older adults: Distinguishing the worried from the well. Psychology and Aging, 18, 622-627. abstract

    Reynolds CF III, Gatz M (2003). Research training in mental health and aging: The harvest is plentiful; the laborers, few. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 11, 267-270. abstract

    Fiske A, Gatz M, Pedersen NL (2003). Depressive symptoms and aging: The effects of illness and non-health related events. Journals of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 58B, P320-P328. article

    Jansson M, Gatz M, Berg S, Johansson B, Malmberg B, McClearn GE, Schalling M, Pedersen NL (2003). Association between depressed mood in the elderly and a 5-HTR2A gene variant. American Journal of Medical Genetics, 120B, 79-84. article

    Gatz M, Fiske A (2003). Aging women and depression. Professional Psychology 34, 3-9.

    Wetherell JL, Gatz M, Craske MG (2003). Treatment of generalized anxiety disorder in older adults. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 71, 31-40. abstract

    Gatz M, Crowe M, Fiske A, Fung W, Kelly C, Levy B, Maines M, Robinson G, Satre D, Serrano Selva JP, Suthers K, Watari K, Wetherell JL (2002). Promoting mental health in later life. In D. Glenwick & L. Jason (Eds.), Innovative strategies for promoting health and mental health (pp. 272-297). New York: Springer Publishing Company.

    Wetherell JL, Gatz M, Pedersen NL (2001). A longitudinal analysis of anxiety and depressive symptoms. Psychology and Aging, 16, 187-195. abstract

    Gatz M, Smyer MA (2001). Mental health and aging at the outset of the twenty-first century. In J.E. Birren & K.W. Schaie (Eds.) Handbook of the psychology of aging. (5th ed., pp. 523-544). Academic Press.

    Haynie D, Berg S, Johansson B, Gatz M, Zarit SH (2001). Symptoms of depression in the oldest old: A longitudinal study. Journals of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 56B, P111-P118. article

    Charles ST, Reynolds CA, Gatz M (2001). Age-related differences and change in positive and negative affect over twenty-three years. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 80, 136-151. abstract

    Wetherell JL, Gatz M (2001). Recruiting anxious older adults for a psychotherapy outcome study. Journal of Clinical Geropsychology, 7(1), 29-38.

    Kasl-Godley J, Gatz M (2000). Psychosocial interventions for individuals with dementia: An integration of theory, therapy, and a clinical understanding of dementia. Clinical Psychology Review, 20, 755-782. article

    Gatz M (2000). Variations on depression in later life. In S.H. Qualls & N. Abeles (Eds.) Psychology and the aging revolution (pp. 239-254). Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.

    Gatz M, Zarit SH (1999). A good old age: Paradox or possibility. In V.L. Bengtson, J.E. Ruth, & K.W. Schaie (Eds.). Theories of gerontology (pp. 396-416). New York: Springer.

    Charles ST, Gatz M, Pedersen NL (1999). Genetic and behavioral risk factors for self-reported joint pain among a population-based sample of Swedish twins. Health Psychology, 18, 1-11. abstract

    Konnert C, Gatz M, Hertzsprung E (1999) Preventive interventions for older adults. In M. Duffy (Ed.), Handbook of counseling and psychotherapy with older adults (pp. 314-334). New York: John Wiley.

    Zarit SH, Femia EE, Gatz M, Johansson B (1999). Prevalence, incidence, and correlates of depression in the oldest old: The OCTO study. Aging and Mental Health, 3, 119-128. abstract

    Fiske A, Kasl-Godley JE, Gatz M (1998). Mood disorders in late life. In A.S. Bellack & M. Hersen (Eds.), Comprehensive clinical psychology. (Vol. 7, pp. 193-229). Oxford: Pergamon.

    Kasl-Godley JE, Gatz M, Fiske A (1998). Depression and depressive symptoms in old age. In I.H. Nordhus, G.R. VandenBos, S. Berg, & P. Fromholt (Eds.), Clinical geropsychology (pp. 211-217). Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.

    Gatz M (1998). Towards a developmentally-informed theory of mental disorder in older adults. In J. Lomranz (Ed.), Handbook of aging and mental health (pp. 101-120). New York: Plenum.

    Gatz M, Knight BG (1998). Psychotherapy with older adults. In G.P. Koocher, J.C. Norcross, & S.S. Hill (Eds.), Psychologist’s desk reference (pp. 370-373). Oxford University Press.

    Gatz M, Fiske A, Fox LS, Kaskie B, Kasl-Godley JE, McCallum TJ, Wetherell JL (1998). Empirically-validated psychological treatments for older adults. Journal of Mental Health and Aging, 4, 9-46.

    Lichtenstein P, Gatz M, Berg S (1998). A twin study of mortality after spousal bereavement. Psychological Medicine, 28, 635-643. abstract

    Turk-Charles S, Gatz M, Meyerowitz BE (1997). Age differences in information-seeking among cancer patients. International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 45, 85-98 abstract

    Gatz M, Kasl-Godley JE, Karel MJ (1996). Aging and mental disorders. In J.E. Birren & K.W. Schaie (Eds.). Handbook of the psychology of aging, (4th ed., pp. 367-382). San Diego: Academic Press.

    Turk-Charles S, Rose T, Gatz M (1996). The significance of gender in the treatment of older adults. In L.L. Carstensen, B.A. Edelstein, & L. Dornbrand (Eds.), The practical handbook of clinical gerontology (pp. 107-128). Thousand Oaks CA: Sage.

    Lichtenstein P, Gatz M, Pedersen NL, Berg S, McClearn GE (1996). A co-twin–control study of response to widowhood. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 51B, P279-289. abstract

    Johansson B, Gatz M, Berg S, Pedersen N (1995). Heterogeneity of impairment in dementia: Data from the Study of Dementia in Swedish twins. In M. Bergener, J.C. Brocklehurst, & S.I. Finkel (Eds.), Aging, health, and healing (pp. 74-79). New York: Springer.

    Gatz M, Harris J, Turk-Charles S (1995). Older women and health. In A. L. Stanton & S. J. Gallant (Eds.), Psychology of women’s health: Progress and challenges in research and application (pp. 491-529). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

    Gatz M (Ed.) (1995). Emerging issues in mental health and aging. Washington DC: American Psychological Association.

    Gatz M (1994). Applications of assessment to therapy and interventions with older adults. In M.A. Storandt & G.R. VandenBos (Eds.). Neuropsychological assessment of dementia and depression in older adults: A clinician’s guide (pp. 155-176). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

    Gatz M, Johansson B, Berg S, Pedersen NL, Reynolds C (1993). A cross-national self-report measure of depressive symptomatology. International Psychogeriatrics, 5, 267-274. abstract

    Gatz M (1992) Stress, control, and psychological interventions. In. M. L. Wykle, E. Kahana, & J. Kowal (Eds.), Stress and health among the elderly. (pp. 209-222). New York: Springer.

    Knight BG, Kelly M, Gatz M (1992) Psychotherapy and the older adult: An historical review. In D. K. Freedheim (Ed.) History of psychotherapy: A century of change. (pp. 528-551). Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.

    Gatz M, Smyer M (1992). The mental health system and older adults in the 1990s. American Psychologist, 47, 741-751. abstract

    Gatz M, Smyer MA, Garfein A, Seward M (1991) Essentials of assessment in nursing homes. In M. Harper et al. (Eds.) Mental health assessment and long-term care. (pp. 293-309). Newbury Park, CA: SAGE.

    Gatz M, Karel M, Wolkenstein B (1991) Survey of providers of psychological services to older adults. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 22, 413-415.

    Gatz M, Bengtson VL, Blum M (1990) Caregiving families. In J. E. Birren & K. W. Schaie (Eds.) Handbook of the psychology of aging. (3rd ed., (pp. 404-426) San Diego: Academic Press.

    Gatz M, Hurwicz ML (1990) Are old people more depressed? Cross-sectional data on CES-D factors. Psychology and Aging, 5, 284-290. abstract

    Gatz M (1989) Clinical psychology and aging. In M. Storandt & G. R. VandenBos (Eds.) The adult years: Continuity and change. (pp. 79-114) Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

    Pearson C, Seward M, Gatz M (1989) Lifeline and other personal emergency response systems. In L. E. Miles (Ed.) Medical monitoring in the home and work environment. (pp. 317-328). Raven Press.

    Gatz M, Pearson CG (1988) Ageism revised and the provision of psychological services. American Psychologist, 43, 184-188. abstract

    Anthony-Bergstone CR, Zarit SH, Gatz M (1988) Symptoms of psychological distress among caregivers of dementia patients. Psychology and Aging, 3, 245-248. abstract

    Moran JA, Gatz M (1987) Group therapies for nursing home adults: An evaluation of two treatment approaches. Gerontologist, 27, 588-591. abstract

    Gatz M, Pedersen NL, Harris J (1987) Measurement characteristics of the mental health scale from the OARS. Journal of Gerontology, 42, 332-335. abstract

    Gatz M, Pearson CG (1986) Training clinical psychology students in aging. Gerontology and Geriatrics Education, 6, 15-25.

    Smyer MA, Gatz M (1986) Intervention research approaches. Research on Aging, 8, 536-558.

    Gatz M, Popkin SJ, Pino CD, VandenBos GR (1985) Psychological interventions with older adults. In J. E. Birren & K. W. Schaie (Eds.) Handbook of the psychology of aging (2nd ed., pp. 755-785) NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold.

    Gatz M, Eiler J, Pearson C, Gilewski M, Fuentes M, Zemansky M, Emery C, Dougherty L (1984) Evaluation of a personal emergency response system. In P. Robinson, J. Livingston, & J. E. Birren (Eds.) Aging and technological advances (pp. 411-424) NY: Plenum.

    Gatz M, Hileman C, Amaral P (1984) Older adult paraprofessionals: Working with and in behalf of older adults. Journal of Community Psychology, 12, 347-358.

    Gatz M, Pearson C, Fuentes M (1983) Older women and mental health. In A. U. Rickel, M. Gerrard, & I. Iscoe (Eds.) Social and psychological problems of women: Prevention and crisis intervention (pp. 273-299) NY: Hemisphere/McGraw-Hill.

    Smyer M, Gatz M (Eds.) (1983). Mental health and aging: Programs and evaluations. Beverly Hills CA: Sage.

    Pearson C, Gatz M (1982) Health and mental health in older adults: First steps in the study of a pedestrian complaint. Rehabilitation Psychology, 27, 37-50.

    Gatz M, Barbarin OA, Tyler FB, Mitchell RB, Moran JA, Wirzbicki PJ, Crawford J, Engelman A (1982) Enhancement of individual and community competence: The older adult as community worker. American Journal of Community Psychology, 10, 291-303. article

    Tyler FB, Moran JA, Gatz MJ, Gease EI (1982) Individual psychosocial competence and aging. Academic Psychology Bulletin, 4, 503- 514.

    Gatz M, Smyer MA, Lawton MP (1980) The mental health system and the older adult. In L. W. Poon (Ed.), Aging in the 1980s: Psychological issues (pp. 5-19) Washington DC: American Psychological Association.

    Levy SM, Derogatis LR, Gallagher D, Gatz M (1980) Intervention with older adults and the evaluation of outcome. In L. W. Poon (Ed.), Aging in the 1980s: Psychological issues (pp. 41-64) Washington DC: American Psychological Association.

    Smyer MA, Gatz M (1979) Aging and mental health: Business as usual? American Psychologist, 34, 240-246.

  • Buenos Hábitos Alimenticios Para Una Buena Salud (Good Eating Habits for Good Health)

    Buenos Hábitos Alimenticios Para Una Buena Salud (Good Eating Habits for Good Health) is class in good nutrition for a healthy heart and for a healthy brain designed as a series of eight lessons. Lessons 1 through 4 may be conducted in one two-hour workshop session and lessons 5 through 8 in a second two-hour workshop session. The facilitator manuals may be downloaded here, including the materials necessary for making posters and participant handouts. The class is available in both Spanish and English. Buenos Hábitos Alimenticios Para Una Buena Salud was developed by Dr. Poorni Otilingam. The development of the program was supported by NIH Grant No. P50 AG005142.

    Otilingam, P.G., Gatz, M., Tello, E., Escobar, A.J., Goldstein, A., Torres, M., & Varma, R. (2015). Buenos habitos alimenticios para una buena salud: Evaluation of a nutrition education program to improve heart health and brain health in Latinas. Journal of Aging and Health, 27, 177-192. article

    Otilingam, P., & Gatz, M. (2008). Development of a culturally-tailored heart + brain health-focused nutritional educational intervention: Buenos habitos alimenticios para una buena salud [Abstract]. Journal of Nutrition, Health, & Aging, 12, 425. abstract


    Good Eating Habits for Good Health

    Buenos Habitos Alimenticios Para Una Buena Salud


    Pretest Packet in English

    Alzheimer’s Disease Knowledge Scale

    The Alzheimer’s Disease Knowledge Scale is 30-item, true/false scale takes approximately 5–10 min to complete and covers risk factors, assessment and diagnosis, symptoms, course, life impact, caregiving, and treatment and management. It was developed by Washington University ADRC and USC ADRC.

    Carpenter, B.D., Balsis, S., Otilingam, P.G., Hanson, P.K., & Gatz, M. (2009). The Alzheimer’s Disease Knowledge Scale: Development and psychometric properties. Gerontologist, 49, 236-247. article


    Fotonovela on Dementia: Recuerdos Olvidados – Forgotten Memories

    A Fotonovela on dementia, Recuerdos Olvidados [Forgotten Memories], was developed by University of Southern California Alzheimer Disease Research Center in collaboration with USC’s School of Pharmacy. Each booklet includes both Spanish and English text. An audio-visual version is also available in Spanish and in English. The focus of the story is describing early signs of dementia and encouraging families to seek assessment and diagnosis.


    Recuerdos Olvidados

    Forgotten Memories



    Recuerdos Olvidados – Forgotten Memories Audio-visual links:


    “Forgotten Memories” – Full Version

    “Forgotten Memories” – Episode 1: ‘There’s Something Wrong with Memo’

    “Forgotten Memories” – Episode 2: ‘Why is Memo Acting Strange?’

    “Forgotten Memories” – Episode 3: ‘Memo Agrees to See a Doctor’




    “Recuerdos Olvidados” – Full Version

    “Recuerdos Olvidados” – 1er Episodio: ‘Hay Algo Mal Con Memo’

    “Recuerdos Olvidados” – 2o Episodio: ‘¿Por Qué Memo Está Actuando Extraño?’

    “Recuerdos Olvidados” – 3er Episodio: ‘Memo Acepta a Ver a un Médico’



    Support for the project was provided by the USC School of Pharmacy, Forest Laboratories Inc., University of Southern California Good Neighbor Campaign, the National Association of Chain Drugstores, the Good Neighbor Pharmacy, Pfizer Inc., USC Dornsife College, and National Institute on Aging Grant No. P50 AG005142.

  • The NAS-NRC WWII Twin Registry as a Scientific Resource

    Cohort Description:

    Gatz, M., Harris, J.R., Kaprio, J., McGue, M., Smith, N.L., Snieder, H., Spiro III, A., & Butler, D.A. (2014) Cohort profile: The National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council Twin Registry (NAS-NRC Twin Registry). International Journal of Epidemiology, 44, 819-25.PMCID: PMC4521123


  • Petkus AJ, Beam CR, Johnson W, Kaprio J, Korhonen T, McGue M, Neiderhiser JM, Pedersen NL, Reynolds CA Gatz M for the IGEMS Consortium (2017). Gene–environment interplay in depressive symptoms: moderation by age, sex, and physical illness. Psychological Medicine, 47, 1836-1847. article

    Beam CR, Emery RE, Reynolds CA, Gatz M, Turkheimer E, Pedersen NL (2016). Widowhood and the stability of late life depressive symptomatology in the Swedish Adoption Twin Study of Aging. Behavior Genetics, 46, 100-113. article

    Karlsson IK, Bennet AM, Ploner A, Andersson T, Reynolds CA, Gatz M (2015). Apolipoprotein E ε4 genotype and the temporal relationship between depression and dementia. Neurobiology of Aging, 36, 151-1756. article

    Gregg J, Fiske A, Gatz M (2013). Physicians’ detection of late-life depression: The roles of dysphoria and cognitive impairment. Aging & Mental Health, 17, 1030-1036. article

    Serrano Selva JP, Latorre Postigo JM, Ros Segura L, Navarro Brav, B, Aguilar Córcoles MJ, Nieto López M, Ricarte Trives JJ, Gatz M (2012). Life review therapy using autobiographical retrieval practice for older adults with clinical depression. Psicothema, 24, 224-229. article

    Karel MJ, Gatz M, Smyer M (2012). Aging and mental health in the decade ahead: What psychologists need to know. American Psychologist, 67, 184-198. abstract

    Kendler KS, Gardner CO, Fiske A, Gatz M (2009). Major depression and coronary artery disease in the Swedish Twin Registry: Phenotypic, genetic, and environmental sources of comorbidity. Archives of General Psychiatry, 66, 857-863. article

    Brommelhoff JA, Gatz M, Johansson B, McArdle JJ, Fratiglioni L, Pedersen NL (2009). Depression as a risk factor or prodromal feature for dementia? Findings in a population-based sample of Swedish twins. Psychology and Aging, 24, 373-384. article

    Fiske A, Wetherell JL, Gatz M (2009). Depression in older adults. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 5, 363-389. article

    Kendler KS, Fiske A, Gardner CO, Gatz M (2009). Delineation of two genetic pathways to major depression. Biological Psychiatry, 65, 808-811. article

    Kendler KS, Gardner CO, Gatz M, Pedersen NL (2007). The sources of co-morbidity between major depression and generalized anxiety disorder in a Swedish national twin sample. Psychological Medicine, 37, 453-462. abstract

    Kendler KS, Gatz M, Gardner CO, Pedersen NL (2007). Clinical indices of familial depression in the Swedish Twin Registry. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 115, 214-220. article

    Serrano JP, Latorre JM, Gatz M (2007). Autobiographical memory in older adults with and without depressive symptoms. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 7, 41-57.

    Nuevo R, Mackintosh M-A, Gatz M, Montorio I, Wetherell JL (2007). A test of the measurement invariance of a brief version of the Penn State Worry Questionnaire between American and Spanish older adults. International Psychogeriatrics, 19, 89-104. abstract

    Kendler KS, Gatz M, Gardner CO, Pedersen NL (2006). Personality and major depression: A Swedish longitudinal population-based twin study. Archives of General Psychiatry, 63, 1113-1120. article

    Kendler KS, Gatz M, Gardner CO, Pedersen NL (2006). A Swedish national twin study of lifetime major depression. American Journal of Psychiatry, 163, 109-114. article

    Mackintosh M-A, Gatz M, Wetherell JL, Pedersen NL (2006). A twin study of lifetime Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) in older adults: Genetic and environmental influences shared by neuroticism and GAD. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 9, 30-37. abstract

    Kendler KS, Gatz M, Gardner CO, Pedersen NL (2005). Age at onset and familial risk for major depression in a Swedish national twin sample. Psychological Medicine, 35, 1573-1579. article

    Fiske A, Gatz M, Hannell E (2005). Rural suicide rates and availability of health care providers. Journal of Community Psychology, 33, 537-543. article

    Wetherell JL, Hopko DR, Diefenbach GJ, Averill PM, Beck JG, Craske MG, Gatz M, Novy DM, Stanley MA (2005). Cognitive-behavioral therapy for late life generalized anxiety disorder: Who gets better? Behavior Therapy, 36, 147-156. article

    Wetherell JL, Gatz M (2005). The Beck Anxiety Inventory in older adults with generalized anxiety disorder. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 27, 17-24. article

    Le Roux H, Wetherell JL, Gatz M (2005). Age of onset of generalized anxiety disorder in older adults. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 13, 23-30. abstract

    Svedberg P, Gatz M, Lichtenstein P, Sandin S, Pedersen NL (2005). Self-rated health in a longitudinal perspective: A 9-year follow-up twin study. Journals of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 60, S331-S340. abstract

    Wetherell JL, Thorp SR, Patterson TL, Golshan S, Jeste DV, Gatz M (2004). Quality of life in geriatric generalized anxiety disorder: a preliminary investigation. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 38, 305-312. article

    Jansson M, Gatz M, Berg S, Johansson B, Malmberg M, McClearn GE, et al (2004). Gender differences in heritability of depressive symptoms in the elderly. Psychological Medicine, 34, 471-479. abstract

    Wetherell JL, Le Roux H, Gatz M (2003). DSM-IV criteria for generalized anxiety disorder in older adults: Distinguishing the worried from the well. Psychology and Aging, 18, 622-627. abstract

    Reynolds CF III, Gatz M (2003). Research training in mental health and aging: The harvest is plentiful; the laborers, few. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 11, 267-270. abstract

    Fiske A, Gatz M, Pedersen NL (2003). Depressive symptoms and aging: The effects of illness and non-health related events. Journals of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 58B, P320-P328. article

    Jansson M, Gatz M, Berg S, Johansson B, Malmberg B, McClearn GE, Schalling M, Pedersen NL (2003). Association between depressed mood in the elderly and a 5-HTR2A gene variant. American Journal of Medical Genetics, 120B, 79-84. article

    Gatz M, Fiske A (2003). Aging women and depression. Professional Psychology 34, 3-9.

    Wetherell JL, Gatz M, Craske MG (2003). Treatment of generalized anxiety disorder in older adults. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 71, 31-40. abstract

    Gatz M, Crowe M, Fiske A, Fung W, Kelly C, Levy B, Maines M, Robinson G, Satre D, Serrano Selva JP, Suthers K, Watari K, Wetherell JL (2002). Promoting mental health in later life. In D. Glenwick & L. Jason (Eds.), Innovative strategies for promoting health and mental health (pp. 272-297). New York: Springer Publishing Company.

    Wetherell JL, Gatz M, Pedersen NL (2001). A longitudinal analysis of anxiety and depressive symptoms. Psychology and Aging, 16, 187-195. abstract

    Gatz M, Smyer MA (2001). Mental health and aging at the outset of the twenty-first century. In J.E. Birren & K.W. Schaie (Eds.) Handbook of the psychology of aging. (5th ed., pp. 523-544). Academic Press.

    Haynie D, Berg S, Johansson B, Gatz M, Zarit SH (2001). Symptoms of depression in the oldest old: A longitudinal study. Journals of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 56B, P111-P118. article

    Charles ST, Reynolds CA, Gatz M (2001). Age-related differences and change in positive and negative affect over twenty-three years. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 80, 136-151. abstract

    Wetherell JL, Gatz M (2001). Recruiting anxious older adults for a psychotherapy outcome study. Journal of Clinical Geropsychology, 7(1), 29-38.

    Kasl-Godley J, Gatz M (2000). Psychosocial interventions for individuals with dementia: An integration of theory, therapy, and a clinical understanding of dementia. Clinical Psychology Review, 20, 755-782. article

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    Tyler FB, Moran JA, Gatz MJ, Gease EI (1982) Individual psychosocial competence and aging. Academic Psychology Bulletin, 4, 503- 514.

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    Levy SM, Derogatis LR, Gallagher D, Gatz M (1980) Intervention with older adults and the evaluation of outcome. In L. W. Poon (Ed.), Aging in the 1980s: Psychological issues (pp. 41-64) Washington DC: American Psychological Association.

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Assistant Professor of Psychology and Gerontology


Christopher Beam received his Ph.D. in clinical psychology from the University of Virginia in August 2015. As a member of the Interplay of Genes and Environments across Multiple Studies (IGEMS) group, the primary aim of his research is to elucidate the genetic and environmental processes underlying the development of depressive symptomatology and dementia in older adults. His current research projects include: 1) Testing whether the heritability of depressive symptoms changes over the course of bereavement; 2) Testing for sex differences in the genetic and environmental influences of the onset of dementia.

Barbara Yuen, B.A.

Administrative Assistant II


Barbara’s role at USC is to manage the administrative and financial aspects for Dr. Margaret Gatz’ research within the Section on Clinical Research in Aging and Psychology (SCRAP).

A few of the more interesting aspects of her job include SCRAP website management; co-ordination of grant research with multiple universities across the U.S. and in Sweden; preparing documents for archived data; doing background research related to the grants such as harmonizing the coding schemes and conducting literature searches; and arranging bi-annual off-site meetings.

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Department of Psychology
Dana and David Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
University of Southern California